i prefer the name Eidolons.
Hi, I just wanted to ask you guys a little question. The Final Fantasy summons are beautiful, awesome and everything in between. And in each game they are called different thing, like; Espers, Eidolons, Aeons, Guardian Forces, summons or Avatars...
Which name do you prefer?
I like the name; Esper!
Aeons ring home with me. Eidolons is cool too
Guardian Force sounds gay
Guardian Force is the worst of them.
My favorite has always been Espers. It just sounds cool. Eidolons comes second.
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I thought Eidolons was really cool, definitely my favorite.
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I felt that Espers seemed more appropriate out of the names Square Enix has given for the summons in the games. It just has that magical, ethereal quality to it xD
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Since X was my first Final Fantasy im gonna go with Aeons. It just has a nice ring to it. Makes them sound kinda mystical. I never liked Summons it just sounds kinda lazy but I do think it has its place in the older games becuase it suits their simplicity. I dont like Eidolons though. It doesnt help that i've been pronouncing it as "Eeleodons". I don't quite know how I managed to get it so wrong.
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I have played where they were Summons, Guardian Forces, Eidolons, Aeons, and Espers. I really don't prefer one above the others.
It is like how English-speakers call a cat a "cat". Spanish-speakers call it "gato", Chinese call it "mou". No matter what it is called, it is still a cat.
The same goes for the magical beings that come and whoop the tar out of the enemies. No matter what they are called, they still come when called and destroy the enemy.
Last edited by Michael Swayne; 10-07-2011 at 05:31 PM. Reason: Misspelled "destroy"
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I'd have to go with Aeons, aeons are awesome and they look cool!
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Aeons 4 lyfe!
Even though my first love is FFVIII, "Guardian Force" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. And even if you shorten it to "GF" then it sounds like you're summoning your girl friends.
I always liked Espers, although whenver I have conversations about this I find myself just using Summons to refer to them, which is what they're called in FFVII. I do prefer Espers, but Summons always seems to be the go to name.
I'm working on my own FF fiction/game/rp in which they're called Astrals. What do people think of that as a name?
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Don't really like Eidolons but I do like Aeons thats my fave.
I prefer "Summons" its easier but "espers" and "eidolons" sounds pretty
"Guardian forces" lmao
i also say summons in general
or when ime playing i say its time to call for the big one thats gonna kick their ass
Eidolons, Espers, Aeons, in that order.
But as long as its not Guardian Force i really don't care.
Yeah, I guess I automatically call them "summons" too. How boring of me.
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The real question is... HOW THE **** DO THEY MAKE UP NAMES THAT ARE SO COOL!?
Like, do they have a meeting in their Squenix HQ, and they're like, "Okay boys! We have summons to design! What should we call them? Let's pick something that sounds magical, but is a completely unique name that sounds like something you would absolutely die for!? I'm thinking of calling them Celestials this time! Protosummons? Kallings? Therials? Lumins?"
Like, they must have a dictionary of cool sounding names to suck us in. It works every time.
I'd go with Aeons. It sounds uber-cool.