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  1. #1

    How Do You Know You've Finished?

    I've never played on before after beating orphan two. This time I did. Before leaving, I went back and all the Bosses were still there (Barthandus and orphan x 2).
    The only indication that I had finished was the fact that the crystarium had expanded.
    I got the big exit scene and title rolls, but the bosses were still there.
    Is this lazy progaming or did I do something wrong?

  2. #2
    The Quiet One How Do You Know You've Finished? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: How Do You Know You've Finished?

    No, that's pretty standard for RPGs. When you beat a RPG you typically don't get a save after you win and even if you do the final boss will usually still be there for you to fight. This is just way RPGs are. It also gives you the chance to watch the ending scenes whenever you want. But more importantly there is a trophy that is linked with the final form of the final boss and it'd be a little rude for them to make it a one shot chance requiring you to replay the game or go back to an old save to attempt it again.

    Also there is a mountain of post-game content for you. With the crystarium's last stage unlocked you can max out your characters and go around doing the missions and fighting all of the monsters that were far to powerful before. So now you just need to go back to Gran Pulse and do the post-game content.
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  3. #3

    Re: How Do You Know You've Finished?

    Thanks for that. It just seemed a bit of an anti climax!
    I have had a wander round after the finish, but I think I'd prefer to go around again from the start.

  4. #4
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) How Do You Know You've Finished? che's Avatar
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    Re: How Do You Know You've Finished?

    Quote Originally Posted by davfra View Post
    Thanks for that. It just seemed a bit of an anti climax!
    I have had a wander round after the finish, but I think I'd prefer to go around again from the start.
    Basically if you'd rather not sit and spam Death with Vanille for 50 hours to unlock the final weapons that you don't even need to complete all the content, then just replay it instead of doing the extra stuff.

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    The Quiet One How Do You Know You've Finished? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: How Do You Know You've Finished?

    That's not exactly how things always are and it is only if you choose to take that strategy over other ones. Death is certainly a viable answer to dealing with the powerful monsters and one that I used a couple of times to beat the Ochu types. But there comes a point in the game that even without the ultimate weapons and not being fully maxed out in the Crystarium that you can take down any of the enemies without having to use Death or Summons to win the fight.

    I know that I've beaten every monster in the game without a single Ultimate Weapon because I was waiting to collect my Traps to know if I was going to need to break a weapon or just make six on my own. So it is entirely possible to win.

    But in the end it is up to the individual if they want to do the post-game content. The only enjoyment you'll get out of it is knowing that you've 100% the game.
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  6. #6
    Magically Delicous How Do You Know You've Finished? Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: How Do You Know You've Finished?

    Heh, I have the opposite problem. I almost have the crystarium maxed out on each character and 7 traps. I don't even have enough money to make the stupid weapons... but I got the traps. /sigh. I blame that on leveling in the final dungeon before I beat the story. I capped my CP so I could make a huge dent in the final level.

    I tried to death technique a couple of times, but I find it rather boring. Right now I am farming Adamantortises or whatever in Eden with Sazh, Vanille, and Lightning. One of Sazh's weapons is freaking insane. Cold Blood + Blitz destroys those giants pretty nicely. I'm going to work on getting Fang's ultimate weapon so I can do Highwind for obscene damage on them. ^_^

  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) How Do You Know You've Finished? che's Avatar
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    Re: How Do You Know You've Finished?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    That's not exactly how things always are and it is only if you choose to take that strategy over other ones. Death is certainly a viable answer to dealing with the powerful monsters and one that I used a couple of times to beat the Ochu types. But there comes a point in the game that even without the ultimate weapons and not being fully maxed out in the Crystarium that you can take down any of the enemies without having to use Death or Summons to win the fight.
    Actually, it's the best way. If you want to get traps/money you have to kill Adamantoise. Sure, you can eventually beat them without Death by maxing out the crystarium but you'd have to grind countless dungeons that you've already played over and over again, and you wouldn't be getting Traps along the way. Spamming Death method insures that you have a chance at getting Traps along with CP. So the most viable method is the most boring.

    But in the end it is up to the individual if they want to do the post-game content. The only enjoyment you'll get out of it is knowing that you've 100% the game.
    Quite true. I was just giving a rather blunt reality to davfra on what he would be missing out.

    @ Merlin: I went the Highwind method. Highwind takes out the legs to make it fall and Fang does insane damage as COM as it is. However, after I had stopped playing FFXIII I had heard of the Sazh method and it sounded cool.

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