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Thread: Hall of Fame

  1. #1
    Registered User Hall of Fame Locke4God's Avatar
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    Hall of Fame

    I'd like to nominate Final Fantasy Character's to the FF Hall of Fame, and would like to invite you to include your own along with why they belong.

    Cloud - An important lead character in arguably the best game of the series, Final Fantasy VII. Cloud is an unmistakable character whom all Final Fantasy Fans are familiar with.

    Yuna - She has to be considered one of the best female leads. As with her predecessor Aeries, she was ready to lay her life on the line to protect and preserve her world of Final Fantasy X.

    Aeries - As mentioned Aeries belongs in the exclusive company of the best of any white mage or female lead characters. Her death in Final Fantasy VII was legendary.

    Terra - Of Final Fantasy VI, has to be in the company of the above two ladies. She was arguably the lead character of that game and perhaps the only true female lead. She was strong and was key to the story of that game in more ways than one.

    Cecil - The star of Final Fantasy IV, had a terrific story that involved him acquiring a legendary power, which is an angle rarely used in the series.

  2. #2
    Registered User Hall of Fame Locke4God's Avatar
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    I would also like to nominate

    Vivi - Perhaps the best black mage of the entire series. Vivi represented Final Fantasy IX's attempt at a return to more traditional elements. He was a loveable character, well tied to the story, and a very powerful addition to the team.

    Sephiroth - Of Final Fantasy VII fame, Sephiroth has to be considered among the top villians. With a gruesome history and a visceral need for revenge on those who made him, he was an enigmatic enemy.

    Cid - All of them. They're always a key figure in progressing the game, usually providing the key airship mode of transportation, and most often are great fun loving relatable guys as well

    Wedge & Biggs - Another staple set of tertiary characters, Wedge & Biggs have been teamates, reluctant enemies, casual acquaintances, and everythign in between.

  3. #3
    Registered User Hall of Fame Locke4God's Avatar
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    Nobody is down for this? I thought this might be more popular. Heck I'll have to develop multiple personality dissorder and talk to myself, and on that note I'd like to nominate

    Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh and Bahamut - The classic always handy summon attacks. Odin may deserve an honorable mention here as well.

  4. #4
    Boredness rules us all Hall of Fame Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    your pretty much double, triple, and quadrouple posting,
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  5. #5
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Give it time. And needwork is correct. If you wish to add more content use the edit button and avoid double posting (or even triple posting). If you are not familiar with the rules of our forum I suggset you check them out.

    But to add to the topic.

    Red XIII - One of the first characters that was not of human stature (including elves). Given a moggle was the first but he was truely unique to the FF universe. I was really hoping the Red would be a turning point and Square would be willing to adapt new creatures into the fighting mix but they have some what proven me wrong (outside of the MMORPGs of course). Then again there was Cait Sith but yeah that is a whole different story.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 08-27-2009 at 08:06 PM.
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  6. #6
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Hall of Fame Treize's Avatar
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    Locke4God, you should really be more clear in your opening post. How many characters are going to be nominated? You have already nominated 14/15 by yourself... Also, how are we going to decide who gets to be in the Hall of Fame. Will there be some sort of voting later or another elimination game? This should probably be in the Word Games Forum, unless you just want to find out who is everyone's favorite characters.

    Anyway, I would like to nominate Mog. In my opinion, Mog is the principle moogle character, and moogles are pretty much a trademark of the Final Fantasy games.

    I also may as well nominate Boco, the principle chocobo from the Final Fantasy series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Needwork
    your pretty much double, triple, and quadrouple posting,
    You're pretty much spamming... *points to the report button*
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  7. #7
    Uh...Tidus....duh....kinda sacrificed himself.....kinda was main dude....better fighter and less dramatic than Yuna (nuthin against her ....FFX was my fav game.....and Tidus rox.....and I dont care who you are I call him Tidus as in Tide-us....not Teed-us)

  8. #8
    Uh, Tidus shouldn't be in any Hall of Fame other than the lamest main characters Hall of Fame.

    • Cloud - best lead character, ever.
    • Cait Sith - best weird supporting character. The backstory to what he is is amazing.
    • Vivi - Cutest, most touching character ever.
    • Terra - best female character.
    • Zidane - least introverted main character. Very fresh.
    • Laguna - best side character (or subleader? or something)
    • Auron - coolest mentor.
    • Sephiroth - Best villain.
    • Beatrice(FFIX) - hottest female character.

  9. #9
    Registered User Hall of Fame
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    I think this thread would have done better if it had a little more structure to it. Like, you know, if you actually put categories instead of us making up our own, and if there was some sort of voting procedure or something.

    Here's mine anyway.

    • Kuja- Kinkiest Outfit (male)
      It's the thong...
    • Fran- Kinkiest Outfit (female)
      Her butt totally hangs out of her outfit (It works for her though)
    • Tifa- Biggest Boobs

      Yeah, those things are huge...
    • Sephiroth- Smexiest Villain
      Tee hee...
    • Quina- Most WTF Character
      Enough said...
    • Zidane- Coolest Theme Song
      YouTube - Final Fantasy IX Music - Zidane's Theme

    Well, that's my list.
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