View Poll Results: Orlandu vs. Sephiroth

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  • Orlandu

    10 62.50%
  • Sephiroth

    6 37.50%
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Thread: Orlandu vs. Sephiroth

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  1. #1
    Don't bash it till you've tried it Orlandu vs. Sephiroth MILK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Eckerty, Indiana......"Country like"

    Orlandu vs. Sephiroth

    I basically am taking my favorite hero and favorite villain and wondering how the battle would end up. I have an idea myself but i want to know your opinions on who would win.
    Thunder God Cid vs. Crazed Genetic God Sephiroth

    I think Sephiroth would use both Bizarro and Safer forms and not his human form at all into this battle. First he starts out in Bizarro. Orlandu has a great speed advantage because of his excalibur so he starts out with a lightning stab that silences a few of bizarro's parts while doing massive holy damage to him...
    Bizarro then uses bio on orlandu inflicting massive poison on him. Orlandu uses an antidote on himself and due to his haste attacks again with holy explosion....bizarro's weakness to holy damage ko's him and he switches to safer.
    During the switch Orlandu's haste lets him go again and he strikes Safer with Excalibur... The legendary sword does medium damage, but Safer counters with strong magic(cant remember what element he uses...been awhile). Orlandu is taking down to about half his health because his reflect mail counters most of the damage because safer has so powerfull of magic attacks.(couldnt have him reflect it all to win) Orlandu uses knight sword and devastates safer with shadow element and heals himself back up to full...with faster speed Orlandu attacks again with Dark Sword and drains most of Safer's mp....Safer fearing death uses the rest to summon Supernova which if it acts like it does in FFVII Orlandu is still barelyy alive because of his reflect mail....Orlandu runs up to safer and strikes him with excalibur twice in a row for the win.....
    (If supernova does destroy the planet obviously sephiroth wins but i thought i would go by the gameplay).

    If i have any errors which i probably do in the magic wise attacks just correct me and tell me who you think would win.
    Last edited by MILK; 06-15-2009 at 10:58 AM.

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