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Thread: You know...I notice something

  1. #1
    Gunblade wielder You know...I notice something Nunubx's Avatar
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    You know...I notice something

    That after 3 Final Fantasy's, the next would be on a next gen console.

    Here's what I mean: I, II, and III were on the NES. IV, V, and VI were on the SNES. VII, VIII, and IX were on the PS1. And finally, X, XI, and XII were on the PS2. So, what I'm thinking is, by the time XV rolls around, there would be a new Final Fantasy on a next gen console. I don't know if it's true or not, just something I noticed.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth You know...I notice something Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunubx View Post
    That after 3 Final Fantasy's, the next would be on a next gen console.

    Here's what I mean: I, II, and III were on the NES. IV, V, and VI were on the SNES. VII, VIII, and IX were on the PS1. And finally, X, XI, and XII were on the PS2. So, what I'm thinking is, by the time XV rolls around, there would be a new Final Fantasy on a next gen console. I don't know if it's true or not, just something I noticed.
    You forgot Tactics for PS1 and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for SNES, that means four on both consoles unless you only count those in the main series. Also FF XI isn't for a PS2, it's an MMORPG game and you forgot FF X-2 for PS2, a sequel to FF X.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 12-10-2009 at 05:46 PM.

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  3. #3
    Gunblade wielder You know...I notice something Nunubx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    You forgot Tactics for PS1, that means four unless you only count those in the main series. Also FF XI isn't for a PS2, it's an MMORPG game and you forgot FF X-2 for PS2, a sequel to FF X.
    I'm only counting the main series so that leaves out tactics as well as X-2 since it's just a sequel. And yes, I know XI is a MMORPG but it was on the PS2 as well as the PC, right?
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  4. #4
    The Old Skool Warrior You know...I notice something LocoColt04's Avatar
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    And the XB360.

    It's something I've noticed over the years as well. I wouldn't be surprised to see XIII, XIV, and XV on the current gen and then XVI in development for whatever comes next.

    Keep in mind, of course, that XIV ALSO comes out next year, and it's an MMO not unlike XI.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth You know...I notice something Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunubx View Post
    I know XI is a MMORPG but it was on the PS2 as well as the PC, right?
    I guess you're right, Sorry my bad. If you count only the ones in the main series than yes, your thesis is right. As for FF XV, I'm sure it will come for PS3 since they've released FF XIII with a solid engine to help them create next FF game much faster. Also as Locko said FF XIV will be released next year so we'll probably see FF XIII, XIV, and XV on the current console generation unless they make FF XVI for PS3, but there's no reason to break tradition.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 12-10-2009 at 06:06 PM.

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  6. #6
    I want to play a game. You know...I notice something Zargabaath's Avatar
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    My friend has a theory that from now on the second/middle Final Fantasy for the current generation will be a MMO, since FF XI and FF XIV are the second title for the 6th and 7th generation. That theory has to wait for more time to pass because 1) Square may release 4 main series FFs in one generation 2) It has only happened twice and if it occurs in the 8th generation as well then there would be more weight to that theory.

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  7. #7
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    Well, since it takes SE forever to make one game let alone 3 and an MMO. I wouldn't be surprised with Zarga's friend's idea.

    No but honestly I doubt Square was thinking that with the release of their titles on which generation of systems.
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