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Thread: Final Fantasy Unlimited

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy Unlimited

    Has anyone heard/watched the animated FF Ulimited series? Is it worth watching or a cheap knock off? I am always busy so i was wondering if it was worth my time!

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy Unlimited Victoria's Avatar
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    It's... It's what it is, really.
    It's entertaining if you like cheesy CG and repeated action dialogue in every episode.
    It's like a summon of the week (almost per episode is a new summon you get to see. Except for the first few.)

    It was one of the first few anime series that I've seen when I had dialup and downloaded it from Kazaa Lite. I enjoyed it then. I love the Opening song, and some of the music isn't that bad.

    But the plot... is pretty bad. If you would like, I can do a thorough review of the series on my anime review blog site in the near future so you can see what I think of it.

    I just finished watching the first season of Sorcerer Stabber Orphen, so I'm going to be reviewing that in a little bit.

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Final Fantasy Unlimited Xanatos's Avatar
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    As a FF fan I have watched Final Fantasy Unlimited but I must say that I was very disappointed and a little bit angry after that. I will be honest with you, FFU really sucks and I mean that. One of the worst anime I have ever watched. Story is annoying the same thing goes for characters, they are not one bit interesting. In every episode there is one summon but only few of them look like those from FF games. Bismark looks quite good but Ifrit looks like some fire robot.
    Most of the scenes are repetitive ,what can be annoying after few episodes. And when I was trilled to see Omega Weapon they sucked there the most. Omega Weapon doesn't look or behave at all like the Omega Weapon from FF games.

    If you are indeed FF fan than you will watch this at least from curiosity but I wouldn't recommend you this anime not you to you and not to anyone. I don't know what SquareSoft thought when they made this. This anime doesn't deserve the Final Fantasy name at all.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-09-2009 at 08:33 AM.

  4. #4
    I'm currently watching FF Unlimited and its probably the worst thing i have ever watched on my TV, i can't really describe how bad it is.

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Final Fantasy Unlimited Josh_R's Avatar
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    It is horrible, as a FF fan I dispise it. Horrible story and as Sheena pointed out it is basically a new summon each episode. FF had such potential to be a great anime series but this shit is just awful. As an anime fan I will watch any anime all the way to the end of the series, but this is one of the few exception's. I will not be finishing it, even though I am almost done...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  6. #6
    Registered User Final Fantasy Unlimited
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    I watched the critique of this series that Lanipator did, and I thought that he did a great job pointing out the flaws that this particular series had, and the video is hilarious to watch as well.
    Final Fantasy Unlimited

    With that being said, I never got around to watching the whole series. I watched the first two episodes on Youtube earlier this year, and I just could not get into it... I thought that I would try again, but then I saw Lanipator's review and decided not to give it another chance... It seems that it would just be a waste of time watching.
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  7. #7
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I wasn't impressed with this attempt at an anime series. I found it to be rather boring, with characters I couldn't get a good feeling for. I wish that it would of taken more of a more serious undertone but instead I got New Dominion Tank Police with out the awesome or funny factors.

    sure I laughed a little while watching it but it was because I found most of it to be corney. I prefered the older FF anime better, it did what FFU did and then some. Speaking of which I need to find those VHS tapes

    My score for this one is about a 3/10, that ranks it about 1 point above crap.
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  8. #8
    Fun For Hire Final Fantasy Unlimited FamousMortimer's Avatar
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    The only good character is Chocobo. There, I said it.

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