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Thread: Final Fantasy XIV Announced

  1. #31
    Live Blog Q and A entire discussion:

    Q: What influence have games like World of WarCraft have on the development of FFXIV?

    A: As with WoW, we want to aim a bit for the casual user. However, we don't want to make a copy of WoW. We believe we will have things that are unique and will stand out from that game.

    Q: Will combat be more action oriented or turn-based?

    A: We cannot talk about the battle system at this time.

    Q: FFXI has evolved a lot over the years, especially in the areas of player accessibility and the ability to solo. Will you carry over features like level sync and other features to FFXIV?

    A: Yes. All of the knowledge and experience we gained from FFXI will be used in the development of FFXIV. At the launch, we intend to have content for solo players as well as large-scale battles. We want a wide-variety from the start.

    Q: Are you planning a simultaneous worldwide release or will it be released in Japan first?

    A: Yes. At the launch, this will be a worldwide simultaneous launch on PS3 and Windows PC. English, Japanese, German, and French versions released at launch.

    Q: Will all servers be worldwide or split by territory?

    A: The current plans are to have worldwide servers that are cross-platform and cross-region. We will do a beta test and look at the balance and player experience. We want to look for a good balance between region and cross-region play.

    Q: Will you be taking feedback from your FFXI users?

    A: Yes, we still get a lot of feedback from our FFXI players and will continue to take feedback as we move into beta. The game will change as it goes.

    Q: Will you try to move players from XI to XIV or will they be separate communities?

    A: It's up to the community themselves. We envision users that will hopefully play XI one day and XIV another. They will be independent, but users are free to play both.

    Q: Are there plans to localize the game in Spanish?

    A: Currently, there is no Spanish version in development. We'll consider it if enough Spanish-speaking users demand it from us. Getting good translators in Japan is hard, but if there's enough demand we will consider it.

    Q: How can users transmit this demand?

    A: We will conduct marketing research.

    Q: Is there any special element in the MMO genre that you will improve with this game?

    A: Our plan from the beginning was to make the best Final Fantasy game available. That is our vision for XIV. Then we thought, how can we make the best FF game and we came to the conclusion that it would be an MMORPG. It was decided to make the best FF first, then led to the decision to make it an MMORG and use that genre.

    A: However, we are trying to implement a lot of new systems that other MMO's haven't used in the past.

    Q: Why did you decide to make a new game rather than continue to evolve FFXI?

    A: It all comes down to, originally, FFXI was designed for the PS2. It then moved to PC and Xbox 360. A lot of people have asked for a port to the PS3. With an MMORPG of this size, you have to develop new content. Porting to a new technology would take a lot of effort. Instead, we decided to use that time to make something new.

    Q: Yesterday's trailer that was shown, was that running of a console or was it pre-rendered?

    A: There were parts that were pre-rendered and parts that were running on the in-game engine.

    Q: Is that the quality you're aiming for? The scene with the Galka fighting, is that what you're aiming for?

    A: Yes, that is the part that was running in-engine.

    Q: In that scene, we saw many parties and many enemies. Is this the new focus: many parties fighting many enemies?

    A: I cannot say too much, but we hope to have battles that are many vs. many and many vs. one.

    Q: What would you like to emphasize with this game? What is different from FFXI?

    A: For FFXIV, the keyword that we've been using is "The Growth and Development of the Character." We will have the same type of storytelling and high-quality graphics. We also want to expand and create new in-game systems. The player can grow & develop in a more natural way without putting too much weight on the player. We will expand the job system to make it fairly different from the one in FFXI.

    A: Another very important concept that takes a different direction from FFXI, for FFXIV we want to make it so the player can choose to play solo, in a party, 40 minutes, all-day... there will be content for ALL of those play styles and systems for all of those play styles.

    Q: On the beta process, will current XI players get in?

    A: As with the actual release date of the game, we don't have a concrete beta schedule yet. We will have a beta and look forward to more information about then shortly.

    Q: Will FFXI characters be portable to XIV in any way?

    A: The game is completely different. There will not be any XI character transfers to XIV. However, the character design is familiar and XI players will be able to create a similar character.

    A: We will NOT be using PlayOnline, but friend lists will transfer over.

    Q: If I'm new to the MMO genre, why would I choose FFXIV over other games?

    A: We believe that players will fall in love with the world & story that we have created.

  2. #32
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy XIV Announced Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I think it important to clarify that Final Fantasy XIV is being developed by the Final Fantasy XI team, which I'm guessing is there MMO team. Final Fantasy XIV did not take away from Final Fantasy Versus XIII or Agito XIII

    I am not upset with FF XIV being a MMO; the Final Fantasy series has always been about innovation and change. On the topic of monthly payments: I do not mind paying a monthly, they have to upkeep the servers and make improvemtents, though I will say that Square Enix should make it a flat rate and not charge for every character a player has. For all complaining about a "stupid" monthly fee, there are over 9 MILLION MMO players in the world who are willing to pay to play. That is 116,550,000 dollars pool (at a rate of 12.95) that Square is already a part of and with FF XIV is trying to expand. The profit from MMOs is great if the company get a successful MMO. With FFXI as example: there are 500,000 people paying 12.95 plus a month. At the base rate they make 6,475,000 a month this profit goes to mainting the game and I guess helps in the development of FF XIV.

    One thing I am sad about is the developers decision to make the races similiar in appearance to FFXI races; I would have prefered new races, though they still can change what each race specializes in (Galka looking race can be the new mages, TaruTaru if they have them since there have been no screens of anything like them can be new ninjas. lol)

    I will see how the game comes along and will most likely try to get at launch. I may still get even if I have no intention of playing to complete my collection.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  3. #33
    I think 11 million people play world of warcraft alone, as well as the 500k playing FFXI like you said, and probably 500k(?) who play warhammer. This isn't counting the other MMOs out. Tons of money to be made here.

    IGN just released some more info from a personal interview with the devs:

    What platforms is Final Fantasy XIV coming to?
    Currently the game is confirmed for PlayStation 3 and Windows PC. An Xbox 360 version isn't official, but Square Enix is considering the possibility that it could.

    What do we know about the setting and the story?
    It takes place on an all-new Final Fantasy world known as "Eorzea." Though it does share some monsters and races from Final Fantasy XI, they're not direct representations and have been altered in multiple ways that make them unique to Eorzea. The similarities in races will allow experienced FFXI players to create a new FFXIV character that looks somewhat comparable.

    Watch our video interview with the development team here!
    Does it have a direct connection to Final Fantasy XI?
    In some ways, yes it does. Not only does it share the same development team as the FF11, but the game will also allow players to create a character that is similar to their current Final Fantasy XI. Square Enix has also revealed to IGN that it is currently finding a solution that will let you transfer your character's names from FFXI to FFXIV.

    On a related note, at the press conference, it was said that FFXI has another year of content planned. Does that mean that after that year is up that FFXI is done with?
    No. To be specific, Square Enix has one year of content currently planned but has told us here at IGN that it isn't a mandated end for the series. If fans continue to support the game, then so will Square Enix.

    What is the combat system like?
    The development team won't say, but it did confirm to us that... Additionally, the heavy team-play aspect of FF11 has been deemphasized, and now exploration and battle is said to be more balanced between solo and team play.

    How does the leveling system work?
    Square Enix is cagey about how characters advance, but it has confirmed with IGN that growth is not based on experience and that it will work on a different system entirely.

    What about jobs?
    Jobs will return in Final Fantasy XIV, but they will be much different than the job system present in FFXI.

    How important are the weapons?
    Weapons are very important and have a heavy influence on your character and how they succeed in the game world. Square Enix says to look closely at the official FFXIV logo for hints and hidden meanings about how the game will work.

    What hidden meanings?
    Square Enix told us that when it approached Amano to do the logo art for FFXIV, that weapons were very important and to think of the concept of a "wheel." Specifically, a wheel of adventurers that has their weapon in front of them and an exposed backside -- which leaves each adventurer to rely heavily on their comrades and their friends. Let the speculation begin.

    Square unveiled the game with a trailer at E3 2009.
    Anything else about the weapons?
    The team let slip to us that choosing weapons for specific tasks one day versus another could affect how your character develops.

    How much of the first trailer is in-game versus pre-rendered?
    The debut trailer is actually a mixture of real-time in-game footage and pre-rendered wizardry. The combat scene in particular was created using the in-game engine.

    What languages will the game available in?
    The same as Final Fantasy XI: Japanese, English, French and German. FFXIV will also be released simultaneously in all regions that use those languages.

    Will the PlayOnline service be used for FFXIV?
    No. Square Enix told us that the reason it is ditching the PlayOnline system is because it was originally meant as an all-in-one solution to house multiple content types. But as PlayOnline has offered less content over the years, the need for the next online Final Fantasy to us PO is moot. Whatever new service (if any) is used, PC and PlayStation 3 users will still be able to play with each other on the same servers, and Square Enix also confirmed with IGN that you can sign in with a universal ID on either system to pick up where you left off if you own both.

    Who's Working on the Game?
    It is produced by Hiromichi Tanaka (Final Fantasy I, II, III, and IX) and directed by Nobuaki Komoto (Final Fantasy IX, XI), with art direction by Akihiko Yoshida (Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy XII) and a musical score from Nobuo Uematsu (Most Final Fantasies ever). Yoshitaka Amano has designed the logo and is pulling additional art duties as well.

    Uematsu only did a few tracks in FFXI, how much is he doing for XIV?
    Square Enix revealed to IGN that Uematsu will be doing all the music for Final Fantasy XIV and that it will be composed in a range of different styles and genres.

    What modern day MMOs have influenced the design and direction of FFXIV?
    In addition to the team's original work on Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, Age of Conan and Warhammer Online have been three recent games that have had some pull, but the FFXI community's feedback has been the most important factor in its design.

    Are Chocobos back?
    Yes, they will return. But Square Enix has told IGN that it is looking at using them in a completely different way than they were used in Final Fantasy XI (where they were used as riding steeds).

    When is it coming out and when is the beta?
    The game will come out in 2010, and after Final Fantasy XIII which is scheduled for spring of the same year. Beta plans are still being finalized, but that the plan is to have a longer beta period than that of FFXI (which had a beta of about 3-4 months).
    I really want to try to get in that beta!

  4. #34
    Ahhh such a contraversial subject.

    Well honestly, you guys are right, Squeenix is a company, the purpose of a company is too make profit. I'd imagine around $200 or so to play a game for one year sounds like a favorable choice.
    And honestly I don't mind the idea too much, MMO's are loads of fun and offer hours upon hours of entertainment not seen in your typical solo rpg.
    Besides, the team from Final Fantasy XI needs something to work on, and the most obvious choice would obviously be another MMO. As long as none of the mainstream FF developers are "wasting" there time on another MMO, then there should be no reprocussion on any of the standard FF games.

    However, two complaints.
    First, I hate the use of Final Fantasy "XIV" as the title. Final Fantasy Online 2 would have been suffice. I like having the games in a nice chronological order, XI and XIV kind of make the whole series, Especially to people unfamiliar with Final Fantasy, a cluster**** of complications, and I assume many pointless conversations on the order and types of Final Fantasy's will be manifested.
    Secondly, MMO genres consist of World Of Warcraft, and then other games that aren't World Of Warcraft. In my personal opinion, if anyone is going to topple Blizzard as MMO king, it is not going to be Square-Enix. The only advantage they have is that they have experience developing a previous MMO, which at best is subpar considering the quality of the other FF titles. If anyone is going to do so, I imagine it would be Bioware's Star Wars: The Old Republic, based simply on the fact the KOTOR 1 and Mass Effect were similar in gameplay to an MMO, and the KOTOR universe is a perfect IP to have an MMO based game.

    So I'm sure, unless it really kicks ass (and I have my doubts), FFXIV will probably be another obscure title in the series, and maybe at E3 '11 or E3'12 we will here the announcement of FF XV.

  5. #35
    Tsuna Feesh Final Fantasy XIV Announced Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    At the rate Square Enix is going, we can expect a preview of FFXV next year. but I don't think they should advertise games so quickly; it makes people anxious to play it. If they were to release FFXIV now, FFXIII would be almost forgotten.

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  6. #36
    I don't know if people are even trying to "topple" World of Warcraft's throne. Also, I would like to point out that in Japan at least, this new SE MMO will beat Warcraft.

  7. #37
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Final Fantasy XIV Announced ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    I'm really disappointed. I can honestly say that I hate MMORPGs. I can't stand WoW. I have played it, and hated it.

    Which brings me onto my next point. As previously mentioned, why FFXIV? Why not Online 2, or something completely different. I hate how FFXI is regarded as part of the series. They could have used the 11th installment slot for something far better.

    I'm sorry, but I won't play XI, and I won't play XIV either. I'll be sticking with VIII I think .

  8. #38
    Also, I don't understand why everyone is so upset about the number it is. It is just a number. It's still Final Fantasy...

  9. #39
    So I read the posts Kilo made and that looks pretty good. I never played 11 but I had two friends back in Australia who do and I always thought about getting it. Now I might wait for the new one. It would be cool to get beta play access into 14.

    The name thing isn't a big deal I don't think. As long as the game is good that's all that matters right?

  10. #40
    the only trouble im going to have with another FF mmo is if it was as terrible as FF11 was ... that game got boring way to fast

  11. #41
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy XIV Announced Zargabaath's Avatar
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    There are a few things I'm hoping for in FF XIV, some that may not pertain to it if it is not in the game:

    1. Easier to get gil, not by the bucket full, but easier. Or create a system that will not be destroyed by inflation.

    2. If they decide to make the servers international again, like FF XI, make a better communication program to make it easier for players.

    3. Different color pallettes for armour, that can be customized by the player and this may be to much but different looks for the same piece of armour (Different appearance, same stats).

    4. Besides the 5 races that will be based off of the races in FF XI, perhaps 1 or 2 new races.

    5. Not so much exp. to get to highest level; not so little as WoW but not as much as it took in the beginning of FF XI.

    6. Bring Level Sync, Chocobo Racing, etc to FF XIV.

    7. If the game allows for players to have sub-jobs, allow the sub-job to level up alongside the main job. This would cut down the time so people won't say it takes forever. This is one of the major points I'm hoping for, if they have sub-jobs in the game. This point goes for FF XI as well. I believe if they did this FF XI it would be a huge bonus.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  12. #42
    Sanity is so very overrated.. Final Fantasy XIV Announced Deicide's Avatar
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    I prefer my MMO's in established worlds, the main reason I ever showed any interest in WoW to begin with was the promise of seeing that world up close for the first time. If Square could bring that to party, I'm not even horribly picky about which game, they might finally get my attention.

    As it is? Just another number I'm going to have to skip. That's ok, they're going to milking the hell out of us with the one-game-split-into-many-games mess that is FFXIII. -_-

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  13. #43
    Banned Final Fantasy XIV Announced
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    Honestly, I don't see the point in announcing FFXIV to the public yet since XIII has yet to see the light of day. If this is true then wouldn't FFXIV be sort of a rush job? I mean I'm all for XIII if I had a PS3 that is, but FFXIV already? Show us XIII first before dropping the bomb of another FF, but then again if FFXIV comes only for the PS3 that I'm screwed for both games.

  14. #44
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy XIV Announced Zargabaath's Avatar
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    As I said earlier and maybe a few other people, FFXIV is being developed by the team behind FF XI. They are seperate from the team of FF XIII or FFV XIII; in the press conference at E3 I believe they (the developers) said that they started working on FF XIV 5-6 years ago which I found to be very interesting since that means that once FF XI was released they went to work on their newest project right away.

    So even though they may be released in the same year it's not as if FF XIV was rushed; already 5 years in development they've put some time into.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  15. #45
    The Quiet One Final Fantasy XIV Announced Andromeda's Avatar
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    To answer about the experience gain from someone. Square in their interview with IGN said that there is not going to be experience, at least in the fashion that we've become used to in FFXI and other games. They are going about growing characters with something completely different in mind. What, they haven't said yet.

    They also said that weapons will hold some importance in the development of your character as well. They said something about one weapon on a day will have an different impact on the character. So it looks like they will be playing around with days again, but in a different light than in FFXI, where days played a heavy factor in magic and crafting among other things.

    Though something that I've found amusing. We all know already that FFXIII is getting a Winter release in Japan and like a Spring release for the US. But FFXIV is going to be a wordwide simulataineous release. It'd be funny if FFXIV came out after FFXIII in Japan, but before FFXIII in the US. I don't know if it is possible, but the beta will at least since they said that they want a longer beta than FFXI, which apparently 3-4 months.

    I suspect that we will see a lot about FFXIV in terms of gameplay at TGS this year since they will probably be getting ready for their beta near the end of this year.

    On a positive note, Nobou Uematsu will be doing all of the music for FFXIV rather that just some like in FFXI. That should get any FF fan excited. Since Uematsu hasn't really done all of the music for a FF since like FFX or FFIX, I think he did all of FFX.
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  16. #46
    seriously why is everyone so pissed off about this? Its not really another final fantasy game and it wont really have a story so why do you feel obligated to play it?

    FFXI is getting ancient as far as mmos go and they want to create a new game. Im sure its a totally different team working on this than single player games as well. Dont act like your all missing out on something, its probably coming out around the same time as whats everyones problem?

  17. #47
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilo View Post
    I don't know if people are even trying to "topple" World of Warcraft's throne. Also, I would like to point out that in Japan at least, this new SE MMO will beat Warcraft.
    I don't think SE is trying to topple WoW, honestly I think they are just trying to get their slice of the pie. It is a very lucrative slice at that. If some how XIV does manage to do so I would be very suprised and I think the people at Square would be also.

    (This following is not directed twards the quote)

    The MMO market is HUGE, and brings in more profit then most other titles of non MMO genras. Not only do you have to pay for the game but you also have to pay to play it. Then make it to where you have to spend months just to get close to some kind of completion.

    Here is an example and I am using these figures loosly:

    $60 for the brand new game
    $50 for expansions
    $120 bucks a year for online access

    compared to

    $60 bucks for a sinlge player game

    Do the math it just makes sense to try and get into this market. Even at 100 people it is profitable, and yet IX still has how many gamers?

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    Last edited by Meier Link; 06-07-2009 at 08:00 PM.
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  18. #48
    Registered User Final Fantasy XIV Announced Cyclome's Avatar
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    Oh another MMO . It could be great but monthly fees is turn off for me so I don't think I'll play it. I would have to get a PS3 too XD. But the trailer is good

  19. #49
    I love the idea that Square is making a New MMO. For what it was FFXI was very good back in the day. I surely wouldnt compare FFXI to a new MMO. The game is simply outdated and based on old ideas. The thing about Square that I have noticed that they never make the same game twice. So I suspect different battle system, graphics, questing engine and so on... They are going to bring new ideas to a new game. I for one will be excited about playing. I know the subscription idea sucks but I have heard that this one is a F2P. So who knows what this next one will bring!

  20. #50
    Massively actually did a great article on FFXIV, I recommend to check it out.

    Anti-Aliased: Final Fantasy XIV is a good, good thing - Massively

    And if you didnt want to click the link....

    So, unless you've been under a rock, you probably heard Sony squeeing in happiness about Final Fantasy XIV Online, otherwise known as just FFXIV. This is indeed the next MMO that Square-Enix has been hiding from prying eyes, and unlike the indications we got from the company a year ago, this is another Final Fantasy Online.

    The reception, however, is quite mixed. Some people, like myself, are really psyched up for this next release in the online series. Others, however, are questioning why make a game like FFXIV when you already have FFXI. Why not just keep on working on FFXI? Don't we all remember how bad sequels work out in the MMO market? Why tempt fate by making a sequel?

    Personally, I think the creation of this game is a good idea with all things considered. Final Fantasy brings a different perspective of play to the market -- one that it desperately needs at this point in time. What am I jabbering on about? Come on, follow me, and let's talk about why FFXIV is a good, good thing.

    Time to play technology catchup

    I know I've said it before in a few articles, but it's been seven years since Final Fantasy XI was released. Seven! And it really doesn't even feel like it at all!

    FFXI is a great game, but it's finally beginning to show some wear and tear. The graphics in the original outdoor environments just don't hold up when compared to the textures from the expansions, and the game is, overall, beginning to look muddy. Yet, for it still being seven years later, there are areas of that game that can make anyone's jaw drop to the floor.

    Square-Enix is, undoubtedly, going to go full out with FFXIV. Where as the PS2 was originally the ball and chain for FFXI, the PS3 will be the angel wings for FFXIV. This time there will be barely any limits for the game, especially since they don't have to package it with a hard drive and attempt to work around the PS2's needs. PC and PS3 can work on the exact same levels and they can deliver a top notch experience.

    Past being able to update the graphics, FFXIV will be a game that will last, graphically speaking. If there is anything Square-Enix knows, it's how to develop amazingly detailed environments with a clear-cut, beautiful art style. Like I said, even FFXI is still resonating with beauty in areas today. We can be sure that FFXIV will look the same way a few years down the road.

    A series that supports sequels

    MMOs that run as sequels do not work well. Either the former game begins to trump the new kid on the block, or the newer game runs the old one out of business. Sequels seem to be cursed in these parts, with many of them just never reaching to the same heights the former game did.

    Enter the Final Fantasy company, Square-Enix -- a group that obviously knows how to work sequels. If they can be successful enough to work for 14 games, they can be successful enough to put out one sequel to an MMO.

    The real beauty of all of this is that a Final Fantasy game is never truly a sequel. Each world that they create in the series is unique and tells its own story. They don't copy the same battle system from game to game, they're always looking to innovate, and they're always pushing their own boundaries. The "Final Fantasy" name is more of a pedigree than it is a continuous set of works.

    With all of that in mind, we can be sure that 14 and 11 will be different enough to work side by side. For these guys, it's not about the grind -- it's about the story. I think we can be certain that the new world we're about to explore will be very different than Vana'diel and follow a completely different line of thought with a new twist on their own battle system.

    It's not about an MMO

    If there's any point that makes me want this game the most, it's the fact that this game isn't being developed to be an MMO. This game is being developed to be a Final Fantasy title. I may have lost you on that, so let me explain.

    When many developers begin to approach their new MMO, they approach it as an MMO. They look at it and think about the grind, the world, the interactions, and the other titles in the market. They stare at World of Warcraft for hours and analyze the market so they can capture their audience. Because of this, all games seem to follow this "MMO formula." Grind, level, grind, level, grind, level, endgame. Emphasis is being put on the game and not on the experience.

    Final Fantasy XIV is not being developed from the perspective of an MMO -- it's being developed from the perspective of a Final Fantasy console game that just happens to be online. When you pick up Final Fantasy XI, you feel the presence of an MMO, but you also feel the presence of a Final Fantasy game. Storylines, adventuring, characters, and a rich world all seem to pop to the forefront. Even the battle system, which is an MMO battle system, screams Final Fantasy because of the way abilities, camera angles, and party dynamics work.

    This is what our genre needs. We do not need to make another MMO for the sake of making another MMO. We're done with MMOs. We want games that feature a massively multiplayer online component. Instead of breaking the Final Fantasy series apart so it fits into the context of an MMO, we're breaking MMO components apart to fit in the context of Final Fantasy. It will feature systems that are unlike any other MMO because they don't come from another MMO -- they come from Final Fantasy.

    Two other games are attempting to do this right now -- Star Wars: The Old Republic and All Points Bulletin. Part of the reason we're all excited for these two is because they don't look to be another MMO for MMOs sake. SWTOR is grabbing from Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect's playbook. APB is grabbing from GTA's playbook.

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a very, very good thing.

  21. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiddo View Post
    If there's any point that makes me want this game the most, it's the fact that this game isn't being developed to be an MMO. This game is being developed to be a Final Fantasy title. I may have lost you on that, so let me explain.

    When many developers begin to approach their new MMO, they approach it as an MMO. They look at it and think about the grind, the world, the interactions, and the other titles in the market. They stare at World of Warcraft for hours and analyze the market so they can capture their audience. Because of this, all games seem to follow this "MMO formula." Grind, level, grind, level, grind, level, endgame. Emphasis is being put on the game and not on the experience.

    Final Fantasy XIV is not being developed from the perspective of an MMO -- it's being developed from the perspective of a Final Fantasy console game that just happens to be online. When you pick up Final Fantasy XI, you feel the presence of an MMO, but you also feel the presence of a Final Fantasy game. Storylines, adventuring, characters, and a rich world all seem to pop to the forefront. Even the battle system, which is an MMO battle system, screams Final Fantasy because of the way abilities, camera angles, and party dynamics work.

    This is what our genre needs. We do not need to make another MMO for the sake of making another MMO. We're done with MMOs. We want games that feature a massively multiplayer online component. Instead of breaking the Final Fantasy series apart so it fits into the context of an MMO, we're breaking MMO components apart to fit in the context of Final Fantasy. It will feature systems that are unlike any other MMO because they don't come from another MMO -- they come from Final Fantasy.

    Two other games are attempting to do this right now -- Star Wars: The Old Republic and All Points Bulletin. Part of the reason we're all excited for these two is because they don't look to be another MMO for MMOs sake. SWTOR is grabbing from Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect's playbook. APB is grabbing from GTA's playbook.

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a very, very good thing.

    I have been looking at TOR for quite a while now and I believe it's going to be coming out after FF14. Both of these games are giving me new things to look for and the reason I can safely quit WoW now without feeling like there's not gonna be anything new to play that is that big and ultimately ending with me going back to WoW.

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