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Thread: Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms

  1. #1
    The Quiet One Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Andromeda's Avatar
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    News Post Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms

    Famitsu recently interviewed Sakaguchi and Kitase for the anniversary of Final Fantasy. During the interview, Kitase revealed that he is working on a new Final Fantasy that will not be a remake, though said to be related in a way to others. Titled Mevius Final Fantasy, it is going to be available for iOS and Andriod platforms.

    In addition to Kitase, other past Final Fantasy developers will be part of the team. Kazushige Nojima will be working on the story for the game, he previously helped Kitase on the scenario for Final Fantasy VII, VIII and X-2. Toshiyuki Itahana was brought on for character designs and is known for the character designs in Final Fantasy IX as well as Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy Explorer.

    Mevius Final Fantasy is currently set for Spring 2015.

    Source: Mevius Final Fantasy Is An Upcoming Smartphone Game By Yoshinori Kitase - Siliconera
    Attached Images Attached Images Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms-selogo-jpg 
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  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Rowan's Avatar
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    why was sakaguchi interviewed if he is no longer associated with the company?

  3. #3
    The Quiet One Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Andromeda's Avatar
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    He's the creator of Final Fantasy and it was an interview about the anniversary. So it makes sense. I can't read the article, but I'm guessing they probably asked about his thoughts years later. It's more of a reflective thing now for him having moved from the series.
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  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    He's the creator of Final Fantasy and it was an interview about the anniversary. So it makes sense. I can't read the article, but I'm guessing they probably asked about his thoughts years later. It's more of a reflective thing now for him having moved from the series.
    I would love to read it.

  5. #5
    The Quiet One Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Andromeda's Avatar
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    This just seems to be a preview, as the magazine isn't out yet from the way the Siliconera article read, but if you want to brave the google translate. It might say something. ????????????????×?????????????????FF????????????20 14?12?18????? - ????.com
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  6. #6
    Consistently Average Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    This looks interesting, although I hope it's a 'proper' game and not other Freemium title that the Final Fantasy brand doesn't need. I admit I'm still biased towards (against?) mobile games but if they put actual time and effort into making it great, which it looks like they might be doing, I'd definatly consider getting it.

    I'm glad to see SE are coming up with new FF titles, I've been thinking recently that they should come up with a new flagship series, or at least another solid series that can sell alongside FF.
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  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    This looks interesting, although I hope it's a 'proper' game and not other Freemium title that the Final Fantasy brand doesn't need.
    >mobile game
    >hopes its a proper game
    >tfw certain dissapointment.

    Ive never enjoyed a mobile game beyond the 'casual' experience. In my opinion, RPG's cant and should never be a casual experience. They should always be something you invest your time, effort and mind into. An experience worth setting up an old console for, to sit in front of a tv and dedicate hours of attention and focus on a story and its intricacies. This is lost on a mobile.

  8. #8
    Consistently Average Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I had to look up what tfw meant...

    But i agree with what you're saying, I've never been a fan of mobile games other than to kill time or just **** around when I'm bored. All it takes is for a renowned company to come out with a great 'proper' game on mobile devices (im not necessarily talking about SE and this mevius game, because this is the first and only thing I've read about it) and maybe the stigma behind mobile gaming will be lifted.

    I mean all the potential and hardware is there in the devices, they're like touchscreen handhelds.
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  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    I mean all the potential and hardware is there in the devices, they're like touchscreen handhelds.
    Yet many RPG's on mobile insist on using a card battle system. It screams laziness to me. Its like they know people dont care about playing serious gaming on mobile phones and therefor dont put the effort in. i was very interested in at least trying that game (forget whats its called, game by hirinobuo sakaguchi and music by nobuo Uematsu) but the game wasnt even available in australia despite being in english.

    ARGH. So many wrongs that need to be rectified with the gaming world. I think region locking should be OBLITERATED asap.

  10. #10
    Consistently Average Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    I think laziness runs deep in the gaming industry with a few exceptions. Why risk creating new mascots and potentially iconic characters and series' when you can rehash the same old thing again and again.

    Argh i had a big spiel planned but now I'm rushed for time.
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  11. #11
    Boxer of the Galaxy Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    I think laziness runs deep in the gaming industry with a few exceptions. Why risk creating new mascots and potentially iconic characters and series' when you can rehash the same old thing again and again.

  12. #12
    Mevius Final Fantasy Announced for Mobile Platforms ZRO's Avatar
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    I personally haven't looked at much about Mevius, but I know I for one distrust the idea in general. Games on phones are intended (by the very nature of the device) to be played "on the go." To me, at least, this screams of having to be ready to be interrupted at any moment in the game for any reason that requires you to look up from the phone. Portable systems suffer from this as well, though they don't have quite the stigma against them like mobiles do. But, I know my 3DS is intended for games, also designed to be shut without losing place within the game. Many games on phones either lose their place, or cause a severe drain on your battery if they're left up in the background. And then there's that god-forsaken micro-transaction setup that seems to be prevalent in just about every game ever put on a mobile device. OMG that aggravates me to no end that almost every decent game (or at least could-have-been-decent) in a mobile market is based on sucking the money out of you for every little thing.

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