View Poll Results: Are you a Final Fantasy Completionist?

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  • Yes, I have to complete every upgrade, attribute, and side quest I can find, every time

    11 28.21%
  • Yes, but only if it's fun to do everything, and maybe then only on a second playthrough

    14 35.90%
  • No, but I enjoy the side quests. I play a lot of them, but I don't have to do every little thing.

    12 30.77%
  • No, I just play the main story and beat the last boss.

    2 5.13%
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Thread: Are you a Completionist?

  1. #1
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Are you a Completionist?

    Are you the gamer who has to complete every side quest, every character attribute, every weapon upgrade to be satisfied with your experience?

    I personally don't find the need to be. I play the sidequests, and do the weapon upgrades as much as I like, but I don't go out of my way to find every little secret. I usually do more on a replay which adds to the replay value. But when something is tedius like jumping lighting bolts in X to get LuLu's final weapon upgrade, I'm just not doing it. And for games likes Triple Triad, which I absolutely loved, I don't really have to get every single card. I like to get some of the harder ones, and if I do a 3rd playthrough I might make it a mission to get all of them, which will give me something to focus on.

    How about you?
    Last edited by Locke4God; 09-04-2009 at 08:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Not at all. I never do anything unless it's fun. I'm not going to jump away a million times from lightning bolts to get a slightly stronger weapon. I'm also not going to take 20 hours to get a golden chocobo just to go to a new cave. It's not worth it in my opinion.

  3. #3
    Lord Deity of Harmony Are you a Completionist? Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    I... Plays them for fun! Really... Im not the type who is possesed to complete every side-quest! But playing every side-quest can be fun!

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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I have files on my Ps1 emulator for FFVII, VIII IX and T and they are all aimed towards the best completion possible. My IX game is probably the only one that wont be 100% and it's at around 95% done. Just have maybe 2 more things to do on it. My FFVIII is still on disk one. FFVII is near the quarter way of Disk 2 and T is on Chapter 4.

  5. #5
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Loaf - How are you playing 4 games at once? That's wild. I have trouble keeping up with one, but I'm getting old.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Are you a Completionist? Xanatos's Avatar
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    When playing the game for the first time I usually don't try to complete every side quest but I do tend to play them for fun. As for secrets, it's almost impossible to find every one for the first time and to be honest I don't try hard enough. But if I play the game more than once than sure, with little help of walkthrough I try to complete it 100%.

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  7. #7
    I usually am too into the story when the game comes out, and I'm rushing to beat it to see the end. I will do side things if they're fun, but it's not until I play it a second time that I will go back and get everything I missed.

  8. #8
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Yesha's Avatar
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    UsuaLLy.. I tried my best to compLete everything.. but sometimes.. there's a sidequest that's beyond on my physicaL and emotionaL power or shouLd I say beyond my patience.. LoL! Like.. pLaying bLitzbaLL (FFX) I don't reaLLy get the whoLe thing.. which reaLLy sucks.. because I want to make Tidus to use the Jecht Shot.. which I acquired, Learning.. aLso.. I didn't get Tidus' uLtimate weapon, because of the hardness of the chocobo race.. argh! ALso.. dodging 200 boLts for LuLu is hard!

    But.. other than that.. I didn't got any probLem, doing the sidequest in most of FF.. because of course.. I'm enjoying doing it.. acquiring every Tri-card is enjoyabLe (FFVIII).. :-)

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  9. #9
    I tried it in VI and I really did much there. x3" But it was the only one by far.
    I've also tried to complete X... I think I got pretty far there, too, but some things weren't that great, as Yesha also said: I hate those Chocobo races. I won't dodge those 200 lightnings. I hate the butterfly catching thing. And I certainly won't ever play Blitzball. XD"

    In many FFs I don't even have a chance to complete 100%. FFX-2 for example was quite... annoying in that case. I didn't have enough motivation to go through every single thing. (Especially when I had to shoot monsters on Besaid.. that was pretty annoying!) Other examples: FFVII - I didn't find any sidequests, although I talked to quite a lot people. And I didn't have enough strength to beat all the Weapons. I wanted to beat one of them, but I didn't find it again after it flew away ~..~

    So I'm not a completionist, and I don't really care about it. The most important thing about an FF, for me, is the story. When I've completed it, I'm done with the game. x3" (Except for FFX)

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  10. #10
    Oh mmaaannn. don't get me started. I think I have a problem....I'll playthrough and completely rip the game and get everything possible. But when I try to just play through for fun I always end up having to get everything again and I have to stop myself even the first time through I try to accomplish as much as I can. I rarely get game time now so when I do you can bet I'm devoted.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-05-2009 at 05:29 AM.

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  11. #11
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Freya - You didn't find side quests in VII? Try the chocobo breeding and racing. That might actually be my favorite side quest ever, and you can get some really powerful stuff for having done it. Or go get Vincents story and final weapons from the hidden waterfall. Of course there's the rest of the Gold Saucer to play around in, and a few other things, like the Old Man, or the battle at that mountain south of Midgar, or defeating the Weapons. All in all I thought VII had the best side quests.

    @ Tenseiken - You're like my brother. I watch him fight battles for hours and hours and hours in the main field in order to get leveled up to 99. And he'd do it on in like the 3rd or 4th area you would get to. I think it's funny, but I hope you have fun. I always run up and down an area a few times to level up a bit and then move on with the story. That dude would spend 6 hours fighting on Balamb Island in VIII before he ever went to Ifrit's cave.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 09-05-2009 at 12:35 PM.

  12. #12
    Crash Boom Bang Are you a Completionist? Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    I annoy myself with the need I have everytime I play a game to complete it 100% (or as near to as I can get, I still havent beat the dark magus sisters & Penance on my old file of X, AND i never DID get Shockwave pulsar for Quistis, but I know where I was going wrong on that so I'l be replaying VIII soon so I can finally say ive done EVERYTHING) I can't just go through for the story, oh no, I have to try to do everything ]:<

    Re-started FFX recently, I told myself I was NEVER playing Blitzball or dodging lightning ever again I HATE it, yet I find myself gathering sigils AGAIN. I screamed at the TV catching Butterflies, almost ate my control pad when I gor struck at 186 bolts and almost threw my PS2 out of the window after getting ambushed by a marlboro after getting 0.0.0 on the chocobo race.

    I don't know why I do it to myself, I must subconciously enjoy the torture. I never get all my characters to level 99 though, I try to level everyone evenly, but I just get fed up and give up. I'l try to do everything possible in the games I play though

    I'l never get Excalibur 2 either, I draw the line at trying to complete a game that fast, I get too easily distracted
    Last edited by Lily; 09-05-2009 at 03:13 PM.

  13. #13
    I have to finish everything that I possibly can.However,there are some games aside from the FF series that I don't always finish completely.

  14. #14
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    No, but I enjoy the side quests. I play a lot of them, but I don't have to do every little thing.

    That's what I picked as my response. I love to play games, but I'm not one of those gamers that have to get every little thing in a game in order for me to be fully satisfied. A good story and great characters are all I really need in order for me to be happy. I will say this though. I was obsessed with getting a gold chocobo in FFVII. I actually managed to pull it off at one time. However, I had to share my PSone console with my brothers, and one of them accidentally saved over my game that had the gold chocobo in it. I wasn't furious or anything, but I have yet to do it again.
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  15. #15
    The Quiet One Are you a Completionist? Andromeda's Avatar
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    When I only owned a handful of games and my RPG purchases were few and far between I was a completionist. I've probably dropped a 1000 hours total into FFX. Because I've played it like ten times through. I have a 200+ save file from FFX and I even got so bored that I played through walking everywhere in the game not running.

    I've 100% FFVII-FFX and played each like 5 to 10 times a piece. I've nearly memorized where everything is in FFIX since I've played it so many times. I've played FFX enough that I could tell which monsters would be in a battle be just know the camera angle, since ever camera angle seemed to have different monsters and it was a consistent thing.

    I've even 100% most of Xenosage I-III, Kingdom Hearts I-II and Dark Cloud. Unfortunately, around the time I got Xenosaga III I started getting RPGs like every month, there was a 6 month period where there was a new RPG every month and I would beat it and move on. Now I have over a 100 RPGs and not enough time to even play them. So I don't really have the time to be getting 100%.

    Though I'm actually on my way to 100% Cross Edge because I was wanting the perfect ending and 100% could be done at the same time. But I really enjoyed Cross Edge enough to play it a second time immediately.
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  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    @ Freya - You didn't find side quests in VII? Try the chocobo breeding and racing. That might actually be my favorite side quest ever, and you can get some really powerful stuff for having done it. Or go get Vincents story and final weapons from the hidden waterfall. Of course there's the rest of the Gold Saucer to play around in, and a few other things, like the Old Man, or the battle at that mountain south of Midgar, or defeating the Weapons. All in all I thought VII had the best side quests.
    Ah, I've really forgotten to mention this. >_o I hate breeding chocobos. I don't see any sense in doing it. It seemed to be too complicated. I tried it in IX, you had to dig for some treasures and such. And it was just too much for me, it was boring and I didn't see any reason to do it. You can enter a few other places, okay, but that's it. Nothing more about it. .,."
    About Vincent's story: I heard from a friend of mine that there was more about Vincent in the game and I was eager to find it out... but I didn't find that waterfall O_o It was too well hidden for me. ^^"
    I know, this must sound stupid but... I didn't want to play games in the Gold Saucer, and as for the rest.. didn't find it all. =D" (Except, of course, for the Weapons, I mentioned them in my first post here.)
    I need a hand to guide me through all those side quests, they have to be more obvious. ^^"

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Sorry for the late reply Locke.
    I have a lot of time on my hands, and I also tend to stay up till 6am almost every night. During those times, I am usually playing my Ps2, or my PS1 emulator. Recently not since I reformatted my computer, I'll have to extract the files from my scratched FFIX disks again and obtain Tactics and VII again, (already got VII again) Sometimes I wont play for a week, but then I'll play all week, each game. I am never bored from any FF game. I just like to play multiple ones.

  18. #18
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Yesha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Ah, I've really forgotten to mention this. >_o I hate breeding chocobos. I don't see any sense in doing it. It seemed to be too complicated. I tried it in IX, you had to dig for some treasures and such. And it was just too much for me, it was boring and I didn't see any reason to do it. You can enter a few other places, okay, but that's it. Nothing more about it. .,."
    About Vincent's story: I heard from a friend of mine that there was more about Vincent in the game and I was eager to find it out... but I didn't find that waterfall O_o It was too well hidden for me. ^^"
    I know, this must sound stupid but... I didn't want to play games in the Gold Saucer, and as for the rest.. didn't find it all. =D" (Except, of course, for the Weapons, I mentioned them in my first post here.)
    I need a hand to guide me through all those side quests, they have to be more obvious. ^^"
    I enjoyed breeding chocobos, LoL! It's not that compLicated, you shouLd try it out.. especiaLLy, of course in FFVII.. 'coz I don't know a thing about FFIX since I haven't pLayed it..

    I got aLL kinds of chocobos in FFVII, which are great, I even tried my best to get them to Rank S.. LoL! But that takes time and a Lot of money, since you have to buy and buy different nuts for them.. :-)

    I aLso enjoyed the GoLd Saucer! I tried to pLay aLL the games avaiLabLe there.. Like, the shooting game, snowboarding (I think), and the motorcycLe.. :-)

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  19. #19
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Are you a Completionist? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Ah, I've really forgotten to mention this. >_o I hate breeding chocobos. I don't see any sense in doing it. It seemed to be too complicated. I tried it in IX, you had to dig for some treasures and such. And it was just too much for me, it was boring and I didn't see any reason to do it. You can enter a few other places, okay, but that's it. Nothing more about it. .,."
    About Vincent's story: I heard from a friend of mine that there was more about Vincent in the game and I was eager to find it out... but I didn't find that waterfall O_o It was too well hidden for me. ^^"
    I know, this must sound stupid but... I didn't want to play games in the Gold Saucer, and as for the rest.. didn't find it all. =D" (Except, of course, for the Weapons, I mentioned them in my first post here.)
    I need a hand to guide me through all those side quests, they have to be more obvious. ^^"
    I know, breading chocobos in FF VII was pain in the ass and quite annoying, but there is a positive side in that. When you succeeded and obtain Golden Chocobo you can get the most important materia in the game...KOTR, Mime, Quadra Magic and HP<->MP. And if you thought that game is quite easy, with these materia the game becomes ultra easy...quite stupid if you ask me.

    Digging treasures in IX was also important, you can obtain Zidane's and Garnet's strongest weapon and some useful items. When you obtain golden chocobo you'll have also access to Chocobo paradise and you'll have opportunity to fight the strongest boss in the entire game - the fearsome Ozma.

    Vincent was my favorite character in the game even tho I discovered him accidentally, the same thing was with waterfall when I was exploring with that submarine.

    Fighting weapons was important in some way, beating Ultima Weapon gained you access to the Ancient Forest if you didn't have Golden Chocobo already, and with beating Emerald and Ruby you gain opportunity to complete Kalm Traveller quest which is also positive thing because you get Golden Chocobo without annoying breading and three Master Materia which can make some thing much easier.

    And the same like you I didn't played those games in Gold Saucer, not even once.

    Playing sidequest can be fun and useful, I don't say that they're always fun but by solving the harder ones you can always get some nice stuff. As for hint's I'm not sure but I think that there are always some, the only thing is that you need to explore little bit.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 09-06-2009 at 05:18 AM.

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  20. #20
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Locke4God's Avatar
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    @ Freya - Yeah I won't fault you for finding chocobo breeding annoying, but I quite enjoyed it myself. I will agree with you on the side quests. When it comes to those I usually get on a site like this, or perhaps IGN which has really good walkthroughs. I don't have a problem cheating on side quests.

    @ Loaf - I'm glad you enjoy them. I used to play a ton also. Now I get about an hour a day. It literally took me a year to do FFVI starting last August. Yeah I know. But I got married in between and that put me on the sidelines for 2 months, and then I just got tied up in a few other things, but I stayed commited. Now I'm replaying 10, and almost done, and then I just got myself a brand new copy of 12, which I've yet to play. I can't wait.

  21. #21
    I'm a total completionist, even to the point where on a recent re run with Crisis Core I was mad at myself for the whole day when I forgot to talk to a NPC which unlocks a mission. I started over again the next day.
    It feels really satisfying knowing you've done everything.

  22. #22
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Locke4God's Avatar
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    That's interesting Milkpea. Somehow I take it the other way. When I get done with a game, if I've completely finished everything, I feel depressed. Somehow if I've left some things undone the world feels more expansive, I'm encouraged to replay it in order to accomplish what I left out, and with a few things, like the darn jump roping in line, I feel like a complete tool if I even attempt to complete it. But I see what you mean. It does sound cool to have 100% completion.

  23. #23
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    Whenever i play a Final Fantasy game, I'll play through without using any walkthrough's or anything, but after that I'll buy a walkthrough and try and do everything in the game

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  24. #24
    Boredness rules us all Are you a Completionist? Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    actually i am. i try to do every quest and stuff to see if there are any hidden secrets u get from beating it one hundred percent. like in the metroid series you get to play as zero suit samus for 100% completion on the special wii remake.
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  25. #25
    Death Before Dishonor Are you a Completionist? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I always do everything that is possible with every character it bothers me if I dont...I do this with every game that i play...also on 360 I must have every achievement for every game i play if I dont it upsets me...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  26. #26
    Boredness rules us all Are you a Completionist? Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    kisuke thats eaxclty like me i have almost every free halo 3 and fable 2 acheivement. and a whole lot of others
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  27. #27
    Death Before Dishonor Are you a Completionist? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I have all fable 2 achievements except for two and have all Halo 3 except for the vid master challenges...

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  28. #28
    Registered User Are you a Completionist? Ether's Avatar
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    I'm so anal retentive I irk myself.
    I literally have to level up to 100% befor I get 50% of the game done I have to get every item and do every side quest available with the first playthrew. But I think thats how I get the fun from it.I normally get more enjoyment from the side quests then the actual game...I became horribly addicted to blitzball,witch I HATED when I first played it and lets not even mention Triple Triad.....

  29. #29
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    it depends basically, on my first playthrough I'll just do everything that is available to me at that moment, whether it's the main quest or a side quest, so I'll get most of the game completed, but usually never all of it on the first playthrough. If I'm still up for playing through the game again, then I might try to go through and complete everything, as long as it doesn't involve playing really stupid mini-games and stuff.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  30. #30
    Ellipsis Are you a Completionist? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Ehh, I usually go head-first on my first try, then I go for all of thoses secret goodies and side-quests on my second try. It's fun that way.

    Well, FFX-2 is kinda hard, though.......Megaman is MUCH easier.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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