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Thread: Square

  1. #1
    I'm the one and only ace here! Square Tidus1872's Avatar
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    Found something interesting about SQUARE ENIX. I played a retro Mario game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and I noticed something. I'm not sure if it's just evolved or what, but along with Nintendo, SQUARE was part of it too. This was in 1990 or somewhere close. Then I played FFVII for the PS1. It said SQUARE SOFT. Now FF games are saying SQUARE ENIX. Who'd think that SQUARE would be in a Mario game? I wonder why they changed it twice? Just a thought.

  2. #2
    Registered User Square
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    First of all:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tidus1872 View Post
    Found something interesting about SQUARE ENIX. I played a retro Mario game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
    That's a damn good game! I'm glad you're playing it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when it first released. I feel old now. You're calling it a "retro" Mario game. I still remember the commercials for it.


    and I noticed something. I'm not sure if it's just evolved or what, but along with Nintendo, SQUARE was part of it too. This was in 1990 or somewhere close. Then I played FFVII for the PS1. It said SQUARE SOFT. Now FF games are saying SQUARE ENIX. I wonder why they changed it twice? Just a thought
    Square and Squaresoft is/was the same thing. According to my research (yeah, I looked it up) those two names were pretty much used interchangeably. So a game could say "Developed by Square" and another could say "Developed by Squaresoft", but it's the same company.

    As for why they changed to Square-Enix, it's pretty much because Squaresoft lost a lot of money when they released Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, and in order to stay in the game, they merged with Enix. Or so that's how I understood it to be.

    Oh, and Super Mario RPG: TLOTSS was released in 1996, just so you know.
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  3. #3
    Gunblade wielder Square Nunubx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tidus1872 View Post
    Found something interesting about SQUARE ENIX. I played a retro Mario game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and I noticed something. I'm not sure if it's just evolved or what, but along with Nintendo, SQUARE was part of it too. This was in 1990 or somewhere close. Then I played FFVII for the PS1. It said SQUARE SOFT. Now FF games are saying SQUARE ENIX. Who'd think that SQUARE would be in a Mario game? I wonder why they changed it twice? Just a thought.
    You didin't know square worked on Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars?!?!? Boy,don't make me hurt you. lol, im just kidding. Anyways, to answer your question, SQUARE SOFT was just another name to say square and SQUARE ENIX is the name when square and enix merged to make SQUARE ENIX.
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  4. #4
    Square Jin's Avatar
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    That's nothing. You'll never believe what I just noticed while looking outside. The sky, it was blue. Isn't that amazing?

    Until now!

  5. #5
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Square chrono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    That's nothing. You'll never believe what I just noticed while looking outside. The sky, it was blue. Isn't that amazing?

    i checked the kids profile he is only fourteen so there is no need to make fun of him. he did not know because of his age nothing more nothing less.

    when square-enix was squaresoft he was in elementary school learning shapes. unnecessary jin ...unnecessary.... if the kid can not feel comfortable asking questions about ff here then damn.
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  6. #6
    Square Jin's Avatar
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    Oh, better add some more so this doesn't look like spam.
    Last edited by Jin; 12-12-2009 at 04:45 PM.

    Until now!

  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I heard of Squaresoft when I was learning shapes. I've just been that much of a gamer
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  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    You're calling it a "retro" Mario game. I still remember the commercials for it.
    Wasn't that the one with the old man ranting at his grandchildren about Mario having to collect the 7 stars? That commercial was awesome.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jin
    That's nothing. You'll never believe what I just noticed while looking outside. The sky, it was blue. Isn't that amazing?
    You're not the nicest man, are you?

    Yeah, at the time that game came out (or a little afterwards) it was thought that that would be the only time Nintendo and Square would work together, and the last time a Square game would appear on a Nintendo console. Relations were not happy... but then we got the FFT Advanced and Crystal Chronicle games, so yay!! *thumbs up* Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Square chrono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post

    Oh, better add some more so this doesn't look like spam.
    if you like making children feel inferior then i guess thats just your thing
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    Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia

    To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana

  10. #10
    I have not had the chance to play the game yet.I have had the game for awhile,so maybe it is time that I play it.

    I remember reading that Square helped with the game about 4 years ago.During this time I was beginning my Square obsession,and I bought the game for only $5.00.


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