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Thread: Official FFXIII Battle System in Detail

  1. #1
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Official FFXIII Battle System in Detail Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Official FFXIII Battle System in Detail

    Hey guys I've been scooping around the net to bring you guys some more usefull information on FFXIII, and here it is: IGN Advertisement

    This Basically tells you everything about the FFXIII Battle System in full detail.
    Hope this answers some of your Questions.
    Please leave Comments about this Information, or atleast let us know if this information has answered some of your Questions.
    Enjoy the Knowledge
    Last edited by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima; 08-15-2009 at 04:08 PM.

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  2. #2
    it did answer a few question but it still doesnt say if you can control all the characters. over all i think it will be awesome when it comes out

  3. #3
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Official FFXIII Battle System in Detail Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFaith View Post
    it did answer a few question but it still doesnt say if you can control all the characters. over all i think it will be awesome when it comes out
    In the Demo, you cannot control the other characters but the main character. But it is not clear if that changes with the official'll just have to wait till there is more info. And I will keep looking for the answer.

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  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    This battle system doesn't seem all to new to me, there has been other games that have used a basic format of what SE is trying to push out now. From what I have seen of the demo it seems like this is going to be a fancy version of the fighting system that Xenogears (published by SE) used.

    I am interested to see what kinds of upgrades they have included though. I think I will like the fast paced fighting system that XIII has brought to the table so far.
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  5. #5
    Official FFXIII Battle System in Detail Ragtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima View Post
    In the Demo, you cannot control the other characters but the main character. But it is not clear if that changes with the official'll just have to wait till there is more info. And I will keep looking for the answer.
    I doubt they would change it so late into production. I'm certain you will only control one character at a time. But they would probably allow players to switch characters in the middle of battles. Thus far, XIII battle system (as well as story) is looking quite special, but I wonder if it is going to be an improvement on earlier battle systems and plots. I'm pretty sure this will be better than XII, though!

    Oh, I forgot to thank you Ryu for the info, thanks!

  6. #6
    The source of the following information is various interviews published in the Japanese magazines Famitsu, Famitsu PS3, and Dengeki PlayStation.

    Battle difficulty will be greatly increased. In fact, Toriyama expects XIII to be "the most difficult FF ever".

    In the demo, party members are CPU controlled. In the final, you'll be able to issue them directives.

    Continuing your "Chain" in the demo isn't very important in the demo, but will vital in the final.

    The classic FF victory fanfare isn't present in the demo, but will be in the final.

    Victory poses may be incorporated into the final; the matter is currently under consideration.

    If the first hit of a chain kills an enemy in the demo, your character continues attacking air for the duration of the combo. This will be remedied in the final.

    Snow is barehanded in the demo, but will have weapons available to him in the final.
    Encounters occur solely from the front in the demo, but various encounter styles will be present in the final.

    The final will have a level system.

    The demo only allows you to control one character, but the final will have a new system for managing other party members in battle.

    The final will have command shortcuts.

    Selecting your target in the demo can be a bit of a chore; the final will have a more streamlined targeting mechanism.

    The final will have an "item" command in battle.

    NPC dialogue will be subtitled in the final. In the demo, there is only voice.

    Sazh's rather bizarre battle animation will be altered to be less strange, and more "jolly".

    The Time Gauge maxes out at 3 in the demo, but you'll be able to add more segments in the final through a new character growth system.

    Summons will be present in the final. The mysterious "TP Bonus" that appears after battles in the demo relates to them.

    Finally, the occasional frame rate drops in the demo will be fixed, according to Toriyama.
    So whatever that means.


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