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Thread: Final Fantasy's Hiroyuki Ito and the Science of Battle

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy's Hiroyuki Ito and the Science of Battle

    This is actually rather interesting too see what basically created the the legendary RPG style battle system. I actually chuckled a little bit when I read where he got some influence from.
    American Football and Racing in one of the later titles.

    He basically did the Battle system for the Original Final Fantasy. Also IV, V, VI, IX, Tactics, and XII.

    Final Fantasy's Hiroyuki Ito and the Science of Battle from

  2. #2
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Final Fantasy's Hiroyuki Ito and the Science of Battle T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterion View Post
    This is actually rather interesting too see what basically created the the legendary RPG style battle system. I actually chuckled a little bit when I read where he got some influence from.
    American Football and Racing in one of the later titles.

    He basically did the Battle system for the Original Final Fantasy. Also IV, V, VI, IX, Tactics, and XII.

    Final Fantasy's Hiroyuki Ito and the Science of Battle from
    Is there a way we can convince Mr. Ito to work on FFXV? Note how all Final Fantasy games divisible by III (or well, all except III) are games that made their mark in the series (VI being one of the undisputed classics alongside VII, IX being a memorable experience, and XII being one of the few perfect games in Famitsu despite the cold reception in the US). At least the battle system, even if it's a minor rehash of old-school turn-based combat.
    Delivering scathing wit as a Rogue using Sneak Attack.

    Pester me on the Giant in the Playground Forums if you really need me.

    The Final Boss Theorem:
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    'Tis a shame I can only place names now...:
    Silver, Omnitense, Govinda, Aerif, Meier Link,
    (whatever is the name of) The Stig, Grizzly, Fishie,
    Craven, Spiral Architect, Flash AND Froggie.

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    Nomu-baka, this is FAR from over...:

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