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Thread: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

  1. #1
    Registered User Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!
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    Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Basically, which character/s in the Final Fantasy franchise do you think has the most ridiculous-looking outfit? Come on. I know there has been at least a few TFF members who looked at a character's design and thought "WTF is that character wearing???"

    I'm only going to pick one. You all can pick as many as you want, as long as you say SOMETHING about why you think the character's outfit looks ridiculous.

    For my pick, I'm going with Nooj from FF X-2. Poor guy. Not only does he have an excess of belts strapped over his torso, but he also has to lug around a furry...thing on his shoulder! I will say that I dig his purple boots. :3 I would also comment on his very...elaborate...hairstyle, but I think that's a different topic altogether.
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    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    The lack of a shirt coupled with PS2 polygons made my eyes burn.
    I do so love the at times outlandish designs though, especially smaller things like how some of the named blitzballers of FFX dressed in a more freespirited way. Kind of reminded me of some of the 70s punk rock DIY type stuff my older mate was showing me.
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  3. #3
    I'll make you famous Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    The lack of a shirt coupled with PS2 polygons made my eyes burn.
    I do so love the at times outlandish designs though, especially smaller things like how some of the named blitzballers of FFX dressed in a more freespirited way. Kind of reminded me of some of the 70s punk rock DIY type stuff my older mate was showing me.
    vaan reminds me of jo perry from aerosmith, all he needs is permed hair and cow print chaps lol.
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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    ^ lol at the Joe Perry reference

    Well, most of the fashion styles in FFXII are ridiculous, like Pinelo's (it's not that bad but it's still bad imo) and Vaan's. I really can't think of anymore other then Nooj
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  5. #5
    Learner Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! CloudTide's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Cloud's scarf in CC
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  6. #6
    I'll make you famous Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    ^ lol at the Joe Perry reference

    Well, most of the fashion styles in FFXII are ridiculous, like Pinelo's (it's not that bad but it's still bad imo) and Vaan's. I really can't think of anymore other then Nooj

    its like they're brothers lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
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    Ellipsis Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Gee, it's really hard to think of one, because they're all so pretty.


    Well, except for Seymore (FFX). His hair..... looks like Cloud has a rival.
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  8. #8
    The Lone Dagger Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    I gotta say Dodie you are right on with Nooj having one of the most outlandish outfits that I have ever seen in the Final Fantasy series. The only other person I could think of that look ridiculous to me was also in Final Fantasy X-2 and happened to be closely related to Nooj and that would be Leblanc and her two minions Logos and Ormi. Laughed every time that they came onto the screen.

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  9. #9
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    I think Vanille's furry "halfskirt" conflicted with her overall design; it looks so awkward. With that fur she looked old, like a granny. If the devs took that off she would look a lot more pleasant though with it gone we would probably see her panties a lot or not, who knows how those Gran Pulse girls roll.

    I also have a problem with Penelo's design: those two "flaps" that jut out from the back of her shoulders. Her outfit is "form-fitting" and those flaps are too random.

    I too, must, agree that Nooj has a lot going on with his design. His hair alone could be a topic as it doesn't know what it wants to do. Dodie we may have to give Nooj a pass on his belts, they have a vital function compared to the belts of other characters that do nothing, like Lulu. His belts hold his mechanical arms and leg in place. The fur and the jump suit just add more to the disaster that is Nooj.

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  10. #10
    Registered User Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Originally Posted by Zargabaath
    Dodie we may have to give Nooj a pass on his belts, they have a vital function compared to the belts of other characters that do nothing, like Lulu. His belts hold his mechanical arm and leg in place.
    Upon further analysis, it would appear that you are right about the belts. Glad to see that they serve a purpose, but it still looks rather excessive to me.

    Oh, I think I know why Vanille wears the bearskin thing, though you probably already know as well, but I feel like this post should be longer so it won't be considered spam: She wears the skin of a bear that she managed to defeat herself, so perhaps it's to sort of signify that she can hold her own against a strong opponent. I agree that it was a bit conflicting to her design though, but it still had some reason to be there.
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  11. #11
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Oh, I think I know why Vanille wears the bearskin thing, though you probably already know as well, but I feel like this post should be longer so it won't be considered spam: She wears the skin of a bear that she managed to defeat herself, so perhaps it's to sort of signify that she can hold her own against a strong opponent. I agree that it was a bit conflicting to her design though, but it still had some reason to be there.
    If she had fashioned it into a shawl I feel it would have done better in her design. She could made them apart of her footwear so when the party went to Oerba her calves wouldn't be cold. Or instead of having that orange mini, mini-skirt she could have made the skirt out of the bearskin, but the color of the skirt flows with the rest of her outfit.

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  12. #12
    I would explode to save your life~ Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Basically, which character/s in the Final Fantasy franchise do you think has the most ridiculous-looking outfit? Come on. I know there has been at least a few TFF members who looked at a character's design and thought "WTF is that character wearing???"

    I'm only going to pick one. You all can pick as many as you want, as long as you say SOMETHING about why you think the character's outfit looks ridiculous.

    For my pick, I'm going with Nooj from FF X-2. Poor guy. Not only does he have an excess of belts strapped over his torso, but he also has to lug around a furry...thing on his shoulder! I will say that I dig his purple boots. :3 I would also comment on his very...elaborate...hairstyle, but I think that's a different topic altogether.
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  13. #13
    Rune Knight Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    well i look at it like this... when going into an icy area would i prefer to wear just a vest or would i wear something warmer.....hmmm ill take the warmer winter wear thanks.

  14. #14
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trodorne View Post
    well i look at it like this... when going into an icy area would i prefer to wear just a vest or would i wear something warmer.....hmmm ill take the warmer winter wear thanks.
    Well there are a lot of characters that don't have clothing suited for cold weather. So singling out a character isn't right, but it should be noted these games are in a fantasy setting and no FF really takes weather into consideration for character design. It would be cool if the characters changed design with the weather to make it a bit more realistic in that aspect.

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  15. #15
    Little Pandemonic Carnival Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Insufficient Mage's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    What about that scientist lady from Dirge of Cerberus (if we're counting spin-offs)? Its not the most bizarre fashion, but from what I remember, part of her skirt was being held together by some random straps, or belts... I don't even remember her name, my friend just called her "the ho with the lazy eye", and we figured that her wardrobe malfunction was because she was trying to dress herself and it didn't work out so well. On account of the lazy eye I guess. The one I'm pretty sure she didn't have. So she has no excuse!

  16. #16
    I want to play a game. Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Insufficient Mage View Post
    What about that scientist lady from Dirge of Cerberus (if we're counting spin-offs)? Its not the most bizarre fashion, but from what I remember, part of her skirt was being held together by some random straps, or belts... I don't even remember her name, my friend just called her "the ho with the lazy eye", and we figured that her wardrobe malfunction was because she was trying to dress herself and it didn't work out so well. On account of the lazy eye I guess. The one I'm pretty sure she didn't have. So she has no excuse!

    The scientist lady you are referring to is Shalua Rui. It was through working for the World Regenesis Organization that: she lost her left eye, several internal organs, which have been replaced with biomechanical parts, and a prosthetic arm that serves as her life-support system. So it is very nice that your friend would call somebody with all those disabilities "a ho with a lazy eye" when she lost the eye all together in a work-related accident. As to her skirt, I could see it working on a select few; it probably has been already done by somebody in the world knowing today's "fashion".

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  17. #17
    Stream Crosser Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Lulu's outfit. She's wearing too many belts on his dress! Doesn't she feel heavy wearing that thing? Actually her outfit is cool and unique but I think it just does not make sense. Anyway, rock on Lulu's outfit LOL

    For an odd clothing I choose Seymour's. It just weird

  18. #18
    The Lone Dagger Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ann View Post
    Lulu's outfit. She's wearing too many belts on his dress! Doesn't she feel heavy wearing that thing? Actually her outfit is cool and unique but I think it just does not make sense. Anyway, rock on Lulu's outfit LOL

    For an odd clothing I choose Seymour's. It just weird
    I think Seymour would also win a odd hair style award as well, but Nooj does also have the same looking hair kinda if you look at it.

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  19. #19
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    man, Vincent's outfit really creeped me out tbh. He had like, a headband/cape/scarf or something? I never really understood that. And then, a metal claw on his hand? Is it real, prostetic, what is the deal with his ****ing arm? I just don't get it. The steel-toed pointy boots were a whole different story as well, not even sure where to get into that. I don't know how you can sleep in a coffin like that, but hey more power to him.
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  20. #20
    The Brave Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!
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    Arrow Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Well, this thread looks rather interesting.
    My pick would be Rikku from FFX-2. I do wonder what the developers were thinking when they put her in that bikini. Who else agrees with me?

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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Xithor View Post
    Looking at it this closely, it really boggles my mind how someone would even style their hair like that to begin with! With Nooj's hair, you can kind of see how he gets it that crazy looking, but Seymour's...

    It mostly has to do with the two pointy things on the sides of his head... Hair cannot do that! Yeah, yeah... I know it's a game, but really? It's kind of hard to suspend my disbelief when those "things" are sooo distracting.

    In response to the post above me, I thought that it was kind of strange that developers decided to dress Rikku up in both a scarf and a swimsuit... Kind of defeats the purpose of both those articles of clothing. I don't think she's the worst dressed though. Maybe the most unconventional, but not the worst.
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  22. #22
    The Lone Dagger Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    My point exactly Dodie, those two wings that are coming out of the top of Seymour's head just aren't possible. It's hard enough to get your hair to spike up like Cloud's does but that hair style is just insane, I did like that about recent games that the hairstyles were a little more in control or not insane.

    As far as Rikku goes I liked seeing her in a swim suit haha prob bc I'm a guy but I do see the flaw that you mention. Summer and winter wear in the same outfit? That's like me seeing someone walking around in a beanie in this Tampa 93 degree heat...ridiculous! Lol

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  23. #23
    Do the elements trust you? Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Looking at it this closely, it really boggles my mind how someone would even style their hair like that to begin with! With Nooj's hair, you can kind of see how he gets it that crazy looking, but Seymour's...

    It mostly has to do with the two pointy things on the sides of his head... Hair cannot do that! Yeah, yeah... I know it's a game, but really? It's kind of hard to suspend my disbelief when those "things" are sooo distracting.

    In response to the post above me, I thought that it was kind of strange that developers decided to dress Rikku up in both a scarf and a swimsuit... Kind of defeats the purpose of both those articles of clothing. I don't think she's the worst dressed though. Maybe the most unconventional, but not the worst.
    the hair is a cover for horns
    he looks freaky cuz he is freaky
    as for nooj, his clothes make sense, but rikku in a scarf and a bikini=wtf
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  24. #24
    All is One.One is All. Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Nooj definately worst dressed but hey..for all you guys who have played Final Fantasy it just me or does it look like Kimarhi wears a damn diaper?! IMO he is..n tat is my second worst dressed...KIMARHI,PUT SOME PANTS ON!
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  25. #25

    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Sorry but I have to disagree with Gippal as a rule Al Bhed wear weird clothing anyway so I wouldn't pick an Al Bhed character anyway plus Gippal is just an awesome character!!! For me I would have to say Cait Sith no need to explain why!!! Quina, Freya again no explanation needed!!! Wakka for the reason he wears sandals all the time (even in Macalania where it is ****ing freezing!!!) And maybe not clothes but that quiff in his hair what is that all about?!

  26. #26
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters! nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy Fashion Disasters!

    Yeah Nooj has a kind of "baby's all-in-one" thing going on ... it was a fashion disaster in it's worst form.

    I love Lulu's clothes, she looks like a Valentino Dominatrix xD
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