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Thread: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

  1. #1
    Registered User "Oh no... Not this part again!"
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    "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Have you ever replayed through a Final Fantasy game, and come across a part of the game that you absolutely DREADED to have to trudge your way through?

    For me, there are two examples that come to mind. First one would be in FF VIII when you're stuck in the D-District Prison. I actually have a save file that starts AFTER you get the party out of there, so when/if I get the urge to replay through the game, I can just load up that save when I get through with disk one and skip the whole prison part.

    Second one would be the Fifth Ark in FF XIII. I hate this place....with a passion. It's not that it's overly hard or anything, it's just really tedious to get through... Oh, and the level design is pretty bad too in comparison to what I've seen in the game so far.
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  2. #2
    Registered User "Oh no... Not this part again!" Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    There are quite a few. The Ice Cave in the very first final fantasy. You can get wiped out with the instant death attacks in this cave very quickly. Any time I fall behind leveling magic or have low hp and need to grind in FF II. I like the game till either of these happen and I have to grind away for long periods of time. The Frozen wastes from VII(dont remember names to well, but after you go snowboarding down from the one town.) Even climbing back up the mountain when you have to keep your body temp up. I agree with the prision district about VIII. Also the Arc is definately the worst part of XIII, its so repetitive. Good news is the game gets much better right after it.

    Scene from a movie.
    [Having pulled over a speeding driver.]
    Mac: All right, how about Cat Game?
    Foster: Cat Game? What's the record?
    Mac: Thorny did six, but I think you can do ten.
    Foster: Ten? Starting right meow?
    [They go up to the car.]
    Driver: Sorry about the...
    Foster: All right meow. Hand over your license and registration.
    [The man gives him his license.]
    Foster: Your registration? Hurry up meow.
    Driver: [laughing] Sorry.
    Foster: Is there something funny here boy?
    Driver: Oh, no.
    Foster: Then why you laughing, Mister... Larry Johnson?
    [Foster stares at him.]
    Foster: All right meow, where were we?
    Driver: Excuse me, are you saying meow?
    Foster: Am I saying meow?
    Driver: I thought...
    Foster: Don't think boy. Meow, do you know how fast you were going?
    [The man laughs.]
    Foster: Meow. What is so damn funny?
    Driver: I could have sworn you said meow.
    Foster: Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?
    [The man is uncontrollably laughing.]
    Foster: You stop laughing right meow!
    Driver: [Stops and swallows hard.] Yes sir.
    Foster: Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law.
    [Rips off the ticket and hands it to the man.]
    Foster: Not so funny meow, is it?
    [Foster gets up to leave, but Mac shakes his hands at him, indicating only nine meows.]
    Foster: Meow!

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I hate climbing the mountain in FFVII, that entire part of the game on the Northern Continent just annoys me so much. I had this amazing file where I was lvl45 at the end of disk 1, lvl3 magic and all...that file got to the end of Disk 2 and then I lost all the new saves so when I went back...I was at the end of Disk 1 lvling up right before Jenova and I was still lvl38...I didn't want to redue that section so I restarted the game.
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  4. #4
    Certified tech, come at me! "Oh no... Not this part again!" SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I have a few places that annoy me in FF games. 1. The dark elf cave in FFIV where you can't use metal equipment otherwise your party members will be useless in battle. 2. The pyramid areas in FFV. 3. the Great Glacier in FFVII that place is the devil. 4. The mini cave in FFIII. 5. That one area in FFXII where you can't use the mini radar to see where you're going. 6. The only other annoying location I can think of in a FF game is the Jade Passage in FFII. Those enemies in there are tough.
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    Crash Boom Bang "Oh no... Not this part again!" Lily's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    The Kalm flashback in VII. Ughhhh that part actually makes me want to hang myself. Its so long winded, first time, maybe even second, fine. But when youve played the game repeatedly that part just makes me want to cry. Same with the bit in the life stream with Tifa. just get on with it >:[

    D-District prison. I feel like a bloody yo-yo in that place. hate it

    Fossil roo. Even though I can get through it with no issue now, i haaaaated it my first play through, i just got lost, and i still cant shake that hate

    same as the poster above with that cave in IV, i always manage to leave SOMEONE with the wrong thing equipped

    The great crystal in XII. I actually never want to see that place ever again, much the same with the pharos. wasnt a lover of giruvegan either....

    And all of FFV

    I have so much hate for these games I really dont know why I play them... xD

  6. #6
    Learner "Oh no... Not this part again!" CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    the old Spider-Man game for the PS1
    the part where you have chase Venom
    so annoying
    i still cant rebeat it
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  7. #7
    A Plain Old Derp "Oh no... Not this part again!" Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    As said by multiple people, the Dark Elf's cave from IV, but for me I also really hated the waterworks at the beginning of IV DS, I alsways had to grind right before going in, and since its the beginning of the game, I don't really want to... f**king Tiny Mages...

  8. #8
    All is One.One is All. "Oh no... Not this part again!" Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Ok I have few:

    1. Final Fantasy 8- D-Distric Prison~ Despised this part soo much!! I become soo angry and annoyed at this part that I cry lol ( I know imma baby )
    2. Final Fantasy 13-Orphan's Cradle~ Ok I just now made it past this part and omg I couldn't stand it.The fiends or whatever are just soo dang hard!! Geez the 3 main bosses in this area were easier than the frekin fiends >
    3.Final Fantasy 9- The Card Duel Tournament~ OMG!! I hate this frekin part.I can never beat the people. Thank goodness for luck!
    4. Final Fantasy 10-Blitzball tournament~ The only part I hated about this game.Ugh I never win and I hate playin blitzball ( no offence to anyone,especially Ethan lol )
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    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth "Oh no... Not this part again!" Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I'll third the Dark Elf Cave, that place made Cecil practically useless forcing me to rely on weak, underleveled characters.

    Speaking of tedious places, Dark World in Final Fantasy III was simply impossible, had to beat four though opponents just to make the last one a little bit easier, and all that with no save point in sight.

    The caves in Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls where you get to fight the optional bosses were just annoying, not really the bosses as the time it took to reach them.

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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I have quite a few in FFVII. The ShinRa Building part, and deciding to take the stairs to save a couple of fights and that annoying elevator-constant-stopping part. Then there's the whole getting the ID cards from each floor to get to the next. I didn't mind it the first or the second time, but it's pretty boring after the forth time.

    Then there's the flashback with Sephiroth in Nibelheim. I hated not being able to control Sephiroth - they could have let you do that, seeing as it was only temporary.

    Some parts of the Temple of the Ancients was annoying too.

    Then the huge mountain climb. In fact, I think most of the story/navigation after the snowboarding mini game was long winded and boring.

    Then there was that part in Kalm, when you had to help Cloud find himself in all those memories. It was highly long winded.

    Maybe I have a lot of hated bits in FFVII because I've over played it? It's still my favourite...

    In FFVIII, I hated the part during the festival (?) part before the attempted assassination of the Sorceress. Running around in the sewers with Zell, Quistis and Selphie was a pain in the ass.

    Then there was the D-prison place... that took hours to get past the first time because I didn't know where to go.

    In FFX, I didn't like the Cloister of Trials. Any of them. Every time I got to a new one, I'd save and turn it off until I was bored enough to play through.

    In FFXII... that tower place where you fight Cid. And a lot of the exploration before you buy the maps.

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  11. #11
    Registered User "Oh no... Not this part again!" winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    FFVII, I don't really enjoy any of the 1st part, wall market, running round the slums, going through the shinra building the best part starts when you get to journey around on the world map. Like enitity I don't like the kalm section either, I don't even read it anymore, just sit there tapping on the pad to try and get through it quickly.

    FFVIII, only played this game once up to the castle but the bit that stands out is the D-Distric prison and also hated the Laguna flash backs and killing off those monsters on the ragnarok, took me 2 hours of running round the damn ship to realise you had to kill them off in a certain way.

    FFIX, Card game compertion, what was the point in that???

    FFX, Hated all of the cloister trials, actually had to look it all up on the internet cos I couldn't figure them out.

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  12. #12
    Registered User "Oh no... Not this part again!"
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    FFVIII....killing off those monsters on the ragnarok, took me 2 hours of running round the damn ship to realise you had to kill them off in a certain way.
    I completely forgot about that until you mentioned it! I agree. I remember playing it the first time many years ago, back when it was first released, and that part just about drove me CRAZY! I had no idea what to do, and pretty much just kept fighting all the aliens I came across because I didn't know the proper way to do it. My Rinoa was pretty much useless in battle too.

    It's not so bad for me now, but wow...I hated it the first time around, and it's still pretty tedious to get through.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 05-20-2010 at 07:50 AM. Reason: added more.
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    Registered User "Oh no... Not this part again!" winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I completely forgot about that until you mentioned it! I agree. I remember playing it the first time many years ago, back when it was first released, and that part just about drove me CRAZY! I had no idea what to do, and pretty much just kept fighting all the aliens I came across because I didn't know the proper way to do it. My Rinoa was pretty much useless in battle too.

    It's no so bad for me now, but wow...I hated it the first time around, and it's still pretty tedious to get through.
    And that's only one of the reasons I never played the game again, upgrading weapons and drawing magic was all things I could do witout aswell lol

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  14. #14
    Bananarama "Oh no... Not this part again!" Pete's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Let's see.

    Just toss V out the window. I hated that entire game, except for the music.

    In VII, I hated the Materia Keeper in the Nibelheim reactor. That fight ALWAYS annoyed me, even when I was a high enough level to rock him.

    I never really liked the Gelnika either. It just felt like a pain in the ass.

    Icicle Inn and the whole tundra thing also sucked royally. I always hated the blizzard part, where you had to put the posts around to figure where you were going.

    In VIII, I thought the entire NORG/ Shumi Village sections were absolutely ridiculous. I also hated the very beginning of the game. It always felt so dragged out.

    IX also annoyed me a good deal. The lost continent, fossil roo and the petrified forest place all kind of annoyed me.

    X... Just burn my copy. I disliked almost all of it.
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  15. #15
    Shake it like a polaroid picture "Oh no... Not this part again!" RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I mostly hate places where you encounter too many random monsters in too little time, when you just want to get somewhere, or do other stuff than training.

    Although I absolutely love FF IX, the Ice Cavern and Gizamaluke's Grotto were annoying in that respect. There must be more places I can't think of right now.

    In FF VIII, where you can fight Ultima Weapon, I didn't realise there was a secret save point. So I had to walk down that path every single time Ultima Weapon owned my ass. There were these Iron Giants that could really do some damage, right before you reached the ending. Quite annoying, even though it was my own fault in a way, not knowing about the save point.
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  16. #16
    Do the elements trust you? "Oh no... Not this part again!" bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Ok so in the ds version of 4, I hated 2 spots.
    1)as said before-the f***ing dark elf cave, I keep all my characters at low levels so the only one that could do anything at all was my Cecil. And he was only able to be used in the white Mage setup(bow and light armour it sucked) and somehow my yang was paralyzed.
    2) the dolls and golbez, the dolls immediately combine after I kill 1 and self destruct on my Cecil every time(A LOW LVL CECIL) and golbez kills everybody else automatically. And I hated Cid in that game.
    3)northern continent in 7 and the trip there I always somehow ended up trapped in lindblum(that's the name of clouds home town right?) all before I got on the ship.
    4) the desert after getting Ashe in 12 I got lost too many times to count and had to restart my file each time
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  17. #17
    This ain't no place for no hero "Oh no... Not this part again!" Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"


    In VII for me getting out of Midgar. Sucks that its the very beginning of the game, I'll probably never play it again because I hate that part so much.

    In VIII was when you got to Timber. FML I hated that area too!

    IX - Conde Petie (or however its spelled) annoyed me too. I didn't like the way the characters spoke, having to advance the story line bugged me too. Especially because I loved the Black Mage Village so the sooner I was out of Conde Petie the closer I was to the Mage Village.

    X - Anything to do with Blitzball, That forest that I can't remember the name of and the part right before you get Rikku irritated me. LOVED all the Cloister Trials though!

    Can't remember anything with XII off hand

    XIII - Yup, Fifth Ark was tedious. I did like the game but I liked it SO much better after I got to Gran Pulse.

  18. #18
    I have a peguin on a stick! ^_^ "Oh no... Not this part again!" Kooky Spice's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    FFVII: The part where you had to get the dress and wig and such it wasn't hard just annoying. The part in the frozen wastelands where you had to keep Cloud's body temp up. I had to restart my file a shit ton of times so I could get the Alexander summon materia. I kept getting lost and freezing. Raising Chocobos for the various C*ck biting Bull shit one has to go through to get various items/equipment/materia.

    FFVIII: Any of the Boss fights, seriously WTF is with not getting any experience?! The whole drawing magic bs. WTF WAS WITH THAT GOD FORSAKEN PRISON!! The monsters on the Ragnarok were really annoying too.

    FFIX: Quina

    FFX: Blitzball was awkward to play. The Calm Lands constant running into monsters. Scaling Mt. Gagazett was redonkulously long.

    In an off note I don't understand everyone's disdain for the Cloister of Trials in the temples. I thought they were really easy.

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  19. #19
    Registered User "Oh no... Not this part again!" kupo's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    1. blitzball tournement in X - dont even know. the 2nd time around playing it i had my brother get through that part.

    2. great crystal in XII - i like this place, get some rare stuff on occasion...and its shiny. but, you see, i have a horrible sense of direction in games. during my first play through it took me 3 hrs to get to the end and back to giruvegan

    3. the last chapter in crisis core

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiden View Post
    The Ice Cave in the very first final fantasy. You can get wiped out with the instant death attacks in this cave very quickly
    <-- thats what i think of the ice cave.

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    Sir Prize &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Pretty much what Lily said. Fossel Roo was a bunch of shit! The Kalm flashback should've taken about five minutes and a badass cutscene to explain, but bored gamers world wide and makes replay a very unappealing idea. Didn't mind the D-District prison that everyone seems to hate, but I did mind unequiping all metal items in the damn cave in FF4. And Final Fantasy Tactics, on the rooftop versus Elmdor and his two hoes... My controller had teeth marks from that mission...


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    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    My main one is probably Fossil Roo on FFIX. I still end up doing something wrong, so annoying.

    Another one I don't like is getting the Key underwater on FFVII. Not the getting the key part, it's just that Emerald Weapon scares the hell out of me, and if it's swimming about I hate it.

    Also on XII, the Sandsea. It seems to go on forever, and if you are under prepared, then it can be pretty tough.

  22. #22

    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    The beginning of Final Fantasy X I hate... Grr.. I don't know why but I just hate it. I love it once all of the characters are together, then it's fab but before I just want to run through it.

    In FFVIII the prison is boring... But once I equipped enc none it wasn't so bad you know? Also the 'Ellone past visions' parts I dread. They're quite dull really.

    In all honesty for the parts I dread most are all the beginnings maybe... I like to level up and pew pew with poweh ^~ <3

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    #LOCKE4GOD &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Pretty much every aspect of navigation in FFVIII. Walking around just seemed to take way too long, and the novelty of two stupid people mimicking your every step wore off after the third time you made them have a ladder orgy.

    And I seem to remember that bit with Laguna, with a dragon? Making a film or something? What the hell was that crap?

  24. #24
    Professional Klutz. &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I hate the whole of the opening to FFVII. This is only because I've played it through so many times, though. It kinda bores me.

    Also, Gizamalukes grotto from FFXI is hella boring. I hate collecting the bombs and fighting those basilisks in drag. Why are they in drag? Another part of XI I hate is Kujas castle. It's just tedious to do it and take too long. I hate any part in FF games where your party has to split up. You inevitably end up with one terrible party and one epic one. That can ruin a game for me.

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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    @ Hyzenthlay - I can't seem to recall any basilisks in drag that you may be referring to that's in Gizamaluke's Grotto, unless you mean those Lamia monsters, in which case I would have to agree with you. Not really so much about the design, but just how hard they could be to defeat if you weren't quick enough to defeat them... Entice and Mighty Guard can become a pain in the butt if you're not ready for it.
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    That's exactly what I was talking about. They look ridiculous and, like you said, they are pretty damn hard at times. The dragon sin that region are the same. They're optional, though.

    I agree with ZentetsukeN, too. Fossil roo was a BEAST of a dungeon. I completely forgot about it until I re-real his post.

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    Memento Rhapso &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Let's see.

    In VII, I hated the Materia Keeper in the Nibelheim reactor. That fight ALWAYS annoyed me, even when I was a high enough level to rock him.
    YES. I wasted so many hours grinding to get strong enough to fight him, and even then he was a bitch to bring down. As for FFX, Mt. Gagazet. I have yet to get past it because every time I make progress on it I encounter enemies, which are quite a bit tougher than me, and after the fight I'm facing the wrong direction, but I think it was the correct direction, so I follow it and end up at the bottom, rinse and repeat. After three or four tries with that, I tried changing direction after battles. STILL ended up at the base. Finally said FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and quit

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    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    I see many mention Fossil Roo, I found that part to be rather interesting, the puzzles weren't hard at all and the route was pretty much straightforward, there were two save points which is more than plenty for such small cave, the opponents weren't though, and there was a minigame where you could dig a rare equipment early in the game.

    The first time you enter Shinra building in Final Fantasy VII, the part with all those staircases was tedious to say the lest, especially when you find out that you can't actually use any of those elevators.

    The Blitzball tournament in Final Fantasy X, can't say I'm big fan of Blitzball so I'm not really fond of that event.

    Most of Final Fantasy V.

    The parts with Laguna, Kiros and Ward in Final Fantasy VIII, all of them.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  29. #29
    Registered User &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot; Xtrmn8r_V.13.7.3's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
    In a dark room to prevent glare, Auckland, New Zealnad

    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    Have you ever replayed through a Final Fantasy game, and come across a part of the game that you absolutely DREADED to have to trudge your way through?

    One place that i despised was in FFII, the part where you have to go in the
    Tower of the Magi

    I found this part extremely boring, and quite difficult at times. . .
    Boring because of the excruciatingly large number of floors (10 i think?) on the stupid thing, and difficult cause i forget to save and die, grrrrr "This part again!?!"
    It always sucks when you have to do a part all over again after you have died. . .

    When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
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    ~Jimmy Hendrix~

    Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature

  30. #30
    Registered User &quot;Oh no... Not this part again!&quot;
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    Jun 2010

    Re: "Oh no... Not this part again!"

    FFX Blitzball seems to be a popular one, and I would agree. Also the part fighting Evrae, and the Bevelle (?) cloister I think, where you're along a path and have to turn at the right moment.

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