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Thread: Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most?

  1. #91
    I love them all but the one that disappointed me the most was 12 because I'm not keen on the gambits and the espers are shit the characters are not very powerful. The story isn't that great I don't like the battles because the way the gambits are set to attack enemies. If mark kinzett has said that ffx-2 is the weakest its not cause there is a big difference of watching someone play it and someone playing it themselves. I know some of you out there don't like ffx-2 and some of you do I love playing ffx-2. Its different from ffx its got dressphere and garment grids I have completed ffx-2 three times and that's because I always do everythink in the ff games. The second ff game I found disappointed was ff9 when I first played it. now that I have played ff9 a few time I do not find it disappointing anymore because I also love playing ff9. the rest of them are awesome apart from ff12 that is the one I find the most disappointing game and ff12 is the poorest game ever. that is my opinion to be honest I wish I haden't wasted my money on this game if I know it was gonna be crap I woulden't of bought it.

  2. #92
    "Tiger Hair" Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? HeroZero's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XIII-2

    I like Final Fantasy XIII because it was a significant change from previous Final Fantasy installments and to be honest I enjoyed every aspect of it. Possibly what I liked the most about it was how the game ended, it was bittersweet in that some people are returned to you and some are dead-ish. Sacrifices must be made and they weren't totally F'ing stupid deaths (imo) either.

    Cue FFXIII-2 intro, 'oh hey you know all that stuff from the end of XIII HAHA GOTCHA!", talk about a way to piss off the players who actually LIKED XIII. Ok so yeah they hit the retcon (imo) button and rebooted the world like a Tenchi anime, Fine I'll play because well why not. Combat was similar enough that I had no qualms with it, although having the pets did limit your options for paradigms since your third slot you could only have three available at a given time you just had to change some of your tactics and roll with it. Then there is the meat of the story, Goddamnit Hope is the biggest baddass in the freakin game WTF. Then there is Noel, F that guy, seriously.

    You finally get through the game and get to the end and it is just goddamn terrible. It ends up being the middle book in a trilogy that is strictly a bridge between the first and last books which each had distinctive endings. It gives you NO resolution, leaves you with a retarded number of questions, and everything is just seriously fracked. Oh but there are multiple endings you say, touted by Square as being awesome? Let us check these out, they are approximately equivalent to abortion versions of Chrono Trigger endings. Just let that sink in a bit. I would describe their stupidity in detail but I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone. Just know they are all worse than the main ending (and this is saying something).

    Ok, so we have a game that ruins the ending from its predecessor, and then has a terrible main ending, and multiple terrible 'side' endings. Lets add an extra ending through DLC YAY! Ok I'll bite I want to know what has been happening to my characters from the first game that have by and large disappeared off the face of the multiverse. Sazh is looking for his son, and his DL is a single extra game at the casino. It forces you to play casino games to finish his section which just ends up being dumb. Snow's DLC is just arena matches which at least is ok and his story is equally as pointless. Then there is Lightning's DLC which was supposed to be the important one, I have no words to describe this particular mini-game but the 'extra' ending goes as follows. You were screwed before you even started trying so haha I got what i wanted and you all fought for nothing. I was hoping for something of import, something real, something that would explain that everything (including buying the game and DLC) wasn't just a waste of my goddamned time.


    So you have a game that is fun to play, with some sidequests and monster collecting which FFXIII lacked pretty much any sidequests, that just ends up being a complete waste of time. But then you can buy DLC that sounds like it adds to the story but really all it truly is, is some mini-games with no meaningful addition to the storyline itself. I hate this game FAR more than any other game I have ever played, EVER, period. I cannot think of any other game that has infuriated me quite so much (while still being fairly enjoyable to play) than this.

    I forgot to mention that this game has seriously made me think about not buying another final fantasy game ever? Even though XIII-3 is shaping up to potentially be an interesting Kingdom Hearts/Crisis Core type game I just don't want to give square more money after the travesty that XIII-2 was. I think if FFXIII-3 gets 90% or higher ratings I will consider buying it, mostly to see if they do anything good with the story but past that... I don't even know if I will buy FF XV whenever it comes out. XIII-2 hurt my Final Fantasy soul and its mark will forever scar my heart that has loved Final Fantasy in its many itterations over these many years.
    Last edited by HeroZero; 07-08-2013 at 01:35 PM.
    "Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"

  3. #93
    "Tiger Hair" Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? HeroZero's Avatar
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    I feel like I killed the thread.
    "Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"

  4. #94
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Every Final Fantasy game that I have played so far have been awesome. I played through them at least once, sometimes even more then once cause it was just that good. The games that I have fully played so far are: FFVII, FFX-2, FFXII, FFX, FFVII: DoC, FFVII: CC, FFXIII-2, FFXIII, FF: TA, FF: TA2. Each and every one of these games I have enjoyed playing, and adapting to the different combat systems was also fun as well. I know people sometimes don't like change, but it is to be expected. If you learn to adapt to these changes and be a little more open minded about it, I am sure you would probly enjoy the games more then if you go into the game with High expectations out the gate. I honestly don't give a shiit about if one game doesn't live up to the expectation of a previous game or any of that bullcrap, I just play it as if it was its own game, cause technically speaking, each FF game is uniquely its own world, with changes, even if it has the same feel or not. I am always open minded, and give the benefit of the doubt. I never expect too much, and usually in return I find myself enjoying the game even if it isn't as good as any of the other games in the FF series. To me, an FF game is an FF game, which usually means it is going to be good, and in my opinion, all my experiences have been amazing with each FF game I have played. I will try to put some time into completing the other games I haven't gotten a chance to play yet. One more thing, ask yourself this: Do you think you can make a game like this right now as is and be much better in both Quality and Playability? I can't even believe that anybody is able to create these epic video games that the guys at SE can do. It still blows my mind to this very day, and is the reason why I want to learn how they do it.

    To answer your question more simply...I have not found a single FF game yet that I have played that I was disappointed with at all. They all have their Pros and Cons, but to me they had way more Pros then they did Cons, or the cons that each game had for me, were too small to even slightly disappoint me in any way, shape, and/or form. Overall, wonderful experiences throughout my FF gaming career ^_^

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  5. #95
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joleine taylor View Post
    I love them all but the one that disappointed me the most was 12 because I'm not keen on the gambits and the espers are shit the characters are not very powerful. The story isn't that great I don't like the battles because the way the gambits are set to attack enemies. .
    FF12 Can't possibly ever be the worst FF in the series.


    'Cuz Fran & Balthier. 'Nuff said.


  6. #96
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joleine taylor View Post
    I don't like the battles because the way the gambits are set to attack enemies.
    If you don't like the way gambits are set then change them the way you see fit, you may even take full control over your characters, a rather easy thing to do most people seem to ignore.

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  7. #97
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I understand people might not like FFXII but when they start complaining about the Gambits it's funny because you can set those to whatever you want to not having them on at all.
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  8. #98
    Consistently Average Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    No Final Fantasy has ever really disappointed me. I'm just not the kind of person who gets worked up or has to agonize over every flaw or character in a game (like Gambits or Cloud for example).

    That said I wasn't very impressed with Dirge of Cerberus. I really don't care about any of the new characters, Shelke especially, and the story was just a big load of meh's. It was fun to run around and headshot all the enemies but other than that there's not a lot else that makes me want to come back to that game.
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  9. #99
    I didn't play any Final Fantasy games until I saw VIII at the rental place we had near my house. I grew up in a sega household and as such, had never heard of Final Fantasy. At first, I wasn't too sure about VIII, because I was used to games that just let me beat the crap out of everything on screen.

  10. #100
    "Tiger Hair" Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? HeroZero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by landen View Post
    I didn't play any Final Fantasy games until I saw VIII at the rental place we had near my house. I grew up in a sega household and as such, had never heard of Final Fantasy. At first, I wasn't too sure about VIII, because I was used to games that just let me beat the crap out of everything on screen.
    I feel like you were going somewhere with this...
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  11. #101
    The Old Skool Warrior Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I'm not positive, but I think landen is a rather intelligent bot. None of the posts so far have been really spot-on a topic...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  12. #102
    "Tiger Hair" Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? HeroZero's Avatar
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    Verah sneaky.
    "Evil spelled backwards is Live, and we all want to do that now don't we?"

  13. #103
    Registered User Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? KeybladeAngel's Avatar
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    FFXII was such a disappointment for me...I finally decided to get the game after years of saying i was gonna get it. Played it for maybe 20 minutes and couldnt play any longer. Especially all the information at the beginning confused the hell outta me! I just wasn't feeling this game at all. Oh well...

  14. #104
    Registered User Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? Cyric's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XIII was probably the biggest disappointment over all. I had expected so much from the game and I feel like that, in tangent with the lack luster FFVII games being released, single handled wiped any new FF titles off my list of must haves. I haven't beaten FFXIII, nor have I purchased any of the sequels.

  15. #105
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I find it funny that people don't like XIII for the reason it didn't explain anything fully right away. But they loved VII which the entire game basically is lying to you the entire time until middle of disc 2. While in XIII they slowly explain what's going on through DATALOGS

    I don't want to read those. Oh but the 9+ previous titles that were all Text wasn't an issue but now that the game has voiceovers you dont want to read? 13 may be linear and only a couple questions remain throughout the story but all that other confusion is explained throughout the story.

    Tactics Advanced disappointed me.
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  16. #106
    Final Fantasy XIII due to it look really promising and then ending up being a game with tons of flaws and problems. Most Video Games have a at least a few flaws, it's normal. But Final Fantasy 13 got them all like a disease.

    If Square didn't focus so much on the graphics so much it could of been a so much smoother and less linear game.

  17. #107
    I loved ff13 because the linearity wasn't that big of a deal to me. I think that the awesome graphics the story and the battle system made that game and playing the linearity of the against the pros of this game is totally off the mark.

  18. #108
    Chief Inspiring Officer Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Well, I was really disappointed in XII. I really can't stand the story. Besides the confusing Judges everywhere, why doesn't the main character
    end up marrying Ashe
    or having any semblance of fulfilling a grand destiny unique to any main character? Proly cuz Vahn was supposed to be a side-character before they spotlighted him in order to appeal to the Japanese consumers, otherwise I'm sure he wouldn't have been designed in those lackluster clothes... I much would've preferred Basch as the M.C. Not Balthier, though, (*cough-conceited!*)

    The music is sort of repetitive and annoying as well, (esp. Lowtown beneath Rabanastre) And what was with that odd Indian theme throughout? Why does the narrator have that accent, nobody else does...

    Playability-wise: What's with the loot from monsters? Stupidest! I mean, why not just gimme the money? Unless somehow those items could be used in some sort of recipe... I kept furtively keeping a copy of each of them wondering if they'd ever specifically come in handy. I enjoyed the Gambits, as they saved me from a lot of manual activities that would've wasted my time - They were also an effective punishment for Balthier, as I made him eternally maintain haste and protect and shell on everyone, thus depleting his MP! #Muahaha
    So, GP-wise, I actually think I enjoyed FFX-2 more... *Gasp!*
    I did enjoy the job board thingies, though

    Pretty much hated all of the characters, Fran was perhaps the only exception, but I wish she dressed more conservatively *deflated sigh* All of the playable characters look like they just rolled out of bed without washing their faces (which effectively mirrored the person playing it at the time, but I digress)

    Graphics were nice and smooth, though, and of course, props for the gorgeous backgrounds.
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  19. #109
    Registered User Which Final Fantasy Disappointed You The Most?
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    FXIII. Easily for me the least likeable party of characters, a story that failed to grab me in any way, and far too linear without allowing for power leveling, which I love.

  20. #110
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    Ugh, I can't even call it Final Fantasy. Actually, I was so disappointed by it that I decided to drop the series after playing it, since I recognized FF was not the same thing anymore without the mind of Sakaguchi behind it.
    X-2 as well, but it's another story, as it was lucky enough to have a pre-made world behind it. If it didn't have traces of the original FFX, it'd share the first place with XII. So I basically second Heartless Angel

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