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Thread: Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A

  1. #241
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Do I speak Chinese? I made it clear that I think we should have won. I also made it clear that I would have accepted a proper verdict. And I clearly stated that I would have EVEN accepted defeat on the basis of this excuse for a verdict IF I would remotely think that we were inferior. But that's not the case. Is that understandable?

    No leader would accept this crap.

    And I will not even start to comment on your polemics. Let me instead quote someone else. I'll censor some parts.
    Quote Originally Posted by one participant
    Anomaly is a ***.

    First Toph says The Masters won. Then Toph says noone won. Then Toph says that his original verdict is crap and based on mininterpretations, but that he will stick to it anyway. Yet the *** still claims to have won honourably and commends Toph sticking to his guns no matter how shitty they may be.
    Everything is said and done. I demand a proper verdict.

  2. #242
    Synthesized Ascension Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Zardoch's Avatar
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    I'm sorry Toro, but this is just sad. Toph isn't gonna be backing down from his decision from what I've read so honestly you're all just huffing and puffing. It's becoming childish that shames even me. I'm sorry you can't handle a loss whether it was "right" or not.

  3. #243
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    So you shut us down already. And on my accord?? You didn't even have the balls to do it on your own accord.
    Ok, you pitiable excuse for a judge, shove this up your ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly
    honestly I think a lot of things would have to change on this board before a war would be a truly viable thing
    That's the point. It was a mistake to trust anyone here at all. Perhaps I should have known better.

    I'm done here.

  4. #244
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A ToroMor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuujin View Post
    I'm sorry Toro, but this is just sad. Toph isn't gonna be backing down from his decision from what I've read so honestly you're all just huffing and puffing. It's becoming childish that shames even me. I'm sorry you can't handle a loss whether it was "right" or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly
    Quote Originally Posted by ToroMor
    Hail Anomaly!

    I just want to get one thing clear. It was my decision alone to object the "verdict", not the Brotherhood's. So you call me a dishonorable eunuch. I'm not sure if this is serious or rhetorical. Anyway, I'm going to explain my stance to you in this private note.
    It's not really serious. It's meant as an attention grabber. You know all about that kind of thing.

    First, Toph voted in your favor. I did not complain at all, although I clearly saw that the judgment was crap. And although Toph wrote in his "verdict" that a tie-break was possible (which was contradictory). That alone would have sufficed to seriously question the "verdict". But I did not.
    Same on my side of the fence really, though everything was pretty confusing since most of my inforamtion was coming from second and third parties.

    Second, Toph changed his mind and stated that it was a draw. I thought, after all, this would perhaps be the best for both sides because no one was glad with the crappy excuse for a judgement.
    Same, except I was pissed off that we'd have to devote more time to something I essentially feel is over and has been over since October.

    Third. Believe it or not, at the very time that I was writing my confirmation about the tie-break matches, Toph changed his mind again. Just "to get over with it".
    That sucks...baddly, and I sympathize with you for it. It's kind of how I feel because I heard it was going to be a draw when I was writing up my acceptance speech for the victory.

    This is clearly unrightful. We have all the right in the world to appeal against this "judgement". I would not hesitate to accept doom, if delivered on the basis of something, anything that could remotely be called a judgement. But this absurdity is clearly out of the line.

    So. No one of the Brotherhood of Doom was ever saying that he/she would not accept the judgement. They were all waiting for my comment.
    Yes, you have every right to appeal, just as if the roles were reversed, you'd have every right to say we were cowards for appealing. It's clan politics, pure and simple, and with our clans mutually on the line, no I don't really fault your words or actions and I hope you don't fault my own.

    We do what we must to preserve our followers...and its obvious that this has moved onto being between you and I as leaders as only the most brazen and outspoken of our number have attempted to swing the judgement by their own accord.

    It was a tough decision though. My pride as a warrior was conflicting with my obvious reaction as a leader. In my place, at that moment, would you have accepted destruction on the basis of such a farce? I could not. And I never would.

    I was hoping that the Masters had enough pride and honor to take the hand that I was offering them with the proposal of a mutually declared draw.

    That's all I wanted to say. If you still think this is dishonorable, we're done.
    Neither of us are entirely happy ToroMor. I'd say maybe we'd have better luck next time, but honestly I think a lot of things would have to change on this board before a war would be a truly viable thing.

    We're not going to get the kind of results we want, no matter what we do now. I could grant you mercy and kick myself later regardless of the results for taking such a risk out of nothing but my own vain sense of honor.
    I could simply stick to my own decision and accept that you will fight against it. Really whatever results from that I'd have no right to complain.
    Or you could accept your defeat and vow revenge.

    At the moment though, we're not even at a stalemate. We're still warring...and it remains to be seen who, if anyone, will be the victor in this situation.
    So much for that.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    After putting seven months of my spare time into this war, I am expected to swallow this crap? Never. I am leaving TFF out of protest against this bullshit.
    I am sorry for all the participants. It is because of you and our great battle that I have tried so hard to bring this to a befitting end. But I can't take this crap from Toph (and initially, LocoColt) any more.
    To those who think that I am just unable to lose: think whatever you want, I don't care any more.


  5. #245
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    ...*sigh* why do you have to drag private matters into this as well?
    I already said I understand your upset, but your starting to act out of desperation now and I don't like to see it. I don't like to see the person who gets to kill my perfect incarnation sniffling like this. Take a page from Bryan's book. There will be other battles.

    But if you really must leave out of protest, at least kill my character before you go. I wouldn't feel right about this if you didn't take that measure of retribution from me.

    Like it or not, we are in the closing stages everyone.

    If you have a kill post to write, I suggest that you do so now. If you do not write one, I assume the characters will still be regarded as 'dead' but their owners will be able to decide how for themselves.

    Once you have a Kill post prepared, IM Toph so that she can unlock the thread (or perhaps easier, she can post the kill herself into the locked thread.)

    As for the Annihilation post, since Colt is not here to write it up the intro, I'll handle the entire thing, unless Toph feels like devoting more of her own time to this. I will take into account all Kill Posts and try to give a comprehensive description of the battles outcome before writing the fall of the Brotherhood.

    I will be doing this no later than March first, regardless of the amount of kill post that are posted. If thats not a good time frame, speak up now, I'm easy...but I will be wrapping this all up soon.
    Last edited by Anomaly; 02-23-2008 at 01:23 AM.

  6. #246
    Magically Delicous Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Merlin's Avatar
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    I really fail to see the logic in leaving a forum because you're upset with one or two people. I think BoD members should understand that more than anyone. How much shit did they put me through over the years? If its not one group its some other group, or individual trying to start something with me when I was a staff member. Do I take offense at it or take it personally? Nah. You don't know me. No matter what you say about me, its irrelevant. Its part of internet life. There's people you don't like everywhere. I have better things to do than stress myself out over something someone said to me on a forum. But thats just my two cents. ^_^

    EDIT: In other news, has anyone bothered to contact Cesar since he got back? Toph was only made the judge because Fuzz couldn't get a hold of Cesar. He's the one you all wanted to judge it originally. If you talk it over with him in a calm manner, he'd probably work with you all on it.
    Last edited by Merlin; 02-23-2008 at 01:19 AM.

  7. #247
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToroMor View Post
    Do I speak Chinese? I made it clear that I think we should have won. I also made it clear that I would have accepted a proper verdict. And I clearly stated that I would have EVEN accepted defeat on the basis of this excuse for a verdict IF I would remotely think that we were inferior. But that's not the case. Is that understandable?

    Everything is said and done. I demand a proper verdict.
    No offense, but you basically just said you're not going to accept anything other than BoD wins, because it's your firm belief that you should have won. No verdicts will be proper until it's said BoD wins - for whatever reason.

    I can understand if you complain you should have won. I can understand saying the way judging was done was ****ed up. I cannot understand someone being pissy being pissy, and saying they'll continue to do so, because they didn't win and MUST win.

    On the other hand, if you just got tossed a win, would you honestly give a shot at losing it, for no reason other than to give the other team a shot at "stealing" your victory?

  8. #248
    The Brotherhood is not afraid to lose. Had we lost and had we been given a proper argument as to why we lost, we would not have made a fuzz. Upon reading, I sent an inquiry to Toph concerning some things I would like for her to explain. It was not a complaint, it was not a request to change the verdict, I just wanted to know why only certain parts of the ruleset we had agreed upon had been taken into consideration when judging the battle between Nekoness and I, and where he had read that Nekoness was walking on water.

    Toph never replied to my pm, but what I did see when I logged on to TFF after work, was that the verdict had been changed to a draw, and that we were to get a final result by other means. Then a little while later Toph changes her mind and went back to her original verdict, though acknowledging that the verdict was crap and a lot of things had been missed. Had we however been given a verdict and had our judge been able to explain the verdicts and not changed it twice, we would not have complained. All this matters very little now though. We are leaving TFF and I don't see any BoD member coming back unless something drastic is done about this. If The Masters want this victory, then so be it. It seems like Toph is supporting you in that. Atleast I know that the BoD would never have taken it.

    Peace out.

  9. #249
    Lady Succubus Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Victoria's Avatar
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    I just remembered I have to post saying that I am not an admin or moderator of this particular forum, so I have no powers to open/close threads.

    Also, I pretty much believe that the BOD would have taken it. And I did reply to your PM. I said "Oh, you're right. I'm sorry about that. I'll skim over the other matches to check things out." and you even REPLIED to that. So I do not see how you said I didn't reply.

    And actually I think Bryan isn't leaving TFF. Because you know.. he's a staff member here. >_>; (That, and well... he hasn't quit yet..)

    I'm also talking with Cesar right now on facebook. I asked him what his results were after I told him what mine were, and he said "The results would have been the same either way."

    So I can only presume that his overall results matched mine. So he, too, came with the results that TM wins. As far as the individual matches go, however, I dunno. I'll ask if he remembers the names.

    Although I'm not sure if you'll even accept his results at this point in time. Do you?

  10. #250
    Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Anomaly's Avatar
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    All I can say is I'm glad this was the first war. A lot of mistakes have been made, but I think a lot can be learned from this for the sake of future wars.

    I just remembered I have to post saying that I am not an admin or moderator of this particular forum, so I have no powers to open/close threads.
    I guess we won't have kill posts then, if neither side is willing to push for them. I'll write the Annihilation Post up just for the sake of closing this all out. It really doesn't look like anything else is going to come from this other than a few members bickering back and forth like a bunch of kids at a high school football game about who won, how dumb the ref was/wasn't, and if they'd gone into overtime they'd sort things out (despite the firm belief that the ref was dumb). It's a lot of fuss over nothing really.

  11. #251
    Lady Succubus Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Victoria's Avatar
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    Well, he said that if he doesn't work tomorrow, he'll get to this/sort it out by then. So we'll see about all that. And yeah, I remember from the beginning, you all said something about this being the first war and to learn about where things went wrong and such.

    So, all we can do is wait to see if he goes to work tomorrow or not, and then talk about what went wrong where, etc.

  12. #252
    The Old Skool Warrior Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anomaly View Post
    All I can say is I'm glad this was the first war. A lot of mistakes have been made, but I think a lot can be learned from this for the sake of future wars.
    I could probably quote a HUNDRED other things from this thread.

    There are dozens of points I want to touch on.

    Hundreds of things I want to say -- nay, need to say.

    An apology is worthless, so I won't even try.

    So, the reason I choose this specific line to quote is simple: I now know what time of year NOT to plan the end of something this epic. When you manage in retail and are accident prone, the holiday season is a piss-poor time to do anything else.

    Bottom line from me; The Masters still would have won in a 3-2 victory. Take it or leave it, but the terms were agreed upon, and I told you all MONTHS ago to find a TEAM of judges to sort through this if I could not return. Obviously, pointing this out is moot, but I still stand by it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    EDIT: Oh and FYI everyone curious: Before Cesar disappeared for months, he told both sides that if he wasn't back soon to find another judge. They never did. Fuzz finally tried to solve it himself even though he had no clue wtf was going on. So who's fault is it that the BoD left? THEIR OWN. Don't blame the staff b/c you didn't bother to find new judges. As mentioned, Syd, Psiko, Toph, Andro, hell even me could have done it. Nobody asked us. Woo. All this over something so easy to solve. Go figure.
    I distinctly recall suggesting Syd, Psiko, and Spike, with Merlin and Andro as possibilities.

    I would be more than happy to host another war between any interested factions at a later date... but if the writing is to occur in the same time frame, I know now that I will be unable to judge. The summer months are the only time of the year I can really dedicate myself to such a project. The timing was poor, and even though I had no control over my personal circumstances, the fault is still my own for saying I would do something and then failing to follow through.

    This is my mess, and I'm not too thick to realize it.

    I never did find the DVD that has all my role-playing stuff on it. Six years' worth of information is MIA until I find it. That really pisses me off.

  13. #253
    Lady Succubus Brotherhood of Doom v. The Masters: Open Q&A Victoria's Avatar
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    Check inside your DVD drive. =P
    Or.. maybe.. Well. It has to be in some sort of cd sleeve or case. Track them all down and check contents of all blank dvds (unless you labeled it, in which case, don't do this. =P)

    Hmm.. There are only so many methods as to help track it down. xD;

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