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My policy going through the game was fight everything you run across one and defeat it. Apart from the scaries in the main hub map of Gran Pulse (Behemoths and Adamantoise) I killed about 90% of the monsters in my path. The only time I had to grind was at the end of Oerba and it was only because I need a little extra because I went the wrong direction on Fang, it was very modest amount of like 50k CP I think. I don't recall Dahaka ever giving me any sort of trouble the monsters in the tower seemed more of a problem at times than him.
But I think if you're fighting everything you come across at least once then you should have enough CP that you'll be near the end of the Crystarium stages by the end of the chapter. If you haven't been fighting everything then yes, making up for it would be good to do. However, if you have been fighting everything, then it is probably just your strategy that needs to be refined and not the characters.
Reliance on Sentinel during this part of the game is a good thing since it tends to increase your survivability. There are only a few boss fights where you won't want to use Sentinel while you're healing or just to take a big hit. Do remember if you know a big attack is coming and you have the time to switch Paradigm change to Sentinel since it'll mean that you will gain a defense boost automatically even if you aren't doing anything defensive at the time. It can help to reduce those big hits to something more manageable while you recover.
Always buff and debuff though, use Libra to see what's weaknesses are just buff and debuff. It'll make the fight run a lot smoother since nearly all bosses are going to be affected by some amount of debuffs. It'll be the only FF game you play where the bosses can be hit with debuffs so take advantage of it.