I would also like to nominate
Vivi - Perhaps the best black mage of the entire series. Vivi represented Final Fantasy IX's attempt at a return to more traditional elements. He was a loveable character, well tied to the story, and a very powerful addition to the team.
Sephiroth - Of Final Fantasy VII fame, Sephiroth has to be considered among the top villians. With a gruesome history and a visceral need for revenge on those who made him, he was an enigmatic enemy.
Cid - All of them. They're always a key figure in progressing the game, usually providing the key airship mode of transportation, and most often are great fun loving relatable guys as well
Wedge & Biggs - Another staple set of tertiary characters, Wedge & Biggs have been teamates, reluctant enemies, casual acquaintances, and everythign in between.