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Thread: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

  1. #1

    the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    ok i hated ff12 with all my soul, no character development, horrible plot, ect
    the point of this thread is not to rag on ff12 (though it deserves it)
    i'm asking if i would like ff13 if i apsolutly hated ff12
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  2. #2

    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Quote Originally Posted by Larick View Post
    ok i hated ff12 with all my soul, no character development, horrible plot, ect
    the point of this thread is not to rag on ff12 (though it deserves it)
    i'm asking if i would like ff13 if i apsolutly hated ff12
    In short, yes.

    But nobody can tell you what you like and don't like.

    In the majority of people I have spoken to, they all preferred XIII's story and characters tenfold over XII.

  3. #3

    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    allright that helps thanks
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    Registered User the first time i have to ask if an ff is good winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    I'm loving FFXIII, I havn't palyed FFXII been hearing alot of negative stuff about it so I doubt I will ever get it, if I ever did I wouldn't hurry myself, but I think FFXIII is better than FFX, my 3rd fav FF game, good story, good characters, fairly easy ATB, easy upgrading for your charcters. I would give 9/10 and recomend it to RPG lovers

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  5. #5
    I want to play a game. the first time i have to ask if an ff is good Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Yeah the characters in your party are the focus of this FF; the supporting cast gets shafted. The story is focused on more internal struggles than external problems which may lead to a weak plot for ya. I found a lot of stupidity by some characters and even more discrepancies with the datalog. The Crystarium Grid is mostly flash with little substance; the only real choice the player has to "customize" their players is by choosing which role the player will "level up" in.

    I wonder if a majority of the people really know what character development is?

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  6. #6
    The Lone Dagger the first time i have to ask if an ff is good Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Even the customizing your characters is kinda chosen for you because everyone has the role that they are best at (i.e. Snow as a Sentinel and Hope as a Medic) but I did enjoy getting to know the characters and seeing their internal struggles and watch them mature as the game progressed. I def would recommend it

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  7. #7

    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    I liked FFXII, but everyone has different opinions. On to the question, FFXIII is NOTHING like XII, it depends on what type of games you like, I would look up trailers and gameplay to see what it's like .

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Xii > xiii.
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  9. #9
    A Plain Old Derp the first time i have to ask if an ff is good Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    I highly recommend it, you will get to know all of the characters, and he plot is quite good too. The battle system is fun too.

  10. #10
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ the first time i have to ask if an ff is good chaosweapon's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    In my opinion Final Fantasy XIII is much better than Final Fantasy XII. There are lots of things to appreciate but most are taken for granted. I'll give you two examples:

    1. Inertia: If you run and stop all of a sudden, then the character will slightly move forward due to inertia. I like the physics of this game, it makes it look more realistic.

    2. Talking: To talk to NPCs, now you simply go infront of them with no need to press the "X" button. This way it's more natural.

    If there's one thing I didn't like, it's the linearity. You rarely have the chance to decide which path to take. Hopefully this will be resolved in Final Fantasy Versus XIII with the re-introduction of the World Map.

  11. #11
    Registered User the first time i have to ask if an ff is good winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Quote Originally Posted by Xithor View Post
    Even the customizing your characters is kinda chosen for you because everyone has the role that they are best at (i.e. Snow as a Sentinel and Hope as a Medic) but I did enjoy getting to know the characters and seeing their internal struggles and watch them mature as the game progressed. I def would recommend it
    All my characters are a bit of everything at the moment, i try to split the cp points between what they can be.

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  12. #12
    GranFran the first time i have to ask if an ff is good GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Quote Originally Posted by Larick View Post
    ok i hated ff12 with all my soul, no character development, horrible plot, ect
    the point of this thread is not to rag on ff12 (though it deserves it)
    i'm asking if i would like ff13 if i apsolutly hated ff12
    Ok, I have to put my two cents in here as I'm right in the middle of 13 and getting mighty frustrated with it.. First, while I didn't actually hate 12, I do agree with you that it had poor character and plot development.. I missed, greatly, the camaraderie and friendship that was the core of FF10 and 10-2..

    Now, back to 13.. Unless you just adore mathematics, you will probably end up as frustrated as I am with the game.. Now, don't get me wrong, I love all the FF games, have been playing for years starting with number one on the old Nintendo system.. But, never have I been so put off or as angry at this franchise as I am this time around..

    Oh, the graphics are great, as usual, the characters, like in FF12, leave a lot to be desired with the exception of Fang (stupid name) and Snow.. Our heroine leaves me cold and Venille, like Rikku in FF10 and 10-2, can be a bit trying at times.. But it's the ridiculous and complicated weapons and accessory upgrading system that has me up in arms! For Pete's sake, you have to be a frigging math genius to understand it! I swear they must have hired some new graduate from MIT with a degree in Astrophysics and Mathematics to come in and design this part of the game..

    I mean I can understand the crystal system just fine, it's not much different from the grid growth system in FF10, but lord save me from this upgrade system.. It's a math hater's worst nightmare..

    Anyway, this is my opinion of Final Fantasy 13.. You can take it where you will.. It's the only one I've ever played I seriously dislike.. Guess, though, since I paid for it, I'll try and finish it, IF I can figure out how to upgrade my weapons..

  13. #13
    Registered User the first time i have to ask if an ff is good Seerax's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    I haven't bought that FF 13 yet. There are so many different opinions every where so I can't decide whether it seems to be a great game or a bad one, on my part I've played 10 and 12 before. any tips on what I should do?
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  14. #14
    GranFran the first time i have to ask if an ff is good GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Quote Originally Posted by Seerax View Post
    I haven't bought that FF 13 yet. There are so many different opinions every where so I can't decide whether it seems to be a great game or a bad one, on my part I've played 10 and 12 before. any tips on what I should do?
    If you can wait awhile, I'd do that and then buy it used off of EBay for considerably less then a new game cost.. It's not that I HATE the game or anything like that, it's just so complicated.. I'm serious, if your not into math, and I'm most definitely not, your going to be as frustrated as I am with it.. All that multiplier crap and the HUGE assortment of items used in upgrading your weapons, it's ridiculous!

    I always loved the upgrading systems in the other FF games, especially 10, but this, this is just going way overboard.. The fun is definitely gone for me..

  15. #15
    Registered User the first time i have to ask if an ff is good
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    @ Seerax- You can always rent it first too, and see if it's something that you'll wind up enjoying. If you like it, then buy it. If not, then you're only out the amount of money that you rented it for.

    As for the topic, I would have to say it varies from person to person. I really liked XII, but there's a ton of people who outright hated the game. I like FF XIII well enough, but it's probably not going to be in my top favorites. I haven't completed it yet, so it may be too early on my part to actually make that kind of judgment.
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    GranFran the first time i have to ask if an ff is good GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    @ Seerax- You can always rent it first too, and see if it's something that you'll wind up enjoying. If you like it, then buy it. If not, then you're only out the amount of money that you rented it for.

    As for the topic, I would have to say it varies from person to person. I really liked XII, but there's a ton of people who outright hated the game. I like FF XIII well enough, but it's probably not going to be in my top favorites. I haven't completed it yet, so it may be too early on my part to actually make that kind of judgment.
    I certainly didn't hate it at all.. I loved the graphics and the music, loved Fran, Penelo and Bal, but was ambivalent about the other characters.. I think SE did a real poor job in character development in this particular game.. The story line was a bit lame, but even that could have been overlooked if the characters had been more fleshed out..

    It did not topple my favorite FF game from it's perch at the top and that's FF10 and 10-2.. The friendship, love and camaraderie those characters had for each other places, for me, this one on a gold pedestal..

    As for this one, I'm still on the fence and it doesn't look like I'll be coming down anytime soon..

  17. #17
    The Quiet One the first time i have to ask if an ff is good Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Upgrading weapons is not complicated. Organic items have a high bonus multiplier and low exp values while synthetic items have a negative bonus multiplier and extremely high exp values. It is very straight forward. Use the low exp items to get your multiplier up and then change over to the high exp items to get a lot of exp.

    The only thing that gets complicate is that the each equipment piece will have a different rank, which simply affects how much exp you get from the item. In the end the difference is pretty negligible.

    As for FFXIII I think it is certainly one of the best and most enjoyable RPGs I've played this year. But I haven't really met a FF I haven't liked yet. None of them have been disappointing for me. I will admit that FFXIII probably has the most polarizing effect on people of any of the FF games, which I thought FFVIII or FFXII were until FFXIII. But that is only because of design choices that people are complaining about. I'm fine with the design choices because most of them having in every other RPG, FFXIII just did worry about tricking you when doing it.
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  18. #18
    GranFran the first time i have to ask if an ff is good GranFran's Avatar
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    Re: the first time i have to ask if an ff is good

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    Upgrading weapons is not complicated. Organic items have a high bonus multiplier and low exp values while synthetic items have a negative bonus multiplier and extremely high exp values. It is very straight forward. Use the low exp items to get your multiplier up and then change over to the high exp items to get a lot of exp.

    The only thing that gets complicate is that the each equipment piece will have a different rank, which simply affects how much exp you get from the item. In the end the difference is pretty negligible.

    As for FFXIII I think it is certainly one of the best and most enjoyable RPGs I've played this year. But I haven't really met a FF I haven't liked yet. None of them have been disappointing for me. I will admit that FFXIII probably has the most polarizing effect on people of any of the FF games, which I thought FFVIII or FFXII were until FFXIII. But that is only because of design choices that people are complaining about. I'm fine with the design choices because most of them having in every other RPG, FFXIII just did worry about tricking you when doing it.
    Well, I can't give you my final opinion on 13 yet, hon.. I'm still on Chapter 10.. I did manage to beat Sid Raines after only one defeat.. Surprised the heck out of me! I was expecting a major trial as with Barthandelus.. He wiped my team 6 times before I finally beat him.. (Pant, pant)..

    I suppose many players will like and enjoy the complicated upgrading system, I just don't understand the need for it at all.. I'd prefer a straight purchase or Rikku's upgrade system in FF10.. But, that's just me.. I'm not really complaining about the game per se, just that I think it's been made a bit more difficult then it had to be for the average player such as myself..

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