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Thread: XIII or X

  1. #1
    I like to lol. XIII or X ExQuentin's Avatar
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    XIII or X

    Do you guys like X or XIII better? I am thinking about getting one of them, i cannot decide which. Which do you suggest be played first (i dont think it really matters though...) Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    The Lone Dagger XIII or X Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    Yea it doesn't really matter which you play first, they are both pretty linear in a sense but X has more of the going into towns feel while XIII totally eliminates that. If you enjoy playing mini games X has a lot to offer in that department with Blitzball and everything while XIII is better if you wanna experience a great new battle system and visually stunning presentations both in and out of FMV. Actually pretty difficult to tell the differences between them haha

    So I'm split between them because I like them both but if I had to buy one I'd prob buy X
    Last edited by Xithor; 05-27-2010 at 06:28 PM.

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  3. #3
    I want to play a game. XIII or X Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    Well I know you are trying to beat all the FFs, excluding FF XI, but out of the two you have listed as to get first I would choose FF X. Both are linear games though Final Fantasy X offers more freedom; one could say that Final Fantasy XIII is not linear but controlling, as the game controls so many facets of itself leaving little for the player till deep into the game. Final Fantasy X does have more mini-games and definitely one of them is hard. Final Fantasy XIII on the otherhand lacks in mini-games in comparison to FF X.

    I like Final Fantasy X's music more than Final Fantasy XIII's, but that is more your call.

    The voice-acting was better in Final Fantasy XIII however I liked the characters (the whole cast) in Final Fantasy X better. I also prefer Final Fantasy X's story vastly over Final Fantasy XIII; I feel that there is a lot that needs to be explained in Final Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy XIII has a great premise but execution needed improvement. This game was in need of somebody like Larry David (Seinfeld writer) who was known for keeping meticulous records on the show's characters so every little detail would fit.

    From a money perspective. If you don't have a lot of money or are wanting to not spend a lot purchase Final Fantasy X as it is cheaper than Final Fantasy XIII that is still recently new.

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  4. #4
    Registered User XIII or X kupo's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    depends on what your going for really. if you want to play a really pretty game but is somewhat "controlling" then go with XIII. but if its the storyline your interested in then go with X (not that the story of XIII was bad,,,just saying). both have their pros and cons but its all up to you...but personally i'd go with X

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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    X, mostly for the battle system.
    Though I felt XIII's was refreshing and a nice change, I've always loved those older menu driven turn based systems somewhat more.

    And then there's that Lulu is hawt.
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  6. #6
    I like to lol. XIII or X ExQuentin's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    Lulu?? Naa, not for me personally... For X-2 I would like Rikku... For X probably Yuna...

    Anyways, I think I am going to play XIII next just because it is on PS3, (even though I do have a PS2) I am also looking at Star Ocean. But thats another topic...

    Thanks guys, the mods may close this thread... My question has been answered

  7. #7

    Re: XIII or X

    I would say get Final Fantasy X because it would be a better game than Final Fantasy XIII. Trust me I have both of the games and I think personaly that Final Fantasy X is better than Final Fantasy XIII.

  8. #8
    Scourge of Esthar XIII or X CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    XIII for me. I hated X. The main character whined too much, there were a lot of characters that were completely useless, and the story and villians left a lot to be desired. Though for some people XIII was murderously difficult. In the end it's up to you though.
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  9. #9
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. XIII or X Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    Well, FFX feels more like "fantasy" while FF13 feels... not?

    FFX is linear but you can progress to past towns, you get an airship to visit other places(not like FF9 and lower) and the party as a hole is better, even the story is better, the music is better, more side quests especially if your going for international.

    NOw what does FF13 have better?
    A harder difficulty, extreme graphics, better overall sound quality, but in terms of a lousy party.

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  10. #10
    Scourge of Esthar XIII or X CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    I won't argue that XIII was more linear than other FF games, but that was only on Cacoon and if you think about it, that's understandable. The l'cie had the entire military looking for them, and their faces plastered up everywhere. Everyone was out to kill them, so wandering around aimlessly, not really an option. The battle system was different, but I personally didn't have a problem with that, since I've never cared about the fights anyway. X was the only FF game I stopped playing before even the halfway point because I just couldn't stand listening to Tidus or Wakka anymore, Kimari never did anything so I usually forgot he was there, Rikku was useless to me (like her just fine but never had a use for her), Yuna wasn't bad but she wasn't terribley interesting either, Lulu as okay, and Auron was the only person I really liked. the story was so dull for me that I really didn't care if everyone just died in a ditch. It all comes down to each persons opinion, you like X, well good for you. You like XIII, again good for you. I hated X with a passion and wanted back the time I wasted on it. I liked XIII and all its characters (Snow occasionally got on my nerves with his hero stuff, but I still found him amusing). Again it's all about opinion.
    Last edited by CrazedMonkey; 02-28-2011 at 11:54 AM.
    You'll have your reward for finding me, and don't think of running off without collecting. My shot is faster, or my names not Balthier.

  11. #11

    Re: XIII or X

    If you want a game which is like cartoony and unrealistic get ffx but if you want a game which seems for real then get XIII, i like X tho because i like the music and the charcs

  12. #12
    Registered User XIII or X Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    I dont think either of them qualifies for a top FF game but it depends what you are into.
    Both of them are good, i just always recommend IV-IX the best by far.

    But if either of those, i'd say doesn't really matter but maybe X, simply because it has more FF feeling to it.

  13. #13

    Re: XIII or X

    Final Fantasy X - easily. Gives you a ton of free roam throughout the game, ff13 is mostly linear. storyline is good on both aswell as gameplay. Battle is a bit different

  14. #14

    Re: XIII or X

    Initially I liked XIII better the first time I played it more then how much I liked FFX.

    FFX has grown on me though, the world is a much more "complete" one then FFXIII. After initially stumbling on the blitzball mechanics it quickly became my favorite part of the game after a second try. Most of the characters are likeable. Warning though don't expect FFX-2 to be anywhere near as good as FFX, the battle system is neat but it will destroy any good opinion you may of had of the characters from FFX, it's that bad. Yuna becomes a popstar hyper-ditz slut (shame, she was so nice in the first one)

    I liked FFXIII more on my first playthrough but looking at terrible characters like Hope or Fang and the total absence of towns makes the newest FF rank pretty low. Really, the most it has going for it is flashy graphics and fast pace battling. Otherwise FFXIII is fairly mediocre.

    Basically they are both more linear then any other FF. Even the leveling system is very limited. The sphere-grid gives an illusion of being very open but considering key-spheres are needed to branch into different roles its very liner. Key spheres don't really start popping up in any quantities till about halfway through the game and can't access just anywhere. I've seen a picture of the sphere grid all stretched out and its basically a bunch of lateral lines with only the occasional crossover bridge.
    Last edited by Dan558; 03-29-2011 at 09:00 PM.
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  15. #15
    Registered User XIII or X Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    I love these game vs game comparisons,

    and I'll say right off that I haven't played 13, but what I've heard of it doesn't sound like it will mesh with what I like in the series. Robot Summons? Extremely Linear? I'll say this though, that my expectations are low so there is plenty of room for it to exceed them, and thus

    10 is my favorite between these two, and I love 10 overall anyway. It's a shorter playthrough for me. I've done it twice, the first at 95 hours, and the second at just 60, and next time I'm going to skip blitz all together. The story really is fantastic, and quite different than any other game. I do love most all of the charaters here. I love the sphere grid. I love the music and vibe of the game. It's beautiful. I love that you can go back and buy the FMV sequences to watch again. I love that each characters abilities are completely different, esspecially through the first half or more of the game. You've almost got it ranking higher for me on my all time list, making me think about it. I've got it 4th right behind 7, 8, and 6 currently.

  16. #16

    Re: XIII or X

    Does it matter just get both and play both doesn't matter what order cuz they aren't related to each other.

  17. #17
    Dalmascan princess XIII or X lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    umm... ive only played X so id have to say X

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  18. #18
    Final Fantasy Noob! XIII or X ZenMonkey59's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    Quote Originally Posted by norman View Post
    I would say get Final Fantasy X because it would be a better game than Final Fantasy XIII. Trust me I have both of the games and I think personaly that Final Fantasy X is better than Final Fantasy XIII.
    That's subjective.

    How do you like your battles? Methodical, or a little more frantic?

    XIII is frantic, X is much more traditional.

    EDIT: The frantic is can be overwhelming, but in a good way. XIII's battle system is great.
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  19. #19
    Dalmascan princess XIII or X lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    ive been told that XIII is better than X in the graphics diffison

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  20. #20
    I will save the world XIII or X Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: XIII or X

    Depends on what you want to do, better graphics in FFXIII, but the battle system and I think the story/music is better in X, both are good, but if I were you, I would pick X, it's a good game to beat. I started with VII, but X is my 2nd favorite

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