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Thread: Final Fantasy Families??

  1. #1
    O Rly? Final Fantasy Families?? Arch's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy Families??

    Does anyone have a whole family(or atleast a part of a family) that they can talk to about final fantasy for hours and not get bored? I dont sadly i used to have my cousins but they both moved and are both big important adults now:vomitswell one still plays FF but he lives too far away)
    I try to talk to my mom dad and sister but they dont care at all they call it "stupid"
    well my dad trys to act interested but hes only really into racing games which i love also but there no FF

    so do you guys have some family to tlk to?

    oh and i got friends but im talking about family,just to clear that up lol

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  2. #2
    Registered User Final Fantasy Families?? Yesha's Avatar
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    I have friends that reaLLy know, pLay and Like FinaL Fantasy.. so yeah.. sometimes we taLk about some particuLar FinaL Fantasy and don't get bored about it.. Like, how we Like Fran's shoes.. LoL! And we Like to exchange some FinaL Fantasy or some games secrets or newLy know news about it.. my dad aLso is a gamer.. so I reaLLy don't have a problem sharing my Love for games and for FinaL Fantasy!

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  3. #3
    My whole family dislikes video games, except for my dear brother who only dislikes Final Fantasy (although he's never tried it). So I have to rely on a forum (TFF ^^) and on friends to talk about it.
    I got a good friend who actually brought me into buying my first FF. I started talking with her about FF and it's always fun. ^^
    But besides her... I don't really have someone. And I don't need someone, I must admit. If there's one person I can talk to, then that's enough. ^^

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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Final Fantasy Families?? Xanatos's Avatar
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    My brother also plays FF games so I can speak with him about that. Well to tell you the truth we rarely speak about FF even tho he plays FF games he doesn't take that much interest in them as I do. The only one who plays FF intensively is my cousin but he lives far away so we rarely see each others. But whenever he comes we tend to speak about FF for hours and neither one of us gets bored.
    My friends don't play FF games, they heard about it but they don't like it that much. Most of them plays only meaningless games, where they don't have to think a lot and don't have to follow the story. I really cant understand how can they enjoy in that but whatever makes them happy.

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  5. #5
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    My brother's a gamer (he got me into games when I was little actually), though he's not as into RPGs as I am. We do tend to buy the same games a lot though lol so we talk about 'em now and then. Bit tough now though since I have PS3 and he's got XBOX. I know he played X so chances are he might get XIII, hard to say for sure.

    So I guess that would make the answer to your question a no for me. My mom likes games but most of them are too complicated for her to play. =X Her fiance watches me play now and then but he has no concept of how games work so I spend most of my time explaining silly things. ("What did you just do?" "Um...I cast a spell." "Why?" "Possibly because I'm fighting that huge freakin' boss taking up most of the screen in front of me and I don't want to die!" XD)

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  6. #6
    Registered User Final Fantasy Families??
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    My family doesn't understand my love of Final Fantasy. They think it's boring. Also, I never really had friends that liked it either. It does suck that I really don't have anyone to converse with about the storylines and characters.

    My brothers are into gaming, but they love FPS and action/adventure. They aren't so big on RPG games.

    My mom actually calls Final Fantasy "those boring games". lol. That's her opinion, I guess.

    Well, at least I have these forums to discuss all things Final Fantasy!
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  7. #7
    Sadly, I do not. The only people I can talk to about the series extensively are the people on this message board, and a friend or two, but even then, they don't really know much about the series as a whole enough to talk about the series in-depth.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

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