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Thread: FF games with both new and old looks would be a sure profit

  1. #1

    FF games with both new and old looks would be a sure profit

    SE, if you want to really hit your fans with that retro nostalgia feel, having FF games with old and new styles would be just the thing. Replaying FF1-3 in nes style as well as the newer styles would mean alot to a wide audience of people. Same goes for FF4-6 in snes or gba/psp modes. Who wouldn't want to switch styles on the go every now and then and dive into new or old dimensions of the same game, compare how the games evolved over time? IMO that's how FF1-6 should be done. It's not a hard thing to do and is not something many or any games have tried to do. Yes, it'll take up more space, require some rescaling and adding more game options, but that's just about it. It's a money bomb waiting to happen.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 11-14-2014 at 10:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! FF games with both new and old looks would be a sure profit SuperSabin's Avatar
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    I like your idea approach there about having a graphics switch from old to modern for each FF. I believe Mega Man Powered Up was kinda like that, it was a remake of Mega Man 1 but there was also the option to play the original nes version, Pier Solar is also using this concept too. However I don't think this would really sell like we would hope, but then again, who knows. I do like the idea though. What really needs to happen is that Square-Enix needs to reinvent the FF series, take concepts that worked best for them and expand upon what worked and create something new that maintains the final fantasy feel and formula.

    Type-0, FFXV, and Agito are all steps in the right direction, if done right, square will really benefit from what they learned to do with these FFs and breathe new life into the series. One cool mechanic I can think of is having battle conditions based on what environment your party and the enemies are in, similar to how its done in tactical games. Also maybe an event where you go into a gas station (FFXV) and a giant monster approaches and infiltrates the station and you have to work with your surroundings to avoid getting hit and come up with a strategy to take down the monster. Elements like that work, and along with this idea, create a story that keeps the player interested and will get the player wanting to replay the game over and over again.
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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy FF games with both new and old looks would be a sure profit Rowan's Avatar
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    You know what else is a money bomb? A remake of FF7 whether people like it or not. Because at the end of the day, even all the haters will buy it.

  4. #4
    I'm sure they're working on it. It's the most hyped up FF anyways. Nothing gets more attention than FF7 (and FF6).

    Problem is, how to make the game look like FF7 back in the days and still have a new look? Amp up the polys but keep the shapes the same. Don't make those super tall and thin chars. Don't mess with shapes is all I wanna say. Also maybe add more interactivity to towns, world and locales. Make bigger areas, more secret passages and stuff like that.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 11-16-2014 at 09:09 PM.

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