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Thread: Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy

  1. #31
    WARNING: This posting may contain spoilers for those who haven't played FFX yet (and don't know anything about it)!

    Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post
    My favorite villain was Jecht. He has a lot of depth to him, his story is shown throughout the playthrough of Final Fantasy X, and he has a personal relationship with the main character. Not to mention that he is the reincarnation of a massive monster summoned to protect a dream version of a civilization, which ironically becomes a civilization that it eventually physically destroys.
    Wait - what? Really? I must say I'm surprised to hear someone say that - of all villains in the FF series - Jecht is the best one. If you'd said "My favorite villain was Sin.", I would've nodded my head, thinking to myself "Yup. Sin was quite an interesting villain." But Jecht? I must admit, I don't see him as a villain at all.
    Yes, you have to fight against him at the end and you have to defeat him. But - as far as I remember what Jecht was saying at the end - he wanted you to defeat him. He even regretted being such an a-hole to you. (With you I mean Tidus of course. *coughs*)
    Still, he didn't have a chance than to become sin. I guess he didn't really want to become a monster, he just wanted to save Auron and Braska when he sacrificed himself - I consider this very brave. He may have been a bad father (okay, he definitely was), still he left all the spheres for his son and showed - throughout the game - that he's not that bad at all. And as I said, at the end he regrets everything he's done. (Doesn't he even apologize for being such a bad father? I really don't remember it in detail.)

    Nevertheless, I agree with you that Jecht definitely was an interesting character - but he wasn't the villain. Sin was.

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  2. #32
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Have to correct you both here Freya and Clint.

    Edit: Because Activity Feed shows spoiler.

    Yu Yevon is the true villain.
    Last edited by loaf; 01-09-2014 at 11:31 AM.
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  3. #33
    Registered User Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    I actually don't see any of them as the true villain of the game.

    Sin is just armour for Yu Yevon, it has no mind of it's own so while it's a threat it's a weapon rather than a villain. Jecht, as Freya said, was not evil or villainous and was in fact trying to save his friends and the world from Sin himself. Yu Yevon though, I also don't consider the main villain because he lost his mind and personality long ago and is now just a shell whose sole purpose is to summon the dream Zanarkand. To me being a villain means being villainous, not just being a threat or a weapon.

    "Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
    The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."

  4. #34
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheechiibii View Post
    I actually don't see any of them as the true villain of the game.

    Sin is just armour for Yu Yevon, it has no mind of it's own so while it's a threat it's a weapon rather than a villain. Jecht, as Freya said, was not evil or villainous and was in fact trying to save his friends and the world from Sin himself. Yu Yevon though, I also don't consider the main villain because he lost his mind and personality long ago and is now just a shell whose sole purpose is to summon the dream Zanarkand. To me being a villain means being villainous, not just being a threat or a weapon.
    Yu Yevon is the reason everything happened. If Yu Yevon didn't do any of that there wouldn't have been that story, he is the reason Spira was in fear for years regardless if he is just doing a dream and mindlessly doing it. It knew what it did at the start.
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  5. #35
    Registered User Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    Yu Yevon is the reason everything happened. If Yu Yevon didn't do any of that there wouldn't have been that story, he is the reason Spira was in fear for years regardless if he is just doing a dream and mindlessly doing it. It knew what it did at the start.
    That's true, but for me being a true villain means being a villainous character, not simply being the catalyst for the events in game, and Yu Yevon is not villainous because he has no personality or soul left.

    "Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
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  6. #36
    I invented Go-Gurt. Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Wait - what? Really? I must say I'm surprised to hear someone say that - of all villains in the FF series - Jecht is the best one. If you'd said "My favorite villain was Sin.", I would've nodded my head, thinking to myself "Yup. Sin was quite an interesting villain." But Jecht? I must admit, I don't see him as a villain at all.
    Jecht's intentions may have been good when he agreed to become Sin, but the important factor there is that Jecht is Sin. If Sin is the villain, then Jecht is the villain. I know Jecht didn't have complete control over Sin, but he at least had enough control to bring Tidus to Spira, as well as to provoke Tidus and his crew enough to kill him.

    Provoking somebody to kill you is called being an antagonist. An antagonist, aka, a villain, is somebody who has a negative effect on other characters. This person doesn't necessarily have to be evil.

    Also, the spoiler things are stupid. Final Fantasy X came out 13 years ago. It would be a spoiler to talk about it 13 years ago, before anybody had a chance to play through the game. Now it's just old news.

  7. #37
    The Mad God Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Yeah but they're rereleasing it, so they're spoilers again.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  8. #38
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    You know how many members lately we have had who have only played 13?

    Edit: I don't but we have had quite a few.
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  9. #39
    KUJA!!!!! He was truly a BA....not only did he know he was going to die and there was nothing he could do to stop it, but he decided he would take everyone else with him because that is what real crazy looks like...especially when he is in trance mode...for a whole freaking battle...when I never could get tranced against a stupid boss

  10. #40
    Kefka is the best villain by far and has the absolute best quotes from a bad guy in any FF.

    - "Son of a Submariner! You'll pay for this!"
    - ""Wait," he says... Do I look like a waiter? "
    -"I will destroy everything... I will create a monument to non-existence!"

    And my favorite...

    -"Life...Dreams...Hope...Where do they come from? And where do they go? None of that junk is enough to fulfill your hearts! Destruction...Destruction is what makes life worth living! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Let's destroy everything!"

  11. #41
    Hewerya love...? Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy seanb's Avatar
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    Seymour Guado does it for me.... love how supernatural he acts and looks, also his sketchy heritage.... and he's a horrible bastard

    Plus the boss fights with him are epic.

    But, of course Sephiroth is right up there too.

  12. #42
    To tell the honest truth, almost all the FF villains aren't really cool except three of them.

    1. Septhiorth= Norman Bates
    2. Gobelz = Dark Vader
    3. Kefka= wannbe Joker (although overrated)
    Last edited by C.A.; 03-27-2014 at 03:28 PM.

  13. #43
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
    2. Gobelz = Dark Vader
    Fail to see resemblance on any level to be honest, then again I did rush through the game, it's Darth Vader by the way.

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  14. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Fail to see resemblance on any level to be honest, then again I did rush through the game, it's Darth Vader by the way.
    Really? You need to watch more movies.

    I am comparing them to famous villains in movie history. ( Hitchcock's Psycho , Star Wars IV , and The Dark Knight.)

  15. #45
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Look carefully at which part of your post, better yet which villain I am referring to. I fail to see resemblance between Golbez and Darth Vader, perhaps appearance wise, though even then not quite. Golbez was never truly a villain, he was being manipulated by Zemus from the very start, and in a manner where he could not gain control over himself and his, in this case, Zemus's actions. Golbez is not evil and he technically never was, he is in fact calm and a kindhearted person.

    You could say Anakin was also manipulated by Palpatine, though not in the same manner, not even close. After all, all of his actions, his downfall, were in the end his own doing. Out of all FF characters the one that resembles the most to Darth Vader is most definitely Gabranth, how you made connection to Golbez is beyond me.

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  16. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Look carefully at which part of your post, better yet which villain I am referring to. I fail to see resemblance between Golbez and Darth Vader, perhaps appearance wise, though even then not quite. Golbez was never truly a villain, he was being manipulated by Zemus from the very start, and in a manner where he could not gain control over himself and his, in this case, Zemus's actions. Golbez is not evil and he technically never was, he is in fact calm and a kindhearted person.

    You could say Anakin was also manipulated by Palpatine, though not in the same manner, not even close. After all, all of his actions, his downfall, were in the end his own doing. Out of all FF characters the one that resembles the most to Darth Vader is most definitely Gabranth, how you made connection to Golbez is beyond me.

    When I read you post, I thought you are talking about the villains I posted.

    Anyway, Golbez is still the "main" villain in IV, even though he was manipulated by Zemus. The story is mostly focus on him and the manipulation was added to his villainous behavior.

    What do you mean in the same manner? They both manipulated by someone else by using their evil powers. Not to mention they have this ominous aura....(They both have black armor and a Shakespearean speech.)

    Sorry, I don't see Gabranth = Vader connection.

  17. #47
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
    Anyway, Golbez is still the "main" villain in IV, even though he was manipulated by Zemus. The story is mostly focus on him and the manipulation was added to his villainous behavior.
    Golbez is never the main villain. Never, ever. It's Zemus/Zeromus is the main villain.

    Golbez is the main villain as much as Magus in Chrono Trigger is.

    Alright. Black Armor so Garland is Darth Vader now.

    Garland is the real Darth Vader Xan come on.
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  18. #48
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Manipulation comes in different forms. Golbez was under total control, no will of his own while Anakin was pushed by mere suggestions, Palpatine simply entertained something that was already in him to begin with. In other words, Darth Vader did evil things on his own accord while Golbez did not. Not to mention Golbez and Darth Vader have quite different personalities.

    Both Gabranth and Anakin have tragic backstories, both betrayed that little bit of family they had left and went to the dark side, both serve under the Empire - the most powerfull nation/force in their respective universes, both hold highest military rank, even their attire is alike, not to mention the breathing issue Gabranth occasionally has while having his helmet on, both redeemed themselves in the end and had a change of heart, neither was initially evil... I could go on, though I feel this will be sufficient.

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  19. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    Golbez is never the main villain. Never, ever. It's Zemus/Zeromus is the main villain.

    Golbez is the main villain as much as Magus in Chrono Trigger is.

    Alright. Black Armor so Garland is Darth Vader now.

    Garland is the real Darth Vader Xan come on.
    If you follow that logic, then the Emperor, not Kefka is the main villain.
    Shinra, not Sephiroth, is the main villian.

    I forgot his name, but he manipulated Kuja in IX.

    The last time I check Gobelz is in Dissida and Dissisa 012. Not Zemus. He is the main antagonist in IV. Being manipulated doesn't change him to a protagonist (which it doesn't make any sense).


    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Manipulation comes in different forms. Golbez was under total control, no will of his own while Anakin was pushed by mere suggestions, Palpatine simply entertained something that was already in him to begin with. In other words, Darth Vader did evil things on his own accord while Golbez did not. Not to mention Golbez and Darth Vader have quite different personalities.
    I disagree.
    The last time I checked Anakin became Darth Vader because he saw a dream that his wife and children dying (Episode III). Who put this dream in his mind? ...Palpatine. Similar fashion with Golbez. Maybe different way but it is still manipulation.

    Both Gabranth and Anakin have tragic backstories, both betrayed that little bit of family they had left and went to the dark side, both serve under the Empire - the most powerfull nation/force in their respective universes, both hold highest military rank, even their attire is alike, not to mention the breathing issue Gabranth occasionally has while having his helmet on, both redeemed themselves in the end and had a change of heart, neither was initially evil... I could go on, though I feel this will be sufficient.[/QUOTE]

    But big difference is that Gabranth wasn't manipulated. He served the empire by his choice. Also, Dark Vader didn't redeemed and Gabranth wasn't a war hero.

    I don't see the connection. sorry.

  20. #50
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
    If you follow that logic, then the Emperor, not Kefka is the main villain.
    Shinra, not Sephiroth, is the main villian.
    By that very logic neither would be the main villain as both Sephiroth and Kefka were not manipulated, Kefka in particular who consistently defied his orders and acted completely on his own as can be seen multiple times during the game.

    The last time I check Gobelz is in Dissida and Dissisa 012. Not Zemus. He is the main antagonist in IV. Being manipulated doesn't change him to a protagonist (which it doesn't make any sense).
    Using your logic Gabranth is the main villain of FF XII simply because he appears in Dissidia instead of Vayne.

    I disagree.
    The last time I checked Anakin became Darth Vader because he saw a dream that his wife and children dying (Episode III). Who put this dream in his mind? ...Palpatine. Similar fashion with Golbez. Maybe different way but it is still manipulation.
    I did mention there are several forms of manipulation, you know that. A dream, a false idea of what might happen is similar to having a character under complete and utter control against his own will... you winding me up?

    But big difference is that Gabranth wasn't manipulated. He served the empire by his choice. Also, Dark Vader didn't redeemed and Gabranth wasn't a war hero.

    I don't see the connection. sorry.
    Who said anything about Gabranth being a war hero. I merely mentioned they both have high military rank, nothing more nothing less. Manipulation or not Gabranth shares far more resemblance to Darth Vader than Golbez ever will, and that's something you can not dispute. Darth Vader did in fact redeem himself if nothing else than in eyes of his son, he sacrificed himself to save his son and kill The Emperor and in a way fulfilled one of the old prophecies. Again, it's Darth Vader not Dark Vader, you sure you saw the movies?
    Last edited by Xanatos; 03-30-2014 at 07:37 AM.

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  21. #51
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I think this person needs to replay FF6 and FF7 lol.

    By their logic then the Magic they artificially gave to Kefka is the true villain since it drove him mad.

    annnd lets just say Hojo is the main villain because well **** it.
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  22. #52
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    He needs to replay IX as well it seems, Garland had some control over Kuja long before the main events of the game, during the game Kuja is banished from Terra, he acts on his own looking for a means to destroy Garland who was somewhat aware of Kuja's defiance thus he created third angel od death, Mikoto. It's confusing to say the least how he from that came to conclusion that Kuja was manipulated.

  23. #53
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    I'm going to say Necron is the real Villain because he's the final boss.
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  24. #54
    The Mad God Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Dunno that I'd call Hojo the main villain. But he was an asshat in any case. **** that guy. I'm actually GLAD he came back in DOC, just so I could murder him again.

    EDIT: Everyone knows Black Waltz #2 was the main villain of FFIX. I base this on absolutely nothing.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  25. #55
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Rowan's Avatar
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    Religion is the reason sin kept coming back. Stupid yevon bullcrap being fed into the minds of the sheep. It was by abandoning the faith of the religion, that they were able to overcome their own destruction and backwards ways of thinking (sacrificing summoners etc)

    so true to life, yeah?

  26. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I think this person needs to replay FF6 and FF7 lol.

    By their logic then the Magic they artificially gave to Kefka is the true villain since it drove him mad.
    By who...the Emperor. I did played the game. You just prove my point that Kefka isn't really the true villian if according to his logic.

    annnd lets just say Hojo is the main villain because well **** it.[/QUOTE]

    According to his logic....but Kefka and Sephiroth are the main villains because the story revolves around them. duh. So laugh you own self.


    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    By that very logic neither would be the main villain as both Sephiroth and Kefka were not manipulated, Kefka in particular who consistently defied his orders and acted completely on his own as can be seen multiple times during the game.

    Using your logic Gabranth is the main villain of FF XII simply because he appears in Dissidia instead of Vayne.
    DUH!. You prove my point against a user in the fourm. I guess we both agree. that Golbez is the MAIN VILLIAN because the story revolves around him. Thanks

    I did mention there are several forms of manipulation, you know that. A dream, a false idea of what might happen is similar to having a character under complete and utter control against his own will... you winding me up?
    You did but still it still manipulation. There are different kinds of discrimination, ethnicity, laws, etc but they all under the same subject. You really didn't prove a point.

    Who said anything about Gabranth being a war hero. I merely mentioned they both have high military rank, nothing more nothing less. Manipulation or not Gabranth shares far more resemblance to Darth Vader than Golbez ever will, and that's something you can not dispute. Darth Vader did in fact redeem himself if nothing else than in eyes of his son, he sacrificed himself to save his son and kill The Emperor and in a way fulfilled one of the old prophecies. Again, it's Darth Vader not Dark Vader, you sure you saw the movies?
    I am going summarizes by comparison.

    Golbez = Dark Vader

    1. They both lived in space.
    2. They both talk about the dark FORCE.... If you played IV, you understand about theme of light and dark in the story.
    3. both manipulated by someone who is the true antagonist. (big difference between main and true antagonist)
    4. they both fought against a relative who is against the darkness. Cecil and Lucas
    5. the voice.
    and so on..
    Might as well IV story is a little Star Wars.

    The only thing that Gabranth resemblances to Darth Vader is the voice but any villain has that type of voice.

    I played the game and knew the story of Darth Vader. Darth Vader and Golbez are tragic villains.

  27. #57
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    I don't think you got any idea that I was simply making fun of you.

    I mean if Earth is in Space that means I live in Space cause he lives on the moon which is in space and so earth is in space and I live in space.

    I'm going to say why Golbez is not Main Villain or Darth Vader.

    Darth Vader had control, Golbez didn't. Zemus was doing everything.

    The Emperor is gone half way through the game, so I mean THERES your villain...
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  28. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I don't think you got any idea that I was simply making fun of you.
    about what...You wasn't replying a lame comment saying that Golbez isn't the main villain. There is a different between the main and the true antagonist. Golbez= main villain...Zemous= true antagonist.

    I mean if Earth is in Space that means I live in Space cause he lives on the moon which is in space and so earth is in space and I live in space.

    Tatooine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Zemous= Palpatine.

    Don't get me start, okay.

    I'm going to say why Golbez is not Main Villain or Darth Vader.
    No. My comment was not for

    Darth Vader had control, Golbez didn't. Zemus was doing everything

    False. Darth Vader didn't had control either. Like Zemus, he woke up and they defeated the true antagonist, Palpatine and Zemus

    Return of the Jedi? Anyone..

  29. #59
    Boxer of the Galaxy Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Rowan's Avatar
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    Can somoene come up with any LoTR analogies?

  30. #60
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite villain, and why from any final fantasy Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
    According to his logic....but Kefka and Sephiroth are the main villains because the story revolves around them. duh. So laugh you own self.
    Kefka and Sephiroth did serve (Kefka often not even that) at one point, but were never manipulated, thus I don't see any reason why they would not be the main villain/s in their respective game/s. Do explain though how in your opinion my point that Zemus is the main villain renders Kefka and Sephiroth of such title.

    DUH!. You prove my point against a user in the fourm. I guess we both agree. that Golbez is the MAIN VILLIAN because the story revolves around him. Thanks
    Wut? That would be awesome and true if that was indeed Golbez himself and not Zemus, a "man" responsible for any and all actions Golbez takes.

    You did but still it still manipulation. There are different kinds of discrimination, ethnicity, laws, etc but they all under the same subject. You really didn't prove a point.
    I'll ask this as genuiely and polite as possible, did you actually read what you just wrote? Do you understand what you just wrote? Just because something falls under same category/subject does not make it a same or similar thing for that matter. You mean to tell me baseball and football (what you call soccer) are similar because... sports! Rape and murder are similar because both are crime. What kind of logic the **** is this?

    Tatooine, a fictional planet, interesting... Ivalice is also a fictional planet, and do you know who lives on Ivalice? Gabranth. And that's another point towards Gabranth I believe, yours as well. Near every character in Final Fantasy for that matter lives on a fictional planet, hell, fictional characters often live on a fictional planets, the most moronic connection you could possibly have made, you would better be off saying they are both male.

    I am going summarizes by comparison.

    Golbez = Dark Vader

    1. They both lived in space.
    2. They both talk about the dark FORCE.... If you played IV, you understand about theme of light and dark in the story.
    3. both manipulated by someone who is the true antagonist. (big difference between main and true antagonist)
    4. they both fought against a relative who is against the darkness. Cecil and Lucas
    5. the voice.
    and so on..
    Might as well IV story is a little Star Wars.
    - Golbez, along with his entire race, what's left of it at least, lived in a core of a moon near a planet that resembles Earth, that's not in space otherwise we all live in space which technically we are =)

    - Golbez never ever fought Cecil, Zemus did.

    ... there goes off your two points.

    The only thing that Gabranth resemblances to Darth Vader is the voice but any villain has that type of voice.
    So you just woke up one morning and said, you know what, I'll just scrap everything this guy Xanatos wrote regarding the resemblance between Gabranth and Darth Vader for no apparent reason, I'll leave the voice though... superb.

    False. Darth Vader didn't had control either.
    I, the rest of the world for that matter, clearly saw different movies compared to you. Just because he was manipulated to switch sides does not mean Darth Vader did not have control over his actions, in fact there's nothing to prove otherwise. There's nothing indicating that Palpatine had complete and utter control over Darth Vader, not even one measly instance. Everything Darth Vader did he did on his own accord.

    Actually, I dare you to prove what you just wrote.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 04-04-2014 at 10:28 AM.

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    Last Post: 04-14-2014, 08:38 PM
  2. STRONGEST Final Fantasy Villain?
    By Zteriku in forum General Final Fantasy
    Replies: 11
    Last Post: 04-11-2014, 05:31 PM
  3. Favorite final fantasy tracks?
    By C.N in forum General Final Fantasy
    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 01-30-2011, 12:22 AM
  4. favorite final fantasy sword
    By MILK in forum General Final Fantasy
    Replies: 39
    Last Post: 10-02-2009, 08:37 AM
  5. Who is your favorite job on final fantasy games?
    By Jonhy Strikeback in forum General Final Fantasy
    Replies: 3
    Last Post: 08-27-2009, 12:50 PM


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