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Thread: final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

  1. #1

    final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

    I have been to a lot of Final Fantasy fan websites and I never see any mention of Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. Same thing goes for this site as well. Can someone explain to me why?

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

    There have been conversations on it in the past. The thing is MQ was played by so few that holding long winded conversations about it is kind of hard.

    Most of the people that have played it disliked it because it was not of the traditional FF mold. Most of those people are quick in and outs on the conversations and just throw out a "MQ sucked" or something along those lines heh.

    The few of us that actually enjoyed that title actually have talked about it a few times over the course of a few threads but the threads tend to die out pretty quick because it is not the same as some of the later titles in the series.

    Hope this helps out and maybe will spark some life / interest back into MQ haha.
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  3. #3
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 final Fantasy: Mystic Quest T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

    FF: Mystic Quest is a pretty obscure game, to say the least. As Meier said, it's a love it or hate it kinda thing. I'm of the opinion that states Mystic Quest is a fantastic beginner RPG; or rather, it WAS a fantastic beginner RPG since it has the barebones of the RPG genre (the Quest, the spells, the equipment, etc.) but it was quite simplified. Finishing the game shouldn't take too much, enemies are seen pretty easily (except in the Ice Pyramid, which could be the beginner course on random encounters until you get the mirror). There are some stuff missing from classical RPGs (such as the need to equip your items), some stuff that DON'T happen on most RPGs (we all know you can use Cure to strike undead, but using Exit as a Remove/X-Zone spell, or Heal as a status-effect spell, or that the Life spell is actually the Death spell when used as an enemy; in short, reversible effect White Magic), and some things that are from an entirely different game (chopping shrubs stumps for Rupees, throwing Bombs [and Jumbo Bombs and Mega Grenades], using your HookshotDragon Claw to extend through ledges...not to mention having to find the key item on the dungeon to get to the next one...).

    The story, let's face it, is pretty simple: world is threatened, a hero is needed, you are the hero. Simple; nothing so shocking...
    well...except when Kaeli is poisoned, and Reuben falls and becomes paralyzed for a while...
    , simple conversations, and the like. Nothing deep or mind-bending, in any case. If the game has something that's really good, its the music: pretty awesome for the time, a mix of electronic and rock that was missing during that age.

    Oh, and Tristram. Squeenix knows that Tristram must be there, somewhere. I mean, he's the only guy who has his own theme song in the entire game, and may be capable of out-roguing Locke.
    Last edited by T.G. Oskar; 07-14-2010 at 03:05 AM.
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