View Poll Results: Orlandu vs. Sephiroth

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  • Orlandu

    10 62.50%
  • Sephiroth

    6 37.50%
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Thread: Orlandu vs. Sephiroth

  1. #1
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
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    Orlandu vs. Sephiroth

    I basically am taking my favorite hero and favorite villain and wondering how the battle would end up. I have an idea myself but i want to know your opinions on who would win.
    Thunder God Cid vs. Crazed Genetic God Sephiroth

    I think Sephiroth would use both Bizarro and Safer forms and not his human form at all into this battle. First he starts out in Bizarro. Orlandu has a great speed advantage because of his excalibur so he starts out with a lightning stab that silences a few of bizarro's parts while doing massive holy damage to him...
    Bizarro then uses bio on orlandu inflicting massive poison on him. Orlandu uses an antidote on himself and due to his haste attacks again with holy explosion....bizarro's weakness to holy damage ko's him and he switches to safer.
    During the switch Orlandu's haste lets him go again and he strikes Safer with Excalibur... The legendary sword does medium damage, but Safer counters with strong magic(cant remember what element he uses...been awhile). Orlandu is taking down to about half his health because his reflect mail counters most of the damage because safer has so powerfull of magic attacks.(couldnt have him reflect it all to win) Orlandu uses knight sword and devastates safer with shadow element and heals himself back up to full...with faster speed Orlandu attacks again with Dark Sword and drains most of Safer's mp....Safer fearing death uses the rest to summon Supernova which if it acts like it does in FFVII Orlandu is still barelyy alive because of his reflect mail....Orlandu runs up to safer and strikes him with excalibur twice in a row for the win.....
    (If supernova does destroy the planet obviously sephiroth wins but i thought i would go by the gameplay).

    If i have any errors which i probably do in the magic wise attacks just correct me and tell me who you think would win.
    Last edited by MILK; 06-15-2009 at 10:58 AM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User Orlandu vs. Sephiroth HUNK's Avatar
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    Wow, that could have been an RPB.

    Well in terms of strength I have to give it to Orlandu, in HP it goes to the many forms of Sephiroth.

    If he was in his human form though, I think Orlandu just might lose.

  3. #3
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
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    yeah i thought about the number of forms and more abilities seph had so i added Orlandu the ability to have items hence the antidote he used and his equip excalibur......the amount of forms and supernova could tip the tide either way

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  4. #4
    come and get some Orlandu vs. Sephiroth Darkwave's Avatar
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    I got to give it to Septh, because he destoryed everything by himself and killed anyone cloud used to like. Besides I am a FF7 fan,lol

    At the end of the day, it comes down to one hero to save us all.

  5. #5
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Orlandu vs. Sephiroth T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Erm, Orland(ea)u. Hands down. Sephy hasn't even a choice.

    In terms of physical combat, Sephiroth is the clear winner if only because of his youthful physique. That doesn't mean Orland(ea)u will be a push-over: if anything, being a Kensei will make him nothing short of the greatest swordsman ever. So, you may imagine that he'll parry Sephiroth's attacks and will be capable of taking over Sephy's only fencing weakness: his sword is just too long, so his actual cutting spot will be mid-range. Once Orland(ea)u closes to mid-range, parries, and enters his close range (and despite his lack of speed, he might JUST reach it), Sephy is out of his league. Consider that Orland(ea)u pretty much uses every weapon, so it would be stupid of him to NOT have a light weapon nearby, such as a dagger. In that range, Sephiroth will be forced to react quickly.

    In terms of abilities, Orland(ea)u. Period. Sephy will probably lose his weapon with Crush Weapon/Hellcry Punch, his MP with Duskblade/Dark Sword, and Orland(ea)u will simply hold his ground with Divine Ruination/Holy Explosion, and recover his HP with Shadowblade/Night Sword. Sephiroth may have his spells, but consider that most of his spells were Materia-based (up until he attempts control of the Lifestream), so without weapon, Sephy simply has no spells.

    In terms of weapons and armor, Orland(ea)u again. Simple. While Sephy only has the big-ass Masamune, Orland(ea)u has the Excalibur Knightsword, which grants him Auto-Haste. Plus, he has a good sort of physical armor, so physically he's a powerhouse.

    In terms of stats, they're roughly equal. Sephy was genetically engineered to be better, but Orland(ea)u is simply pure battle-hardened badass. If people like Elmdor(e), who's pretty much Sephiroth's expy, couldn't even dent him, think about the real deal. In coding, Orland(ea)u is meant to be the physically strongest of the characters. Period. So it's a question of in which age. And Orland(ea)u is at a disadvantage because of his age (a man that can still kick ass at over 60 years should make Sephy weep in tears. No Excalibur required)

    If we're to deal with the enhancements, Sephiroth has his Bizarro and Safer forms. Bizarro is mostly a huge monster that can't aim properly at all characters, so it can only target Orland(ea)u with a fraction of his body (note my words; it doesn't say that Sephy just needs to target him with a fraction of his power. For all purposes, Sephy is striking at full power) This is a disadvantage for Sephiroth; Orland(ea)u just needs to either drain his HP or his MP. Which is mighty odd, since Bizarro Seph is not immune to Drain. Safer form is a tad more powerful, what with Heartless Angel (which can be countered with his HP-draining ability) and his other moves. The entire battle is pretty much reserved to Orland(ea)u hacking away at his HP and MP until Safer dies, or until Orland(ea)u becomes Petrified by the Break spell.

    So, what Orland(ea)u has that ensures victory? Well, he has the disposition of FFT's entire class system, plus pretty much the ability to equip any weapon or armor. He has Excalibur by default, which grants him Auto-Haste. This means that Orland(ea)u will ALWAYS go pretty fast, which may nullify any speed advantage of Sephiroth. He has decent equipment with his Crystal Armor, but he can aim for something better. Reflect/Mirror Mail (which is pretty common, so much that it can be bought) renders Orland(ea)u capable of Reflecting the bulk of Sephy's spellcasting. In case of extra protection, a pretty common Jade Armlet protects him against Break, which is the greatest danger Orland(ea)u may face. The rest mostly depends: the Gold Escutcheon pretty much allows him to block many of Sephy's physical attacks and also half-chance to resist even magical spells. Grand Helmet grants just a few immunities, which makes it the most effective helmet; however, Orland(ea)u can equip HATS as well, so he can get things like the Thief's Cap, which raises his Speed (that means Orland[ea]u is even faster!) As for the other abilities, Soulbind/Damage Split is brutal. Even when Sephy casts his overrated Supernova, Orland(ea)u will deliver half of the damage he receives back to Sephiroth. That allows him to use other attacks if he so desires. If not, Reflexes/Abandon is equally as brutal, as that means almost a doubled chance of evading physical AND magical attacks. Coupled with things like a Gold Escutcheon, that pretty much means a 100% chance of evading all magic. Pretty much Orland(ea)u will be immune to Sephiroth's attacks (except Supernova, which funny enough deals damage based on the character's HP, and works almost as well as Gravity spells. That's right, Sephy can't kill people with Supernova) Meanwhile, Orland(ea)u needs only to whittle away the XP. That's...well, one Reaction Ability (which one chosen depends), a Shield, a Helmet or Hat, an Armor, and an Accessory. I haven't mentioned secondary Action Abilities or Support Abilities, frankly because the current build still makes it worthwhile. Adding more would be akin to abusing.

    Of course, that's without adding the War of the Lions equipment. Then the Jade Armlet is replaced by the Onion Gloves, which grant complete immunity to all status effects except four status effects that Sephiroth cannot use because they're native to Orland(ea)u's world. Only one of the four is potentially dangerous (Chicken), the other three are either situational (Oil, which means Fire deals 2x damage) or counter-intuitive (Faith means more effect from magic spells but we're already bulking immunities to THEM, Atheist is even worse because that means Sephy has just made Orland(ea)u immune to magic. If the Reflect Mail is replaced by the Onion Armor, that means permanent buffs plus constant Reraise. Replacing the Gold Escutcheon with the Onion Shield already makes Orland(ea)u's decent magic evasion even more tough than before.

    And for about the Samurai Attack Action, Iaido/Draw Out? Self-healing, self-buffing, potent damage, no need for Faith, based out of Magic Attack which Orland(ea)u is unnaturally proficient with, and...wait, isn't Sephy's sword a Masamune? A katana, by all means? That means Sephy just provided Orland(ea)u with a chance to gain Regen and Haste (in case he didn't already had it). Ouch.

    So yeah. Sephiroth doesn't have any of the things that can make Orland(ea)u's life impossible (weapon breaking, and there's Safeguard/Maintenance for that), so the battle quickly turns one-sided. Of course, for terms of proper balance, all stats would be equivalent to the planet in which they had their (theoretical) combat: Sephy's stats would lower to their equivalents on FFT's Ivalice, while Orland(ea)u's stats would increase to their equivalents on FF7's The Planet.
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  6. #6
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
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    hahahaha well put i totally forgot about weapon breaking with meteria spots so that would render sepheroths human form useless....I agree with just about everything except i think WoTL gear isn't really needed it's already one sided by then......ned a seph supporter to try to make a counter-argument

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  7. #7
    Registered User Orlandu vs. Sephiroth HUNK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Cid View Post
    hahahaha well put i totally forgot about weapon breaking with meteria spots so that would render sepheroths human form useless....I agree with just about everything except i think WoTL gear isn't really needed it's already one sided by then......ned a seph supporter to try to make a counter-argument
    Not needed, but helpful.

    Thanks to T. G. Oskar for helping my think harder. I forgot to think of the two characters backgrounds. This gives sephiroth a slight advantage due to orlandu's age but still WITH the extra materia that orlandu can now use he is only that much stronger.

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Orlandu wins. I don't feel like typing what Oskar typed.

  9. #9
    Angelicos Orlandu vs. Sephiroth Alther Primus's Avatar
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    It really depends on which powers Seph has, let's say that Sephy has all of his powers from his games.

    Then, he wins. Heartless Angel, teleport, Blizzaga.

    FFVII Forms:
    Sephiroth uses Blizzaga, hurting Orlandu, but Orlandu heals himself,
    Bizzaro uses Poison, Orlando uses an antidote,
    Seraph uses Supernova, and strikes with his wing. Orlandu dies.
    Sephy would win, especially considering as how, in his Seraph form, he can fly beyond Orlandu's reach and cast powerful spells.

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  10. #10
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Orlandu vs. Sephiroth T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness Oblivion View Post
    It really depends on which powers Seph has, let's say that Sephy has all of his powers from his games.

    Then, he wins. Heartless Angel, teleport, Blizzaga.
    Assuming you don't mind having Blizzaga Reflected (Pierce Reflect does not exist until Kuja's run, mind you), or outright evaded by 100% Magic Evasion rate.

    That is, if Sephy is all powered up. Then Orlandu only needs equal properties, right?

    FFVII Forms:
    Sephiroth uses Blizzaga, hurting Orlandu, but Orlandu heals himself,
    Bizzaro uses Poison, Orlando uses an antidote,
    Seraph uses Supernova, and strikes with his wing. Orlandu dies.
    Sephy would win, especially considering as how, in his Seraph form, he can fly beyond Orlandu's reach and cast powerful spells.
    Sephy uses Blizzaga, Orlandu either Reflects it (Reflect Mail) or evades it (Aegis Shield + Reflexes). Or, if you feel particularly punishing, having half the damage reflected back. No chance of evading (Soulbind)

    Bizarro (or Rebirth, however you wish to call it) uses Poison. Either he uses an Antidote (true enough), heals it through a Esuna spell (if he has White Magic), uses Purification/Stigma Magic (from the Monk's skills), or plain enough withstands it. Or, he can get the Onion Gloves and laugh at it (complete immunity). But, let's assume he remains poisoned like a man.

    Safer (or Seraph) would take so much time to use Supernova, only to realize "dang, it's a Gravity based move (aka, fixed damage in case you didn't noticed), which causes Orlandu to either eat it like a man (in case he has no Soulbind), or make Sephy pay (in case he DOES has Soulbind) However, the wing won't hit; it's like...between 100% and 150% Physical Evasion alone (depends on whether it has Reflexes, and which shield does it wear)

    So no, not as easy a kill as it may seem. And still, if you think Sephy can teleport, Orland(ea)u can too. Just...not as effectively (you recall that FFT has the Time Mage learn Teleport as a Movement Ability, right?). Then again, it all depends on to where you wish Sephy to move around; Orlandu just needs the right distance to Shadowblade/Night Sword him to oblivion.

    Again, the best chance Sephy has to win is if Orland(ea)u gets petrified. Which he can do with Break (which you would have noticed, had you paid some more attention to my long rant). And there are accessories that block Petrifaction, so it's rather tough to beat him. The only way he could lose is if Sephy is all powered up and Orland(ea)u is the same way as when he first joins you. And mind you, even then, he can still give Sephy a headache. I'd say migraine, though.

    However, that's IF there's a great disbalance in power. If Sephy can't transform and he's just as when you have him as a temporary NPC, Orland(ea)u defeats him easily, despite the age. A bit tougher if it's the Kingdom Hearts incarnation, but that's just making the battle a bit longer.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

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    The size of the ultimate form of the final boss is inversely proportional to it's chances of actually beating your party. If you agree with this, please copy and paste this valuable piece of info on your sig. AND, if you're evil and villainous...never settle for a big form when a smaller form is more kickass...

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  11. #11
    i compleatly agree with every thing oskar but ive got a little tidit to add

    if u look at what all the people say about cloud being more powerful then sepy, cloud is in fact in fft and he may be strong in that game but TG still domonates him, so if u put sepy on the same system as TG then i think the odds are stacked against him
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  12. #12
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
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    well thats the cloud tactics version not really the cloud the beats sephiroth....he has fewer abilities but all his limit breaks.....with equips from FFT he could become just as powerfull though...its just at how you look at it and which version you prefer as the original which is basically the FF7 version

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  13. #13
    Registered User Orlandu vs. Sephiroth HUNK's Avatar
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    I believe that the place they battle in would change things.

    If Orlandu were to come to the Final Fantasy VII world and only have his max 999 health, Sephiroth could easily destroy him in one hit. However if Sephiroth came to The Tactics world his health would drop to 999 and it would be more fair.

    Im not saying they HAVE to fight in one of these two worlds, Im just saying that if they did, it may change things. Each Final Fantasy world has its own rules.

  14. #14
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
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    If orlandu was to go to FFVII his stats would be changed as a ratio so they were similar to the characters of FFVII same as if seph went to tactics

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  15. #15
    protecter of the last crystal Orlandu vs. Sephiroth Noctis Lucis's Avatar
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    although orlandu is completely b.a. sephiroth wuld probly win idk its pretty evenly matched

  16. #16
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
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    not much reason for them to be evenly matched other then sephiroth has youth and i just though about how the fact that orlandu's body is unaltered, sephiroth has jenova cells making him more powerful then a human.........this is just an idea that goes away from stats.

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