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Thread: I hate battlegen!!!

  1. #1

    I hate battlegen!!!

    Seriously, It;s freaking annoying.I have firion at level 100. I can only do like 50 brave damage, AT THE MOST. It's so random and anoying. There are a million different seperate items you need and they're spread apart as far as possible!

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus I hate battlegen!!! Victoria's Avatar
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    ....Do you mind making some sort of topic out of this....random complaint?
    I have no idea what you're talking about or what game you're talking about.

    Be more concise.

  3. #3
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    He's talking about Dissidia.

    If you're only doing 50 Brave damage at level 100, you're doing it wrong. (Actually I have no idea what kind of damage Firion is supposed to do at that level, but 50 seems way too low.) What level is your equipment and what are you trying to battlegen? Are you using the equipment that increases battlegen/item drop rates? It makes farming a hell of a lot easier. Also, damage modifiers via accessories.

    And I suppose the most obvious question would be if you're farming the Blackjack Dual Colosseum or not. If you're fighting opponents 50 levels above you, then yeah, you're not going to do as much damage, depending on what you have equipped.

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 12-25-2009 at 05:35 AM.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  4. #4
    hunh...I don't remember making this thread... must've been drunk... still doesn't explain how I spelled everything right, though...

  5. #5
    your friendly neighbourhood Genga I hate battlegen!!! J3N0V4's Avatar
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    hahaha lmao great job being drunk or something.

    on another note battlegen doesn't really make a difference your items should be the highest you got and you should try checking to make sure you got decent support abilities, with Firion you can do easy criticals with back attack or whatever its called
    When we drink we get drunk
    When we get drunk we fall asleep
    When we fall asleep we commit no sin
    When we commit no sin we go to heaven
    So let's all drink and go to heaven

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