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  1. #1
    Eye in the Sky FFXIII Soundtrack Announced Fuzz's Avatar
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    Post FFXIII Soundtrack Announced

    I'm still getting used to no Nobuo Uematsu on a Final Fantasy soundtrack, but I'm still looking forward to a new original score for FFXIII.

    ---News 12/11/2009---

    Square Enix has revealed its plans to drain even more hard-earned yen from the Final Fantasy fanatic, announcing the official Final Fantasy XIII original soundtrack. It comes in two pricey flavors, one more deluxe and limited than the other.

    The standard edition of composer Masashi Hamauzu's score to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 game comes on four discs and in an attractive slipcase for an asking price 3990 yen (about $45 USD). The more deluxe-ified package, dubbed the "First Cut Limited Edition," features a fifth disc, fancier packaging and a heftier price tag of 5250 yen (about $58).
    That deluxe package costs nearly as much as U.S. consumers will spend on the full release of Final Fantasy XIII, probably a bit more when import fees are considered. But with Square Enix suggesting a retail price of 9240 yen, it seems like a bargain!

    Source: Kotaku


  2. #2
    I will probably just download it from a music company(it is sometimes cheaper that way).

    I too am still getting use to no Nobuo Uematsu.I don't know if it will be the same FF feel as I would hope.However,I am willing to give the new guy a chance.Hell,I am mainly just happy to finally know the release date of the game.

  3. #3
    Registered User FFXIII Soundtrack Announced CeeJay's Avatar
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    Hull, England
    Oh man that's awesome, I wondered when they were going to release the OST. I'm buzzed about this game, sucks that Nobuo didn't write this games soundtrack... Especially with the game being as momumentally epic as it's being made out to be.. D:
    Hi there.

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