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Thread: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

  1. #31
    I will save the world Your most despised Final Fantasy game Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Although I do love Final Fantasy and I love it dearly. I'd have to say XII is my least favorite or the one I "depise" the most. For many reasons, but I didn't really like the characters, too many deserts, and they made summons pretty much useless. I still played and beat the game, but XII would have to be the one I "despise"

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  2. #32
    Registered User Your most despised Final Fantasy game Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Not a fan of FF 9 at all.

  3. #33

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Like many people here, I don't necessarily hate any Final Fantasy game (that I've played anyway). My least favorite, however, would be FFIII. I HATED those f'n bosses with the 2 hits every turn. Made me want to punch the screen every time. The tiny dungeons were unique and interesting, but I didn't like how I was force to use magic to do any damage in them.
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  4. #34
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Your most despised Final Fantasy game The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    FF XII was the worst one for me, didn't really like the gambit system, or the way you fought. Also the quests were completely boring, and extremely dull in my opinion.
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  5. #35

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I tried to get in V. I played it for like 4 hours really trying to like it. Nope absolutely hated it.

  6. #36
    Scourge of Esthar Your most despised Final Fantasy game CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    While I do indeed agree with Antidrall about X, I'd have to say the FF I despise most is still XII. I hate the battle system, I hate the licensing system (seriously, why do I need a liscense to know how to wield a particular sword or wear armour, i mean really?), I hate the lame-ass enemies, but above all else, the absolutely worst part of the whole thing, was Vaan. I DESPISE Vaan (Penelo too just not as much). He has no personality, no actual reason for being there despite being the main character, and less charisma than a cardboard cut-out with a bag of sick taped to it covered in feces. I don't care for Penelo or Fran either. Or any of the Judges. I could've actually stood the new summons to a degree if they hadn't turned the old ones into AIRSHIPS!!! And why, why, WHY did they make Bahamut-King of the Dragons, one of the coolest summons in any game, a giant flying butt-plug? And the story, dear god man, the STORY! Dull as all hell. What I got through, bored me to tears. At one point I actually started reading a book, while the system was still running. Didn't even think about it. I never bothered to finish the game because I just can't do it. I'd rather stab out my own eyes with a red-hot poker. I do like Balthier though. He's like the James Bond of Final Fantasy. But other than that IT'S GARBAGE!!
    Last edited by CrazedMonkey; 09-26-2011 at 07:13 PM.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  7. #37
    I will save the world Your most despised Final Fantasy game Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by CrazedMonkey View Post
    While I do indeed agree with Antidrall about X, I'd have to say the FF I despise most is still XII. I hate the battle system, I hate the licensing system (seriously, why do I need a liscense to know how to wield a particular sword or wear armour, i mean really?), I hate the lame-ass enemies, but above all else, the absolutely worst part of the whole thing, was Vaan. I DESPISE Vaan (Penelo too just not as much). He has no personality, no actual reason for being there despite being the main character, and less charisma than a cardboard cut-out with a bag of sick taped to it covered in feces. I don't care for Penelo or Fran either. Or any of the Judges. I could've actually stood the new summons to a degree if they hadn't turned the old ones into AIRSHIPS!!! And why, why, WHY did they make Bahamut-King of the Dragons, one of the coolest summons in any game, a giant flying butt-plug? And the story, dear god man, the STORY! Dull as all hell. What I got through, bored me to tears. At one point I actually started reading a book, while the system was still running. Didn't even think about it. I never bothered to finish the game because I just can't do it. I'd rather stab out my own eyes with a red-hot poker. I do like Balthier though. He's like the James Bond of Final Fantasy. But other than that IT'S GARBAGE!!, I knew people didn't like FFXII but that was an awesome rant Though I agree, making Bahamut the way they did...they should of made it like a mechnical dragon or something you control from the inside...that would of been epic!

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  8. #38
    Registered User Your most despised Final Fantasy game Caladbolg's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Easiest question I've been asked to date! If they count I have to say I hated Crystal Chronicals so much, I didn't get it, so I tried the Nintendo DS one where you have four characters, understood it more but it was still really really bad .

    On the main series however I've played X, VI and VII oh III & I too, and I can say I haven't hated any of them I & III was a bit... awkward with the limited magic you could buy but I still can't say I hated them!

  9. #39

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    The one I hated the most? Can't say I hated one particulary. But the one I liked the least was definitely a Tie between VII and X-II. Obviously, even though they are the two worst FF IMO, they are not nearly bad enough NOT to buy them (actually, I have bough VII on PSn yesterday, despite the fact that I already own it on PS1)

  10. #40
    Crash Boom Bang Your most despised Final Fantasy game Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I really hate FFV. THe job system does **** all for me, I was always lost or falling through a floor or both and it was just shite. I wont ever be playing it again

    Id say FFII, but thats probably not a fair vote as Ive never made it more than half an hour in without turning it off in a rage

  11. #41
    Queen Your most despised Final Fantasy game Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    FFXIII..I dont even know where to start with that shit. Very pretty to look at but thats fkn it

  12. #42
    Chief Inspiring Officer Your most despised Final Fantasy game Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the gamecube. I still cannot believe this is an FF title. The game annoys me almost more than I can express. Slow game progression, not to mention that whenever you fill that goofy fishtank you have to endure those unbecoming, repetitive village dances. I have never been more grateful for a cut-scene skip in my life. however, I'm sure the thing has its redeeming qualities, therefore my full wrath shall be postponed until I have completed it. I can wait...
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  13. #43

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    I have to agree cc was damn near unplayable for me

  14. #44

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Final Fantasy XIII. Great graphics, the girls are hot, but that's about it. Far from what I know to be a Final Fantasy game. The story sucked, despite the fact alot of people say it was good. The characters sucked. Yeah, as I said, the girls were all hot, but when it comes to actual character, they're uninteresting.

    I also wanna say FFVIII is kind of boring. Wouldn't say I despise it, though.
    Last edited by Cereal~Killer; 11-13-2011 at 06:37 PM.
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  15. #45
    Queen Your most despised Final Fantasy game Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereal~Killer View Post
    Final Fantasy XIII. Great graphics, the girls are hot, but that's about it. Far from what I know to be a Final Fantasy game. The story sucked, despite the fact alot of people say it was good. The characters sucked. Yeah, as I said, the girls were all hot, but when it comes to actual character, they're uninteresting.

    I also wanna say FFVIII is kind of boring. Wouldn't say I despise it, though.
    AGREE AGREE AGREE with all your points on FFXIII. If I were to redefine "Shit" I'd promote that atrocious game. WAY to bring down the awesomeness that is the Final Fantasy series whoever was responsible for such a FAIL

  16. #46
    The White Wizard of Fynn Your most despised Final Fantasy game Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    My least favourite was II, even though my username is from the Origins version. The levelling system required excessive grinding, especially before the final dungeon, and you had to make a conscious effort to power up the majority of spells; without using the cancel trick, this was like watching paint dry. The story was too shallow to make a decent break from all the dungeon crawling and grinding, although I can appreciate it was released back when RPGs and characters didn't have in-depth storylines. Too round it off, most of the bosses late in the game were either stupidly easy or hard depending on whether you used the Blood Swords.

    X-2 is a close second. I didn't dislike it, but it seemed so far removed from its predecessor I was usually complacent while playing it. As I've seen somebody else post somewhere, it just seemed like a parody of the series.

  17. #47

    Re: Your most despised Final Fantasy game

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Garland View Post
    It is FFX-2 for me and FFX in general, but X-2 the most. I hate that X-2 turned all non mystical and pop like it was just a mockery to the FF series. As a matter of fact because of X-2 I can never bring myself to play FFX regular ever again. The whole atmosphere of FFX-2 was that of a bimbo Charlie's Angels thing and not anything like the way FF is supposed to be like. IMHO FFIX and lower are the games that define FF but FFX and up is not even in the same league.
    You are partially correct. FFX is in a league for itself. While I - IX was good, FFX was the best and still are the best FF game made.

    The worst FF game ever made is FFXIII.
    Last edited by pompel9; 12-20-2011 at 01:26 AM.

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