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Thread: Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360?

  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360?

    As the title suggests, what console version would you buy FFXIII on? and why would you do it?

    Heres an optional question if you want to answer it: What benefits would you get from buying the version you choose?
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  2. #2
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    What console version would you buy FFXIII on? Playstation 3.

    Why would you do it? I don't own an XBOX 360.

    What benefits would you get from buying the version you choose? Being able to actually play the game.

    I'm not anti-XBOX, I just don't see the need for buying yet another console when my PS3 gets little enough use as it is. That'll change soon though, lots of RPGs coming out this year. About time, I say.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360?
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    What console version would you buy FFXIII on? and why would you do it?

    Same as DragonHeart: I would buy it for the PS3 because I own a PS3 and not a 360. I never really saw a reason to go buy a 360, even though there are some games that I would like to play on it, it's still not really enough for me to go get one.

    What benefits would you get from buying the version you choose?

    Hmmm... I guess again, I would have to go with what DragonHeart says and that's actually being able to play the game. I can't think of any real differences that the two may have, except that the 360 version will have to have multiple disks to handle the whole game. So I guess a benefit would be that I don't have to get up and change disks when prompted to do so.
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  4. #4
    I'm DYING to see you! Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    What console version would you buy FFXIII on? Playstation 3.

    Why would you do it? Because, Versus is coming out for the same console and my Xbox has disc reading problems.

    What benefits would you get from buying the version you choose? Being able to play the game with no problems.

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  5. #5
    アズテオル Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Azuteor's Avatar
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    I would buy the Xbox 360 version because I own a 360. I don't have a Playstation 3. I might get it though, but I don't see any reason why I want to buy it at this point. The benefits? Exercise. I'll build up leg muscles by continuing to get out of my seat and change disks.

  6. #6
    Happy guy Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Shibi's Avatar
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    Well, I guess you can either buy the v360 or the vps3 depending on what console you own and basically, even if you have both, it doesn't make any difference; I don't think the game is going to have any bonuses in any of the consoles, the prices are the same, and the graphics are probably going to be the same as well since both consoles are using the same graphic engine for this game so..unless your FFXIII Agito saving file is useful for more available content on FFXIII Versus, it doesn't matter what version you get as long as you can actually play

  7. #7
    The Quiet One Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Actually there is a difference between the two versions, but it'll only affect those people that are crazy over quality. The PS3 is getting completely uncompressed audio and video while the 360 is getting compressed audio and video. Since the 360 version has not really surfaced yet apart from I think being shown at events, no one really knows if the compression is going to be a serious issue or not. It's unlikely it will be a major problem, but who really knows how much SE compressed things. We've only seen the final product of the PS3 so far.

    There is also the case that the White Engine, the engine that FFXIII was built on was built for the PS3 and the PS3 version was done first and then ported to the 360. So there are may be unknown issues due to that case. Who really knows.

    I'm getting the PS3 version myself because I only own a PS3. Though I also think it'll be the better of the two since the game was developed on the PS3 and typically a game will function better on its native console.
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  8. #8
    Happy guy Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Shibi's Avatar
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    There was also that information that FF13 on X360 is gonna be on many CD's. Is that right ?

  9. #9
    The Quiet One Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Andromeda's Avatar
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    DVDs ^^ But yes, it is going to be on 3 DVDs if the number that they said is still correct. Though switching out DVDs is not really a big deal in the end since we've been doing it for FFVII-FFIX. There is a certain nice feeling of knowing you have the whole game on a single disc that's for sure.
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  10. #10
    アズテオル Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Azuteor's Avatar
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    The amount of discs Final Fantasy XIII might be equivalent to Lost Odyssey (4 Discs) or possibly one disc/two discs more. Lost Odyssey had 50+ hours of gameplay while SE promised that XIII will have over 60 hours.

    Destructoid: Final Fantasy XIII XBOX 360 Could Ship On Three Discs

    Edit: Ahh, Andromeda beat me to it.

    Edit 2: @Loaf: Thanks for letting me know that Lost Odyssey isn't 3 discs, but 4 discs.

    >>; Let's hope we don't get this.

    Last edited by Azuteor; 01-11-2010 at 05:36 PM.

  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I plan to grab it on both platforms.
    Just curious on seeing if there's any real differences and wanting to keep my collection of FF games as complete as ever.

    If this game is closer to Final Fantasy XII though, the next Final Fantasy game I will buy will be a compilation of the older games.
    victoria aut mors

  12. #12
    I have a 360 so I am gettin that verison
    Last edited by SkyEdge; 01-08-2010 at 07:17 PM.

  13. #13
    Ok, I have a question that's kinda related. I want FFXIII but don't own either a XBox 360 or PS3 yet - any suggestions as to which console I should purchase? Reading above it seems that the ideal console would be a PS3 but I'm curious to what everybody thinks.

  14. #14
    Registered User Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360?
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    I don't think it really matters what system you wind up getting because you'll still be able to play that game on whatever one you decide to get. But if you get a PS3, not only will you be able to play Final Fantasy XIII, you'll also get to play the PS3 exclusive Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which is one that I am really excited about seeing more of.

    It's your call though.
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  15. #15
    Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    If this game is closer to Final Fantasy XII though, the next Final Fantasy game I will buy will be a compilation of the older games.
    This. FF12 was a train wreck.

    I'll be buying the PS3 version because A) although having to change disks is hardly a major issue, it's all the better if it's on a single disk and B) it was developed for the PS3 and if PS3 ports of games developed for the 360 are any indication, the game will look better on the console it was built on, even if the difference is barely noticeable. As far as I'm aware, porting from the PS3 is a lot easier than porting to the PS3, so the quality difference may not be much unless, as Andro already pointed out, the compressed audio/visuals are crap.

    Until now!

  16. #16
    I will be purchasing the PS3 version, I think the graphical enhancements on Ps3 are far better than the ones on the xbox, therefore making the game seem more 'real'.
    Most of my friends will be buying the PS3 version, so it seems sensible.
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  17. #17
    .............. Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? smurphy's Avatar
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    I will be getting it on PS3 for a few reasons. It will run that much smoother on the PS3, FF is just something I associate with the PS and the PS3 isnt likely to kick the bucket at any given moment......again. Unlike another console.........

  18. #18
    Gunblade wielder Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Nunubx's Avatar
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    I will be getting the 360 version because...I don't have a PS3 yet. The disc changing won't be a issue since I was doing that with Star Ocean: The last hope (which is a very good game by the way).
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  19. #19
    I own a XBOX360 so will buy an XBOX360 version.

    There may be minor audio and/or video benefits from playing it on a PS3 however probably 99% of people won't be able to hear the difference and 95% of people probably won't see the difference...given the fact that the player's experience depends on the human ear and the display they are watching it on.

  20. #20
    The Whitemage, Curaga's only 300gil Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? TehRealDinnin's Avatar
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    What console version would you buy FFXIII on?
    Playstation 3 because I have one.

    What benefits would you get from buying the version you choose?
    Currently I do not own my Xbox 360 anymore I sold it for a worthy system and have been content and happy with my PS3 since. I'm not a hater of Xbox but I am a fanboy of Sony and the Playstation

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  21. #21
    Spectral Patriot Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Chaos_Weapon's Avatar
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    I would rather prefer 360, even though PS3 is freakin awesome. I played a few RPGs for the 360 that were really good though, like Last Remnant. I don't think there would be a graphic difference between the two for FF XIII, but I would be more comfortable playing it on the 360.

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  22. #22
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    I'll end up getting it for the 360 because I don't have a PS3, so there's that reason.

    I think I'm gonna try to beat it in the quickest manner possible so I can return it back to gamestop and at least get half of my money back. From what people that have imported it are tellling me is that the game is very linear and there is little else to do besides the main storyline, so I'll try to get most/all of the achievements and then return it lawl.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

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  23. #23
    Registered User Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    I have both XBOX360 and PS3 but I'll be getting it on PS3 that extra bit off quality, plus I grew up with a Playstation console and my first game was Final Fantasy VII.

    The rest of my collection Playstation, why spoil the trend ^^

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  24. #24
    I'll make you famous Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    obviously for the ps3, i already have it but i wouldnt dare play it too much when i cant understand whats going on.

    i dont want to start a console war or anything because i actually am happy that alot of people here can enjoy since as i understand alot of tff users dont have ps3 (and i dont blame them, they are expensive, i payed 800 for mine). but i am just a LITLLE BIT upset that they decided to make it for the xbox 360 because as i understand, they cut alot of content to make it acomodate both systems (correct me if im wrong). and im always gonna wonder what more the game could have been compared to what it is now. having said that though, there is always the possability of DLC.
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  25. #25
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover View Post
    obviously for the ps3, i already have it but i wouldnt dare play it too much when i cant understand whats going on.

    i dont want to start a console war or anything because i actually am happy that alot of people here can enjoy since as i understand alot of tff users dont have ps3 (and i dont blame them, they are expensive, i payed 800 for mine). but i am just a LITLLE BIT upset that they decided to make it for the xbox 360 because as i understand, they cut alot of content to make it acomodate both systems (correct me if im wrong). and im always gonna wonder what more the game could have been compared to what it is now. having said that though, there is always the possability of DLC.
    Likely though not definetely wrong. Square Enix has only mentioned a lot of content was removed but never mentioned the 360 port as a reason and as the 360 port was an afterthought, (I could be wrong but I believe the 360 version wasn't even released in Japan), I doubt it was a major factor. Looking at the interview itself the reports are based on it appears the material was cut over concerns the game itself was too big and unbalanced. (There's totally no way the announcement of FFXIII DLC has anything to do with it. )
    victoria aut mors

  26. #26
    Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Jin's Avatar
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    Silver's right. The only thing that may have been cut due to it jumping to multiplatform status was the possibility of a Japanese audio track for the Western release as it would take up too much disk space. But that was more a fan initiative than something SE was seriously contemplating (I remember an interview with someone from SE - I don't remember who - who was actually very surprised to hear that fans wanted the Japanese audio track), so I doubt the 360 port actually had any bearing on it.

    A lot of the stuff cut from the game was likely the result of time constraints. After all, how long has this game been in development? Way too long. They have to make money eventually and they can't do that until their product is released.

    Until now!

  27. #27
    Getting the Ps3 version cause of the obvious only owning one system. I really dont think that the audio/video will be a big difference. I am not a anti 360 guy but I say if you own one or the other your set. They both have their positives and negatives. FFXIII on Ps3 FTW!!! 360

  28. #28
    I'll make you famous Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KhDragon View Post
    Getting the Ps3 version cause of the obvious only owning one system. I really dont think that the audio/video will be a big difference. I am not a anti 360 guy but I say if you own one or the other your set. They both have their positives and negatives. FFXIII on Ps3 FTW!!! 360
    how exactly can they say that if the 360 version hasnt even been released yet?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
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  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover View Post
    how exactly can they say that if the 360 version hasnt even been released yet?
    Honestly I dont know but from what everyone is saying the audio and video is compressed on the 360. No one knows for sure until release date so I guess we will find out soon enough. I have nothing to worry about though cause I have my Ps3.

  30. #30
    I'll make you famous Which version do you prefer PS3 or 360? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KhDragon View Post
    Honestly I dont know but from what everyone is saying the audio and video is compressed on the 360. No one knows for sure until release date so I guess we will find out soon enough. I have nothing to worry about though cause I have my Ps3.
    thats because the game was developed primarily for the blu ray drive on a ps3, not a dvd running 360 so naturally the quality would most likely be slightly better (even if it isnt noticable).
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
    But I think this girl is uber hot
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
    You ARE my number one, Rydia Lover. <3
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