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Thread: Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2)

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2)

    This is for group 2 the Night Fall Thieves:

    Itachi Uchiha
    Rabble Rouser

    I shall explain a few things to hopefully make sure they are as clear as I can make them with everything that has been happening recently. If you have questions still do not hesitate to ask.

    First, I shall explain this first round (Act I). For all groups in this round there will be a single RPer eliminated from the group at the completion and judging of the quest. The remaining group members will continue to the next round (Act II). Act I and Act II are the preliminaries, when the preliminaries are finished the remaining members will be re-organized into two groups for the finals. I will explain the elimination of Act II when that arrive, right now it is simple and straight forward, a single member from each group is dropped once the quest is finished and judged. The eliminated members will be announced and the remaining proceed.

    Next, the RP itself. Remember to follow all of the same rules as in the RP Forum they all apply here, of course. The quest itself, remember that this is a mini-RP, I do not expect it to be hundreds of posts. The quest is short and simple. All I expect will be 15 to 30 posts, so do not feel that you have post a ton. Be active and be concise.

    Next, you are free to do whatever you want with what you are given. You should know the bounds of the world that I create, so use common sense and having fun. You make create whatever addition people, histories, locations you require. The quest is your RP, do with it as you wish. Do remember that you have a goal in mind and that the most important part of this is that you complete the quest. Remember success or fail is not the concern, completion. The boss fight outline in the quest is that an outline, you can expand on it as much as you wish. What I provide is the basics, you can add on as much as you use. One requirement is that you must confront the boss fight and deal with them in whatever fashion. This does not mean you need to kill them, whatever manner of victory you make is your decisions. And remember that victory in the boss fight does not always mean victory in the quest, they do not always go hand in hand.

    The deadline set for the quest is marked out as a month currently. There will be a three week set of time. At that point, I will announce that there is a week remaining and that all quests need to be wrapped up. So that means ending whatever you have come to some conclusion. It is important the quest has an end.

    One last thing, if it becomes problematic that a member is inactive and you are waiting on them to continue, proceed without them. Allow some time, but do not let them slow you down. Carry the character along with minimumal controling, so you do not step over the line. Progression is important.

    March 5th One week warning
    March 12th Deadline

    Prince Ransom…again?! - Group 2

    Summary: The Prince of Thiltis is on route to his uncle’s town, take out the guards and capture the Prince.
    Briefing: Prince Tyrak Kose Til Thilterin of the Kingdom of Thiltis is being escorted from the safety of his castle to his uncle’s town by carriage. This leaves him open for several days to attack. He only has the Captain of the Guard and on squad accompanying him.
    Your task is take out whatever resistance there is and capture the prince. The Kingdom of Thiltis value their family above all else, they will want their son back. He is also their only heir currently, making him even more valuable. Once you have captured the prince take him back to the hideout in Thiltis in the town of Tourin on the southern border of the kingdom. Keep him until others arrive from the guild to take him back to the main base.
    The route they are taking are mostly open fields making it difficult to approached. They must cross the Tyuth River, which lies on the edge of a forest. It is suggested that you use the forest for cover, however it is up to you to decide your method of attack. The forest is crawling it monsters that attack humans without hesitation, be on your guard.
    Starting Location: Your team will begin at the hideout in the town of Tourin. It is a small town in the Kingdom of Thiltis that is used for transferring illegal goods throughout the kingdom. Many of the townspeople are part of the guild, though a few are still loyal to the kingdom.
    Boss Fight:
    Captain of the Guard: He is a ranking member of the Order of Thortin, the elite members of the Thiltis military. He is a master swordsman and is used to fighting several people at once. The man served in the last war against the overwhelming numbers of the Wuith military making a name for himself.
    Arc Wave – A large swing of the sword that creates a slicing wind from its point covering 180 degrees.
    Earth Gash – A downward thrust into the ground that causes the ground to shake and crack throwing up rock and earth at the opponent.
    Cleave – A heavy blow from the sword that is enough to crack shields and stagger the opponent.
    Darkness Wolf – A summon creature of magic that is a black mist in the form of a wolf that works independently from the one that summon it. He can summon up to four of these creatures.

  2. #2
    Finding Answers Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Fehrant's Avatar
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    It was a small, perfectly square room built of nothing but dark stone. The only source of light was from a purposely missing brick on the high end of the opposite wall to the door. The beam that irradiated from the outside had a perfect, rectangular shape. It revealed dust particles floating in the cool air of the desolated room. Tables and chairs were spread randomly, as well as white pieces of cloth that draped over them.

    Out of the darkness, a hand made its way to the small source of illumination. On its index and thumb fingers it held a shining gold coin that glistered beautifully. The light from the coin refracted across the room as the hand traveled through the beam. The grip of the coin slowly loosened, and the thumb pushed the round metal piece on top of the other fingers. In response, the fingers moved up and down, and the coin almost systematically shifted positions flowing back and forth, back and forth.

    Another hand crept out of the darkness. It slowly covered the first hand, who had the coin back in its firm grip. The cover lifted, and the hand who once had a coin was now empty, as if by magic. The hands repeated this trick over and over, switching left and right hands, making the coin seemingly vanish.

    After a while the pattern abruptly stopped. The hands returned to the darkness whence they had come from. Someone out of the darkness sighed, stirring the dust particles in the still air. The wood of one of the tables gave a low creaking sound announcing the silhouette that took shape in the light the peered through. A pale-skinned man with a neat beard, and an equally refined combed hair had his facial features painted in blacks, and very light yellows. His mouth was sealed in a thin line, but the look on his eyes was enough to understand the man was bored.

    "Waiting, waiting, waiting..." He complained in his mind. "I am not sure why such a simple task requires more members of the guild aside from me."

    Lucifer Nosferatu, age 40, a high-ranking member of the Night Fall Thieves. He was under the command of a few elite, top-ranking members of the guild. Mostly worked on his own, but sometimes it came to cases like this when he was supposed to work with a group of other guild members. Aside from the top brass, he knew little of the others. This was not related to the strict secrecy pertaining to the nature of the group per se, but despite being there for so long, he felt it mattered little. After all, his joining the organization was only means to an end. His loyalty, however twisted a loyalty such an organization could inspire, was null. This was a strong impression he gave out, and one that he did not cared to disguise. In a shell, it always appeared Lucifer had a separate agenda, ulterior motives that could probably be traced to the highest bidder of them all: his own ego. This was without a doubt the reason why despite being a high-ranking officer, he had never become more than that.

    A couple of nights ago, he had been handed this mission through the usual channel. His last task had been filled with hardship, and personal effort even though objective was simply worthless, according to Lucifer's set of values. As he read the letter with his new goals laid out, he looked up at the person who had just handed it to him.

    "A kidnap?" Lucifer questioned deriding.

    "Lower your voice," said his superior. "You never know were spies lay."

    "You are sending me to do runt work?" Lucifer asked indignant. His eyes shone with fury, but at the same time with scorn. "You might consider yourself above me in the chain of command, but you need to start thinking a bit more... thoroughly." His deep voice was filled with malignant poison.

    His superior bit his lip. "The order is from my superiors. Do not question it, or you might not get away with a simple offense."

    "So they yanked your collar hard enough that your brain got damaged preventing you to think straight?" Lucifer's said in a condescending tone.

    "You might do well," reminded Lucifer's superior, "to remember your collar as well. It can also be yanked hard enough to spill your eyes out, Lucifer."

    Lucifer Nosferatu simply chuckled. "If you can find one," he mocked. "Worry not, I shall serve their highnesses with all my sincere devotion." He bowed respectfully, but his mocking smirk did not vanish. He left the room.

    Today was the due date. Several members of the guild were supposed to gather here, in this hideout. Once all of them had gathered, they had to wait until nightfall when the carriage with their target was scheduled to pass nearby. There was a matter of setting up a plan also, which, considering the plain terrain in the area, complicated matters when it came to an ambush.
    Last edited by Fehrant; 02-18-2007 at 05:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Finding Answers Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Fehrant's Avatar
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    The door finally opened. Lucifer stood still in the darkness. Bored out of his mind, he decided to play a little prank, albeit a test of the sorts, to see how his tardy companion would react. By act of his thumb finger, he catapulted the coin in the air aimed directly towards the newcomer. The coin span endlessly announcing its presence by its distinctive noise. Calculated with careful precision, the coin would meet its target as soon as the door had fully been opened.

    And so it did. The coin bounced on the newcomer's forehead, and made him fall flat on his ass. "Ouch," he complained.

    Lucifer couldn't help but laugh. His mighty companion had been defeated by a deadly flying coin. How ironic, he thought. But his laughter quickly vanished as he realized how his time had gone to waste. He got up, bracing the dust off his elegant tunic. He walked to the man who was still rubbing his forehead, seemingly unaware of what had just assaulted him.

    "Who are you?" Lucifer asked right to the point, his patience wearing thin. The man on the floor had commoner's clothes, and a commoner's face. In fact, while appearances were indeed deceiving, especially in this guild, this man looked genuinely stupid, Lucifer told himself.

    The man glanced up and met Lucifer's critical gaze. "Lu.. Lu... Lucifer Nosferatu...?" He stammered.

    Lucifer raised an eyebrow. Had he not come here knowing who he was? "Yes...?" He replied.

    "I co...come here deliver this," the man on the floor, a simple messenger, handed a sealed piece of paper. Lucifer picked it up, breaking the generic seal with his fingers. The guild only used its emblem for intimidating purposes. Other than that, they would not dare give away their identity. The content of the letter was short:

    The target has been delayed by a day due to unexpected circumstances. The rest of the members have already been informed. Expect the gathering at the same time tomorrow."

    He reread it again in mix of disbelief and frustration. Finally accepting its contents, Lucifer crushed the paper underneath his fist until it became a tight, round ball. "Unexpected circumstances," he repeated with disdain.

    "If you'll excuse me," announced the messenger who was standing on his feet now.

    "Yes, yes," Lucifer dismissed annoyed. "Be on your way."

    He picked up the coin, and stored it in one of this pockets. Looking one last time at the empty room, he closed the door and left. Having no real plans for the rest of the day, Lucifer decided it would be in the best of his interest, although not necessarily imperative, to check out the area where the ambush was going to take place. Although a calculating, rational man by nature, he had undertaken several missions with little or no preparation.

    It did not take long to reach the designated place. The first thing Lucifer realized was the vast, open field. Absolutely no cover whatsoever as far as the eye could see, except for a dense forest that extended itself not too far away from the road. That left them two choices: a frontal attack, or using the surrounding trees to assault them unprepared. Since the group was going to literally await the carriage's arrival to this position, sitting on the road casually would arise suspicion. Although if part of the group waited on the forest, and the other just strolled casually in their direction...

    Lucifer played with the possibilities in his head. As much as he despised teamwork, he would carry his mission with success. "If I need to coordinate a group of good-for-nothing oafs, so be it," he said. "Everything is very straight forward and clear here, except for what lies inside that forest. I might as well check to see if there are any unexpected... guests."

    His magical senses detected no imminent presence, yet he felt an unwelcoming feeling as he entered the forest. "Well, this feels like a meeting with a certain group of higher-ups," Lucifer joked. "Anyone care to offer a cup of wine?" The forest remained silent, so he pushed deeper inside. He digged his hand in his pocket, as his fingers touched his deck of cards. He pulled out one of them randomly.

    "The Shield," it read. It had a picture of a white and red shield. "Protect. Defense. Cover." Lucifer recited its possible connotations. "'Protect'... am I invading someone else's territory?" As if replying a question, a growl came out from an unknown position between the trees. "Ah," he said delighted at his prediction, placing the card back with the deck. "Not today, beast. I shall leave your residence, though tomorrow... you better prepare some tea for your guests," Lucifer laughed deeply on his way out of the forest.

  4. #4
    Have your eyes been opened? Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Nehi's Avatar
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    The squared room was perfectly dark. A weird for place for a hideout. The only signs of ilumination was a missing brick in the wall. A perfectly rectangular ray of light shot inside. It was beginning to get dull. No one was here yet. He wouldn't dare to start the mission without his comrades. He'd have to find a form of entertainment.

    He got off the toadstool and walked to a large rectangular shaped box. His hands touched the handle and he lifted the top part open. Inside were useful equipment. Pistols, daggers, a pack of kunai's and shurikens inside a small bag, and etc. He grabbed the bag of kunai's and carefully took one kunia out. He then kicked the top part down so it would close.

    "Where could the others be?" he asked himself.

    Hakumei then decided to equip the bag of kunai's on his right thigh. He tied the strap around his thigh and then buckled it. Now, he was ready for his mission. Of course, no one was around yet so he walked back to the toad stool, sat on it, and began to manipulate the kunai in his hand. Being bored truly makes time seem like it haulted.
    Last edited by Nehi; 02-22-2007 at 03:12 PM.

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Sorry for the interruption, but I just wanted to remind you that there is only two weeks left. It seems a little doubtful that you will have the other two people with you. Just post keep posting regardless and carry them along with you just in case they appear.

  6. #6
    The Quiet One Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Ok with everyone else not posting or dropped out Hexin you are the default winner of this round. So all I ask of you is to write out the ending post for the quest. Since you win, you can do whatever you want. Have fun with it, but I do want an ending, make the conclusion to the kidnapping whatever you want. You can post a couple times if you wish to break it up. But I do want an ending, it important to know how it ends, as this naturally will affect state of affairs in the three kingdoms.

    You have a week to get the ending up.

    And congradulations.

    With the people dropping out, the prilimaries will be brought to a close on this and go in the finals afterwards. The remaining people have all passed, so congradulations on making it into the Finals. I will be putting up a new grouping after the prilimaries end.

  7. #7
    The Quiet One Act I - Night Fall Thieves Quest - Prince Ransem...Again?! (Group 2) Andromeda's Avatar
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    Hexin I still need you to write an ending post. At this point I really do not care what it is as long as I know whether or not you successfully captured the Prince. Seeing as the kidnapping would be important to the events of the kingdoms, it is important to have resolution to the quest.

    Post as soon as possible.

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