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Thread: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

  1. #1
    I will save the world The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Throughout any time we have played Final Fantasy, there have been a certain time where we go WTF!!! Whether it was damage dealt, certain events in the game, or just some bs that happened to the person actually playing.

    With that being said, here is where I would like to hear your WTF story which FF was it and what actually happened because I'm sure there's a lot of people that have those stories.

    Mine goes back to Final Fantasy VIII going to kill Ultima Weapon, going down the trench, facing monsters, nothing I can't handle killing things left and right having a good old time. Run into a Ruby Dragon, I think to myself haha I just killed two of them. First thing, Dragon does a breath attack, does 8800 hp before I ever movie killing Squall and Quistis, and before I have time to life or phoenix down, I get a slash that does 5500 damage and I died. That made me pretty angry and I went WTF!!! for no other monster has done that much damage that fast at one time...although I know Ultima Weapon can be very very fast. Worst part was like an idiot I didn't save for a while so I lost about 20 levels up but ah well, welcome back to the old school dungeon style of FF.

    So what is your WTF story?

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  2. #2
    Chocobo Queen The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Katpuss's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    My WTF comes from Final Fantasy XIII.......had just got the Hecatoncheir edilon and gained access to the Archeylte Steppe (think I've spelt that correctly). I got really excited at the thought of running around and killing lots of different monsters.....then I cam across an adamontoise! Though I'd be able to beat it what with all of the leveling up I had taken the time to do. Entered the battle from behind but no pre emp and then died immediately when he stamped his foot on the grouond! My immediate reaction was WTF!

    My other WTF comes from Final Fantasy IV when I encountered Kain in the first crystal room and he dealt over 3000 hp's worth of damage! Thanks god it was actully part of the game!
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  3. #3

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Playing FFIV. Traveling through the Lunar Subterrane and encountering what looked like an orange imp (now goblin), called a Tricker. He scanned himself. "Weak vs. Lightning." I blast him with a Thundaga. He WAS weak to it, but it triggered this hellish lightning attack on me, annihilating me.

    Playing FFIX. I was on this island and encountered a little tiny creature (the Yan). I thought "This should be an easy battle." NOPE! They bombarded me with all sorts of strong attacks. It was alot like the Tricker from FFIV, only with this battle, you don't have to be gullible to get your ass handed to you.
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  4. #4

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    When I found out that Zidane was
    originally from another world

    the first time I played through. Maybe that's just me.

    As for battles? The first time I went down into the Lunar Subterrain. Once I got to the part where they started throwing mini-bosses left and right at you, I was saying "you gotta be kidding me! Another one of these things?" Apparently I was completely unprepared for that dungeon and never completed it until I got the DS version.

    Oh, and encountering Tonberry's for the first time (I think it was in VI). You can imagine what I yelled when I encountered them in VII.
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  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Mine has to also deal with Tonberrys (or is it Tonberries). I was trying to get all of the GFs in Final Fantasy VIII. My friend said, "Where's the turtle lizard thing?" I go online and discover that he was talking about the Tonberry. I find out where they were located online, but that was all I wanted to know.

    I go to the place, and start fighting. When a Tonberry pops up, I was like, "Yes, all I have to do is beat this and then I can leave." I knew nothing of the stats or abilities one these things had. It took 8 minutes, but I finally defeated it.

    I go to the GF menu, and no Tonberry. I was a little discouraged but not defeated in my search. Sure enough, it probably would've helped if I kept reading the online help. I was all, "What in the world is going on (A gentleman doesn't say profanities)? Is the game glitching out or something?"

    In the end, my frustration could've been prevented had I known that I had to fight so many in order to get to Tonberry King.
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  6. #6

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Two words: Honey Bee. I remember playing that part with my little 8 years-old sister watching and asking what was going on...good thing I was too busy laughing to answer her.

    Also, I had a pretty big WTF moment in FFXII, during my first visit in Giruvegan's Great Crystal. I was doing some random training and got completely lost, heading in the opposite direction you were supposed to go.
    The enemies quickly became too strong for me, so I decided to run heart skipped a beat when I saw that the enemies I were escaping from were following me in mass even if I changed zone.
    It happens in other locations, but the Great Crystal was the first time I noticed it while being in serious trouble. Obviously, I got pwn'ed.
    Thinking about it, FFXII gave me a LOT of WTF moments. Sometimes the game looks like it's simply trolling you by putting your characters in exaggerated the road you have to walk to get to Zodiark. There is a point in which you have to trigger a switch to open a door. If you do it, at least 11 or 12 bat enemies (the strongest ones, of course, they were called Abyss I think..) will come down from the ceiling...and attack you all the same time. Sure, you can defeat them, but the game most likely doesn't give you the time to do it because your characters are too busy going 'Ugh!' for the damage to move a finger(or move at all, so you can't even try to escape because they are hit and stop moving every second)...if your level is low, is a instant Game Over.
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  7. #7
    Badass Military Agent The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    The WTF moment for me was in FFIV, as I started getting towards the end of the game, the characters in the game just started dying one after another, and the thing that made me say WTF!!!!! was when Cid jumped off the ship with a bomb on him, then Kain going *Why is everyone so quick to seek Death*. Actually........ I laughed when that happened.

    Another WTF moment was when I first got to Pulse on FFXIII and seeing Titan for the first time in the FMV. I was like WTF is that thing??? lol

    Or when I got to Orphan(FFXIII), and for some reason I was getting my ass handed to me bad enough for me to say WTF why can't I beat this a-hole.

    One of my favorites was in FFIX, when Bahamut was pretty much destroying the city of alexandria, then Eiko and Garnet summon Alexander who to my surprise was the effin castle lol I was like WTF!!! really?? lol then the wings came out and I was really like WTF!!! lol

    Got more, just can't remember them in great detail

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  8. #8
    I will save the world The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Sisthra View Post
    Two words: Honey Bee. I remember playing that part with my little 8 years-old sister watching and asking what was going on...good thing I was too busy laughing to answer her.
    Lol, I remember the Honey Bee, I was playing with my buddy whose like 27 and he looks over at me and he's like WTF is this....I've played the game over 20 times and I still have no answer for him lol. Perhaps the creators had some group bath time together maybe? Or they were always ignored by strippers? I guess we'll never know

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  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Mine definitley goes to the first playthrough of final fantasy X. Not knowing what the hell dark aeons were, I was walking through the mihen highroad (I think) and encountered the magus sisters. This struck the initial "wtf" since id never seen them before and they looked really strange. Then the first attack that was used was their limit delta and it done consecutive 99,999, which was closely followed by my second "wtf"

  10. #10
    All is One.One is All. The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Mine goes to FFXII:

    I forgot the name of the location but wherever it is,it has the levels and stuff? Anyways,I was trying to get my way down to finish my last hunt,"The Seeq" and I was finishing my last room filling up the black orbs. I needed like 2 more,so I opened some doors went inside and fought. I saw one red dot on the screen and figure,"hey..its probaly just another skeleton." Turns out it was a Magick Pot,and instead of giving him a frekin Elixir..I decided to fight it..thinking it would be an easy battle. Once I landed the first blow on it,he literally started pawning me with Scathe and harsh physical blows. I started to run out of the room when like 4 skeletons popped up and started chasing me too! I barely got out of the room with like 2 characters in critical and I forgot that I had like 5 other monsters still out in the 'hallway' waiting to kill me,which they ended up doing anyway :'( I don't think I will ever try to fight a Magick Pot again unless I am absolutely sure I can beat it xD
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  11. #11

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    Mine goes to FFXII:

    I forgot the name of the location but wherever it is,it has the levels and stuff? Anyways,I was trying to get my way down to finish my last hunt,"The Seeq" and I was finishing my last room filling up the black orbs. I needed like 2 more,so I opened some doors went inside and fought. I saw one red dot on the screen and figure,"hey..its probaly just another skeleton." Turns out it was a Magick Pot,and instead of giving him a frekin Elixir..I decided to fight it..thinking it would be an easy battle. Once I landed the first blow on it,he literally started pawning me with Scathe and harsh physical blows. I started to run out of the room when like 4 skeletons popped up and started chasing me too! I barely got out of the room with like 2 characters in critical and I forgot that I had like 5 other monsters still out in the 'hallway' waiting to kill me,which they ended up doing anyway :'( I don't think I will ever try to fight a Magick Pot again unless I am absolutely sure I can beat it xD
    That's funny. I hated that whole dungeon.
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  12. #12
    Consistently Average The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    From memory, I havent had too many WTF moments in Final Fantasy. One of them was definatley early on in XII, after the Rogue Tomato hunt in the Easter(Wester?)sands. I'd defeated the mark and was running around killing all the other small fry that live in that are when I spotted the Wild Saurian. Feeling pretty overconfident I ran up and attacked it, only to be destroyed when it got pissed, turned around and hit me back. I'm fairly cetain that it was a deliberate move by Square to put it there, so they could laugh at all the unsuspecting noobs. But if anything, it taught me to be more cautious when approaching giant, oddly placed dinosaurs.

    Actually come to think of it, the biggest WTF moment in XII was finding out Larsa was a dude, he sure had me fooled
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  13. #13
    Gamer Girl The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Sakaea's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Definitely the whole Cloud-as-a-woman thing...the group bathing thing was so bad.

    Battlewise, first time I ever tried to fight Emerald/Ruby weapons in FFVII. Holy Goddess, those things were hard! Definite WTF.

  14. #14
    Everyone needs a savior The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    uhm hello how has nobody brought up the biggest wtf in the series this little final boss called necron? hello? completely random
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  15. #15

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Cereal~Killer View Post

    Playing FFIX. I was on this island and encountered a little tiny creature (the Yan). I thought "This should be an easy battle." NOPE! They bombarded me with all sorts of strong attacks. It was alot like the Tricker from FFIV, only with this battle, you don't have to be gullible to get your ass handed to you.
    Is the Yan that little cat thing? I remember finding that, it's crazy!

  16. #16

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by the_savior21 View Post
    uhm hello how has nobody brought up the biggest wtf in the series this little final boss called necron? hello? completely random
    He is pretty random, although no more random than Ex-Death or Zeromus... You just never know when these end-of-existence guys are gonna pop up!

  17. #17
    Everyone needs a savior The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    true but i wsa just totally suprised when noone mentioned him, i mean i was wtf is going on who is this guy
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  18. #18
    Registered User The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Caladbolg's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    So many to choose from!

    • The scene in VII where Cloud gets, I think it was, the underwear. The time alone with the gay dude!
    • Tidus saying "Stop right there- Goers!" in FFX. I was in stitches :L
    • Or several times in VI cause the characters in it where just damn crazy at times

  19. #19

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    I just remembered my biggest WTF moments - it was in FFVII, when I'd just crossed the swamp with the Midgar Zolom in it and gone through the cave at the other side. I came through the cave and saw the other Zolom impaled on a tree, and Cloud said that Sephiroth had done it. With all the build up of the hitherto mysterious Sephiroth (the evidence of him stealing Jenova and killing President Shinra) culminating in the impalement of a giant snake with a full size tree, I was like WTF WHO IS SEPHIROTH HE MUST BE THE BADDEST MOFO EVER (which turned out to be largely true)!!!

    That was definitely my biggest wtf moment in FF

    Oh and also when Palom and Porom (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) and then when Yang (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) and then Cid (SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER) In FFIV, those moments were pretty harsh.

  20. #20
    The White Wizard of Fynn The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by X-Meteo
    I just remembered my biggest WTF moments - it was in FFVII, when I'd just crossed the swamp with the Midgar Zolom in it and gone through the cave at the other side. I came through the cave and saw the other Zolom impaled on a tree, and Cloud said that Sephiroth had done it. With all the build up of the hitherto mysterious Sephiroth (the evidence of him stealing Jenova and killing President Shinra) culminating in the impalement of a giant snake with a full size tree, I was like WTF WHO IS SEPHIROTH HE MUST BE THE BADDEST MOFO EVER (which turned out to be largely true)!!!
    Yeah, I had a similar reaction when I saw the snake impaled after all the build up. Not only that, but the way he appears out of nowhere to do what he does at the end of disc 1. Although I remember it being a bit of an anticlimax following this.

    A WTF moment I recall is the first time I went through that whole episode in FFVII after leaving the cave after Kalm, to being in Costa del Sol. Cloud resuscitates a random girl with CPR and rides a dolphin, jumping to the top of a tower. Then he enters a Shinra air base, steals a uniform and takes part in a parade in order to sneak onto the boat. I did pretty badly so the commentators were like, "Give that soldier a bomb!" In any case, this neglects the fact that the rest of the party gets onto the boat without having to go through what Cloud does, so at the time I was a bit sceptical. Then you've got the whole business on the boat with all the characters dressed as sailors, including Red XIII. When the boat docks in Costa del Sol, the party leaves Cloud by himself. I went into one of the houses, I remember there was a guy in a suit called Johnny saying, "Tifa, promise me you'll be happy." He was eagle spread on a bed like he'd just been laid, so again I was like "WTF?, who is this guy and are you telling me he got lucky with Tifa?"

    I played this whole part one night before I went to bed. The next morning I thought I had dreamt it.
    Last edited by Mindu; 10-29-2011 at 02:00 PM.

  21. #21
    Everyone needs a savior The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindu View Post
    I played this whole part one night before I went to bed. The next morning I thought I had dreamt it.
    oh that is hilarious i remember that yea also a big wtf lol wow yea that was funny
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  22. #22

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    I don't have a story but I have just posted a thread which bears a sort of reseblance to this one. It is titled 'Where did this Boss come from? Check it out if you like want some opinions on it. This question makes me think WTF!!!

  23. #23
    I will save the world The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    I've already had a story but tbh I have like 8 more. I remeber playing FF7 for the first time and being underwear in disc 2 *spoilers* and I went to fight some monsters in the ship that was attack, I go back out and out of nowhere there this giant robot underwater, I'm thinking WTF is this? and before I had time to even press X, my team was dead, I found out later what it was, but then I was WTF!!!

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    Everyone needs a savior The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    ya i never had to accidently fight it but i seen the thing and was just like wtf
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  25. #25
    I will save the world The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Also a big WTF when Ruby comes out from the Desert, here you think you need someone needs help, next thing I know a giant monster comes out, WTF!

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    Everyone needs a savior The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    oh ya you mean like when its buried underground and it just like its tail or whatever stickin up?
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  27. #27
    Carpe Deim The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy stanman666's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    allthough not really a wtf moment but it still made chuckle and go what the hell when you fight gilgamesh in ff5 in ex-deaths castle and he has all the shitty weapons and thinks he is a total bad ass as for actual fight the first time i fought kefka in 6 i had never fought a boss with so many levels to him i thought i was done for

  28. #28

    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    The laughing scene in FFX and when khimari (not sure if that spelling is right) tries to kill you

  29. #29
    Everyone needs a savior The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    i gotta another one... in ffviii after you defeat edea on disc 2 and you see rinoa go over to seifer and it looks like they were like makin out
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  30. #30
    Registered Uber The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: The WTF??!! Moments of Final Fantasy

    Biggs, wedge and jesse; half the avalance team, getting wiped out in disk 1 of FF7. Cait sith being a shinra agent. Cloud's memories being Zack's... Pretty much all of FF7 was a wtf moment.

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