congradualtions, you just described final fantasy XIWhat do I want from Final Fantasy XV?
Design your main hero - Basically i want to be able to create my hero from scratch and have a generic save the world epic classic fantasy rpg. so design my skin, face, hair, race and my own name, lord knows i want to sit through a game and be called Vaan.... shudder
Job Classes- I want the job classes back again. like to be a freakin white mage and save the world... epic i have low defense and health and i still win.
CPU Party hire system - Tactics had a great idea in being able to hire generic characters on your quests or story. which is great cause then you could speed up the game if you want or slow things down and do it yourself.
Personalized Items - being able to enchant, or decorate my weapons with special gems or have my own chocobo, or my own Red Chocobo... or even having my own custom built airship. that can carry my chocobo.
Chance to go online - not saying make this game MMO. im saying that you could take your character online to fight in dungeons with other characters or chat it up with them. like a tavern and all these characters meet up and tell tales and shoot the shart.
Difficulty setting - if soloing was still boring for you kick up the difficulty curve on your own and have monsters randomly battling you out of no where. HOLY CARP A GIGAS!
Free Roaming - well that pretty much says itself. i was dissapointed with 12 and 11 on moving. hey im a tall elvaan and i can't go over a small i want to jump and swim. if i go into the ocean i drown. or buy a boat and sail the seas.
Less Cheese - oh man i can't stress this enough. okay japan i get it you love you bad joke and stereo types. but come on it gets old. just give me regular fantasy clothing and no person wearing odd clothes that looks like a mix of Thai / Indian / and Japanese outfits.
Trades - and i don't mean like trading items although that isn't a bad idea. ill take anyones first born to get rid of my copy of The Wiz. but seriously Final Fantasy XI and the other MMO's had it right to create trades which gives people something to do.
Guilds - It can work. and using networks on the PC, X-box, and the ps3 it would not be hard, and people could keep in contact or even meet up to do dungeons for awesome gear.
No Voice Acting - Please. im on my knees asking for no more voice acting. text is better.
No Guns - this is a fantasy game, not the bloody shooting policy of the American accuracy where it is "Accuracy by quantity". (no offense to you guys south of the border) realistically a person with a staff or sword should not be able to take down a soldier with a automatic sub machine gun.