If this has been posted before, please tell me and I apologize in advance.

You should make sure you explain why, don't have to get fancy but, just why.

I say that it is between Lulu, Vanille, and Rinoa.

Reasons are...
Psychologically, natural afflictions with beauty are derived from their sense of healthiness. Meaning that, the healthier they are, the better looking. After that, the mind looks toward personal reference.

Lulu- I love her red eyes and dark hair, and her overtly mature attitude is attractive.

Vanille- Only because she fits on of my "perfect" beauties lol, Being a red head and having green eyes will automatically place you an 9/10, at least. Albeit being healthy.

Rinoa- Well, she can be seen as a plain or slightly above average person in terms of looks, but for some reason, she is "cute" to me. She is just ahh, 10/10 on the cute scale? Also, weird I know but, she was most cute when
she was helpless in space, when she was about to die.

Honorable mentions.
Ashelia. Mix of cute and serious
Fang. Mix of sexy and serious
Refia. Mix of cute and sexy
Quistis. Mix of cute-sexy and serious
Yuna... Highly cute.

Oh and, I know they are games, not like I'm infatuated with them, but you cannot lie that some Video game characters are better looking than most real life girls. *cough*Lulu*cough*