A. FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFV, FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, FFX-2, FFXI, FFXII, and the Tactics games. Some of these don't have "jobs", but you can be whatever you want.
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFV, FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, FFX-2, FFXI, FFXII, and the Tactics games. Some of these don't have "jobs", but you can be whatever you want.
Q. What FF games have been made for the NES & SNES systems?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
This is one of those opinonal questions.
A. It could be any class, besides humans, there's Viera, Tarutaru, Elvaan, Galka, Moogle, and a couple of those other classes from the FFT series.
As far as I can see their all popular, but if this is one of those head on questions I would have to say Moogle. (correct if wrong)
Q. True or False?
Nobuo Uematsu has composed music for all of the FF games.
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi
Free Question
Q. What FF ( Advance versions) have special new dungeons after you complete the game?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
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If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A: FFIV, V, and VI (II if you count Soul of Rebirth...)
Q: True or False? Exdeath is purely just a tree.
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
A. True ( he is a tree, a dark, evil warlocky tree)
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Nope. False. Exdeath is the manifestation of all evil inside the tree in the forest, thus making him like 1/3 tree. 2/3 of him is concentrated hatred and evil...
Q: The final battle with Kefka's predicessors (Demon thing at the bottom, behemoth thingy in the middle, and woman and sleeping guy at the top) is ripped straight from which classic novel? (Hint: There was a reference from the same novel in FFIV)
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
It's been a week, since no one knows, I'm making a new question:
Q. Which FF games has repeat bosses? (Example: Bosses you are forced to fight more then once.)
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
FFI - You fight the four fiends more than once.
FFIII - I think you fight Bahamut twice, but I've never played so I'm not sure.
FFIV - You fight the four fiends more than once
FFV - Gilgamesh
FFVI - Kefka
FFVII - Turks
FFVIII - Many... Fujin and Rajin, Seifer, Edea, and others
FFIX - Beatrix, Kuja, and others
FFX - Seymour, the aeons, and others
FFX-2 - Leblac, Logos, and Ormi
FFXII - Cid, Demon Wall and others
FFT - Gafgarion and others
FFTA - Babus
Q. What are all of the battles in the FF series that you are meant to lose and can't win?
FFI: None
FFII: Actually, its your first battle with the Black Knights, you fight them, but you can't win.
FFIII: None (not sure correct if wrong)
FFIV: Kain (Cecil fights him in Fabul but he can't win), Golbez(first fight, but when Rydia comes back you can finish him)
FFV: None
FFVI: Pretty sure its Guardian (correct if I missed any)
FFVII: I wanna say Ultima Weapon (you can fight him, but he never dies so its pretty pointless, til you finish him for good.)
FFVIII: None (correct if wrong)
FFIX: Beatrix, Kuja(first fight) (I think, correct if wrong)
FFX: None (correct if wrong)
FFX-2: None (correct if wrong)
FFXII: Not sure so correct me
FFT: None
FFTA: Lenare (I think I spelled his name wrong lol)
Q. What FF games feature bosses that you MUST defeat under a certain time limit?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
FFI: None
FFII: None
FFIV: Odin or else he will Zantetzuken you to death (correct me if I'm wrong)
FFV: Death Claw at Castle Karnak, Odin again, and I guess you could probably count Gogo too.
FFVI: You don't really have a time limit to beat Ultros but you have a limit to get to him at the opera house, and you have a time limit fighting all the monsters while escaping the floating continent.
FFVII: Emerald Weapon if you don't have the Underwater Materia equipped.
FFVIII: Ifrit in the beginning of the game, XATOMOS or the big robot thing that chases you during the SeeD exam, and Odin at centra ruins.
FFIX: I know there is a battle but I can't remember it right now. = [
FFX: None that I know of
FFX-2: None that I know of
FFT: None that I know of
FFTA: None that I know of
FFXII: Again, none that I know of
Free Question
Q. Which FF Final Bosses use different forms after their first form is defeated?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Ppl the novel was The Divine Comedy!
oh, and A:
Zemus into Zeromus
Exdeath into Neo Exdeath
Bizzaro Sephiroth into Safer Sephiroth
Ultimecia into Ulty-Greiva-mecia (don't remember name) into Ultimecia Spirit
Vayne into The Undying.
Q: Gilgamesh has been in which FF games?
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
A: Lets see... Gilgamesh was in, the remake of FFI, the remake of FFVI, FFV, FFVIII, and FFXII. I think that's all of them but correct me if I'm wrong.
Free Question
Q. Which FF games features a party member dying?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A: FF:
II: Josef, Minwu, and Ricard
IV: Tellah
VI: Temporary Party Member: General Leo (GOT FREAKING OWNED BY KEFKA!!!)
VII: Aerith (Didn't really care about her dying to Sephy clone...)
If right, then:
Q: Which FFs had reoccurring antagonists? State them, please.
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
It's been a week, time for a new question:
Q. Which FF's have no sequels, and remakes?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A. FFVIII and FFIX. I think that is it.
Q. In which games can't all the characters use magic? (That sounds weird, but I can't think of how else to word it.)
I don't understand the question...
Free Question.
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
I guess I get the question, a little. So, in I, if your party had a Monk in it, even if he upgraded to Master, he still doesn't know magic, so that's one. In IV, Cid, Kain, Yang and Edward can't use magic, so that's two. That's all I kno, sorry, haven't played IX.
What the hell dude? If you don't know then don't post, your spamming. Same goes for you Ralz, if you don't know it don't answer it, and next time put a FQ or make a question, you always leave it without one, its getting annoying.
FFI: Knight, Warrior, Monk, Master, Ninja, Thief
FFII: Only those you don't give tomes too
FFIII: Only those you don't give mage jobs
FFIV: Kain, Edward, Yang, Cid
FFV: Only those you dont give mage jobs too
FFVI: Only those you don't give Magicite too
FFVII: Only those you don't give Magic type materia too
FFVIII: Only those you don't draw magic too
FFIX: Zidane, Steiner, Amarant, Freya
FFX: I would say Auron, but you can put anyone into a magic type sphere node
FFX-2: Same as FFX
FFXI: Warrior, Samurai, Monk, Ninja, Dancer, Beastmaster
FFXII: Those you don't give Magitek too
Q. What FF games features you fighting the main villian before the Final Battle?
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
A: Well, I'm a bit rusty but here goes:
FFV: Exdeath
FFIX: Trance Kuja
FFX: Jecht (Braska's Final Aeon, before Yu Yevon)
FFXII: Vayne (before the Undying...)
Q: How many FF titles has their been an "Ultima Weapon" sword?
Istory was having trouble, what a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that mantree be?
We looked around and then we found the man for you and me!
And now it's...
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Jachol is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
The islands are fine lands once more!
Springtime for ExDeath and Istory!
Watch out, Ghido, we're going on tour!
If you or your friend are in need of a reunion with a loved one and have no where else to turn, you know who to call. Only me, the Millenium Earl, can rescue their soul from that wretched God. All you need to do is shout out their name!And remember:
I want YOU to join the Akuma Army!
A. FFI, FFIII, FFVI, FFVII, FFIX, FFTA (correct if I missed any)
Originally Posted by Hellfire
Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.
XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!
Check out my FFVII Walkthrough, by first EVER walkthrough! I'm PhantomTFF on IGN and Tairyo on Gamefaqs.
Courtesy of IGN and Gamefaqs. ^^
Yugioh and Yugioh GX Fanboy <---
Check out my Youtube Homepage!
If you like homemade Final Fantasy and Pokemon walkthrough vids with a unique flair, be sure to Subscribe to Made4542 (Me).
Out of what I know, in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates for the Nintendo DS, You fight the first form of Galdes in Crystal Temple, then as the final boss (twice).Phantom- FFI, FFIII, FFVI, FFIX, FFTA (correct if wrong)
Last edited by Deathbringer; 10-21-2008 at 08:16 PM.
Why, Tetsuya Nomura, WHY!? You messed up the battle system for KH CoM!? What did we ever do to deserve this!?
Errr, Deathbringer. You need to post a question along with corrections, and an answer if applicable.
Q. List the names of the party members who die in the numbered FFs.
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