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  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Who are the best looking characters? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Who are the best looking characters?

    If this has been posted before, please tell me and I apologize in advance.

    You should make sure you explain why, don't have to get fancy but, just why.

    I say that it is between Lulu, Vanille, and Rinoa.

    Reasons are...
    Psychologically, natural afflictions with beauty are derived from their sense of healthiness. Meaning that, the healthier they are, the better looking. After that, the mind looks toward personal reference.

    Lulu- I love her red eyes and dark hair, and her overtly mature attitude is attractive.

    Vanille- Only because she fits on of my "perfect" beauties lol, Being a red head and having green eyes will automatically place you an 9/10, at least. Albeit being healthy.

    Rinoa- Well, she can be seen as a plain or slightly above average person in terms of looks, but for some reason, she is "cute" to me. She is just ahh, 10/10 on the cute scale? Also, weird I know but, she was most cute when
    she was helpless in space, when she was about to die.

    Honorable mentions.
    Ashelia. Mix of cute and serious
    Fang. Mix of sexy and serious
    Refia. Mix of cute and sexy
    Quistis. Mix of cute-sexy and serious
    Yuna... Highly cute.

    Oh and, I know they are games, not like I'm infatuated with them, but you cannot lie that some Video game characters are better looking than most real life girls. *cough*Lulu*cough*

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  2. #2
    Everyone needs a savior Who are the best looking characters? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    i like rikku, paine, tifa, and Dagger

    rikku is young and cut

    Paine has those red eyes and can pull off the short hair look

    tifa has a nicely proportioned body

    and dagger is just beautiful especially after she cuts her hair off
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  3. #3
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Who are the best looking characters? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by the_savior21 View Post
    i like rikku, paine, tifa, and Dagger

    rikku is young and cut

    Paine has those red eyes and can pull off the short hair look

    tifa has a nicely proportioned body

    and dagger is just beautiful especially after she cuts her hair off
    Damnit, I forgot tifa lol.

    The thing about Dagger is, she is a little tooo unrealistic.

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  4. #4

    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Well, you can't really compare all of the characters... as for example in FFII, the characters looked slightly different from the ones in FFXII... But as there are also some nice illustrations of the characters of the old FFs, you might compare them... but I assure you that no one will ever think that a character of FFII looked best.

    Aside from that, I split it up to female and male characters. As I'm a girl, male characters CAN look good for me. Guys, who's the best looking MALE character you can think of?

    As for the male characters: Basch (FFXII)
    Might surprise you, as I have a picture of Auron (FFX) in my signature, but I like Auron's personality more than his looks. He DOES look good, but Basch looks better. Sorry, Auron! I especially like Basch's beard. <3 And his long hair. And I really liked his beard when he'd been imprisoned. ^^" May sound odd, but he looked really good (at least for me!) back then. Oh and I like his clothes.

    As for the female characters: Celes (FFVI)
    Of course, in-game she doesn't look that great. But if you've played the game to the end, you'll see some illustrations of the characters by... whoever did those. Then you'll see how pretty Celes really is. I like her quite colorless face and her dress in the opera scene. And her hair. *o* She just looks so good. <3

    But these two are just my favorites. I also like Rikku (wouldn't have cosplayed her if I didn't like her look ^^"), Faris (FFV), Auron (FFX), Cid (FFVII), Freya (FFIX), Zidane (FFIX), etc. etc. There are many many more...

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  5. #5
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Who are the best looking characters? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Thank god people aren't taking this question as a weird question lol ^^

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  6. #6
    Registered User Who are the best looking characters? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    It's a good question ^^

    My best answer would be:

    -Tifa (VII)
    -Garnet (IX)
    -Yuna (FFX)
    -Zack (VII)

    Others i can mention are Zidane,Squall,Lani,Edea,Terra,Balthier,Celes,Rinoa ,Beatrix,Rude,Cloud,Cecil, Fran and many more
    Last edited by Zidane77; 02-20-2011 at 07:23 AM.

  7. #7
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Who are the best looking characters? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zidane77 View Post
    It's a good question ^^

    My best answer would be:

    -Tifa (VII)
    -Garnet (IX)
    -Yuna (FFX)
    -Zack (VII)

    Others i can mention are Zidane,Squall,Lani,Edea,Terra,Balthier,Celes,Rinoa ,Beatrix,Rude,Cloud,Cecil, Fran and many more
    I would say male characters but that's weird. I will comment on their design tho, not their attractivness.

    Auron looks badass. I mean really. Everything about him looks badass lol
    Zack. He looks cool, never even seen him ingame, but his overall design is cool.
    Vincent. I like his personality and design.

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  8. #8
    Registered User Who are the best looking characters? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    I would say male characters but that's weird. I will comment on their design tho, not their attractivness.

    Auron looks badass. I mean really. Everything about him looks badass lol
    Zack. He looks cool, never even seen him ingame, but his overall design is cool.
    Vincent. I like his personality and design.
    Yeah Vincent is a sexy beast :þ

    Cyan is a hunk of man meat too
    Last edited by Zidane77; 02-20-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Who are the best looking characters? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quistis has both, looks, and intelligence, thus by default the most attractive female in Final Fantasy franchise, in my opinion of course. Lulu would be second, due to her strong nature, and huge chest, her strongest point by the way. Fran close third, for being overall foxy, and her accent, which has something to do with it.

    As for male characters, I certainly wouldn't want to look like Genesis, Kuja, Sephiroth, Cloud, Cecil, Vaan, Luneth...androgynous in other words. Gabranth on the other hand doesn't look like a fagot, thus winner in my book, I also like his beard.

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  10. #10
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Who are the best looking characters? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    As for male characters, I certainly wouldn't want to look like Genesis, Kuja, Sephiroth, Cloud, Cecil, Vaan, Luneth...androgynous in other words. Gabranth on the other hand doesn't look like a fagot, thus winner in my book, I also like his beard.
    I want Genesis outfit tho, it looks cool. I can stay away with the gay, no offense intended at all.

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  11. #11
    黒い翼の天使 Who are the best looking characters? yuki's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    as for guys the number one should be sephiroth.....??? coz he is abig wow.... XD
    and right after him comes squall and geness(hope got it right)... coz both were modeled like GACKT..

    and in general they look good and they are strong with kind hearts(even sephiroth) XD
    as for girls tifa and lightining and ash would be the best....
    coz they are cute looking but super strong....

  12. #12

    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quistis, Everything about her is perfect, she is a prime example of feminimity.
    Beautiful, uses a whip, she's calm, slightly whiney in the good way, blonde, and I love the pixie cut, good taste in cloths, and is a teacher(personal fetish), she shows her navel. Not only is she the sexiest woman in video games, I'de extend that to the history of imagination.

    Berrett,tall black guy with HUGE muscles and Mr. T-esqu hair, and a gatling gun [i]graphted onto[/b] his body. Is there anything cooler than this? (the berrett in the origional game, not that hippie with the stupid transformer on his arm from the movie)

    Kumori, Finally, a playable beast man! cool look, and not overdnone. Could have easily happened with a character like him.
    Last edited by JuzamDjinn; 02-24-2011 at 10:49 AM.

  13. #13
    Registered User Who are the best looking characters? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Who are the best looking characters?

    Quote Originally Posted by JuzamDjinn View Post
    Quistis, Everything about her is perfect, she is a prime example of feminimity.
    Beautiful, uses a whip, she's calm, slightly whiney in the good way, blonde, and I love the pixie cut, good taste in cloths, and is a teacher(personal fetish), she shows her navel. Not only is she the sexiest woman in video games, I'de extend that to the history of imagination.

    Berrett,tall black guy with HUGE muscles and Mr. T-esqu hair, and a gatling gun [i]graphted onto[/b] his body. Is there anything cooler than this? (the berrett in the origional game, not that hippie with the stupid transformer on his arm from the movie)

    Kumori, Finally, a playable beast man! cool look, and not overdnone. Could have easily happened with a character like him.

    I like Kimahri and Red,Mog too
    Quina has to be my favorite though.

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