Sorry if this post seems a bit disjointed. I was typing stuff I was excited/intrigued about while watching the vid.
So you can choose who you want to lead your party? Like you could in XII? Awesome! Also, I'm liking that the characters are pretty much fully customizable, but I sort of wish you could still pick what type of weapon to give your characters, but I suppose that since the characters have thier own trademark weapons, it makes them have some more distinguishable characteristics about them. I'm not complaining.
The 3-d sphere grid looks a bit complicated, but I probably just have to get used to it first, just like I had to do in X.Once I got used to that though, I really liked it. Maybe since it's similar to X, I'll pick up on it faster in XIII.
The environments looks freaking gorgeous, and I'm glad that you can approach enemies on the field instead of random battles, that way you can just fight when you want to fight. One question: Can you move your lead character freely around the field or is everyone's movements in battle pretty much automatic? It might have been explained in the video and I just missed that part.
Ooohhh... I heard the part where that Brad guy said that the battles were pretty tough. He said that his party was defeated just from fighting the random monsters. Sounds like I'm going to be doing a lot of grinding in this game to get my characters' stats up so they can have a decent chance, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Well, I already told myself that I was picking up this game as soon as it was released, so I was already excited for it. Now, that I caught a glimpse at how the leveling works and how the battles flow, I'll say that my excitement has not dwindled in the slightest.