Well at least try them all. Only play through the ones you will end up liking. Cause it's pretty silly to play through a game you don't like.
Do you guys think playing final fantasy 1-13 is worth it, or at least trying to? Or, is this too hard or something.
I am trying to do this right now, I am on 2.
Well at least try them all. Only play through the ones you will end up liking. Cause it's pretty silly to play through a game you don't like.
I think it's worth giving a try, you can def tell within the first hour or two if the story is drawing you in. I say give it a shot
Wanna Know More:
All that does is show you what SE changed from the title before it to the next one. No connections, just maybe references about previous titles.
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of course it is worth it but you shouldnt have to force yourself to. it should be more of a lifelong thing.
like first off when I was a kid i rented ff4 and beat it from blockbuster as a kid, then the next one i got ff6 from my dad on my birthday and beat that when i was like 9 because i am a child prodigy and after that i got a psx and got ff7 after it was out a while even though i was late to the party it was still a good game. next i got ff8 for christmas it was pretty fun but different and i didnt like it but when i got older i liked it more. oh i also got ff5/6 for christmas as well it was a very fantasy filled christmas. next i got ff9 from a friend and ended up borrowing it from him and beating it. next again i was late to the party but i got a ps2 and ffx over the summer from my grandparents because they the best and they wanted me to have something to do over the summer I heart them. next i got a computer when i moved so i downloaded ff1 2 and 3 to my computer on roms so i was able to beat all ten ffs by the time i was 14. next i played a little bit of ff11 but i didnt like it. i also have my friends ff12 copy i got from college but i havent beat it yet but i will sometime this summer when i get some freetime and i beat ff13 in like about 10 days after it came out i plowed through it lol and skipped like two days of classes to beat it but i got good grades this semester so it was worth it.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
How would it be too hard? It may take quite some time but the journey through each game will be good. I've beaten the main series, excluding FF XI , mostly twice (FF XII and FF XIII only once). I would say it is worth playing through each game because the Final Fantasy series has loads of memorable characters, scenes, & music with unique growth systems. I say give each game one go around as each game offers something good/great.
Don't give up ExQ (Carlos Spiceywiener)!!!!!
Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x
Thanks to all.
Zargabaath, I agreed with what all you said thanks, and Carlos Spiceywiener? lol, what do you mean by that??
I think I will try to beat all the FF games, but in order, so i can get the full experience. I trust Square Enix enough that I will most likely be satisfied.
What Loaf said. They are all individual games. They are not sequels to each other...
Just play whichever ones you want.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I'm doing the same. I'm going to play through them all in order (except 11, don't do online ones, and not sure whether to play X-2 either)
I have played and completed some of them before but I'm gonna play through them again too as my aim is to complete them all including defeating all superbosses which I've only done on 8.
I'm in the final dungeon on 2, good luck ExQuentin!
It's really worth it because it makes every other one be better
I think that you should just play the ones you like. If you don't like a game, or if it doesn't seem good to you, skip it. You don't really get anything out of playing a game you don't like, do you?
And I don't see how playing each one in order makes the games better. I mean you can see how technology has advanced through each one, but that's about it. The storytelling really varies from game to game, so you really can't say XIII is better than X is better than V, just because XIII is the newest. My personal favorites are VI and VII. Is XIII better than both of them just because it's newest?
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Playing them chronologically would show how the technology/techniques has progressed and that in itself would lend to a fuller appreciation of how the series has grown.
As a fan of the series in general I would recommend playing them all if you get a chance but if they don't appeal to you, don't continue playing them and certainly shop around for the older titles as some of the prices I've seen for some of them are crazy.
victoria aut mors
play them all chronologicaly if you want.. i played 1-10 not all in order and will play them all again. i am woring on 8 on my psp and soon 9 is comming so i been thinking maybe after that would be a good time to start at 1 and go through..could also buy me some time to get a 5 and 6 re-release or remake somewhere.
If you like one you really should like em all they all follow the same formula with variations on the growth systm all of which are fun to master. each has a different story some better than others some way more complex.. obviously cause of the tschnological limitations of the systems released on.
i will play them all again. in order will be fun to me no other rpg out there has been able to deliver a great game expierience like ff. i have played alot of other rpgs ans rpg franchises none grip me like ff...i am also a big fan of classic style rpgs and 1-9 (sort of 10) give me the classic feel. that few others accomplish i know em all like em all love em all and will keep playing all of them time and time again