well yeah bout that my favorite is sephiroth 4m 7
hes the best
This is a thread dedicated to your favorite bosses in any final fantasy.
My favorite boss would be the one from final fantasy four. Zeromus---he is such a weird tentacle monster.I think he was extremely tough, but once I got to level 60 he got easy. I think he wasn't any tougher in his upgraded zeromus xg form either. I only had to be level 70 to defeat him.![]()
Last edited by ziroth; 11-06-2009 at 05:56 PM.
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
well yeah bout that my favorite is sephiroth 4m 7
hes the best
My Fav is right at the end of FFVII, when i was playing FFVII i was waiting for the time when i ould vs sephiroth in a normal form, and after fighting his mutated forms i thought it wouldn't happen untill i PWNED him with omnislash right at the end![]()
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My favorite Final boss goes to, Yes Sephiroth. Sorry, I always had fun Fighting him. In MGS2 I liked fighting all the MG Rex's just before Olga dies, that was crazy, even though those technically weren't the final boss. Another fun boss was Megaman Juno From Megaman Legends one.
YouTube - Megaman Legends - Hard Mode - Megaman Juno - No Damage
I have a lot more, but it's hard to remember.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-06-2009 at 06:26 PM.
Simple question for me atleast.
Kuja no doubt.
Well... he's actaully an semi-final... Just before Necron.
But i like Kuja should be the last boss anyway.
My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious
This is my Daily Day in 2FortMy TFF Family:
Okay I have a simple question what final fantasy was kuja from I forget......º_º
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-06-2009 at 06:33 PM.
Hmm... i don't remeber him to well. i haven't palyed that game in a while. I discovered a new boss lately. Vayne from ff12. Pain in the down right @$$.
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
There ya go, If you beat the game he's the boss just before the Final boss who is Necron. Kuja also play's a major part in the plot too.
YouTube - Final Fantasy 9 Kuja Battle
Well you know what I'm going to play that game the second I buy it from ebay next weekend. I'm gonna beat the crap out of that game. I'm gonna make it my game-ho. I'm gonna blister this game to a black and blue tint all around the disc. Speaking of black and blue I like Sephiroth but i made him have the image of a fly as I would brush it from my arm. Me and ruin owned him more than the average human being could comprehend on a scale of 1 to 1000000000000000000000000000000000000.001 and he did not get up after we went all rambo on him.
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
Even though the fight was insane, I like fighting Ultimacia at the end of FFVIII. She eventually becomes such a OHKO whore, that you almost have to rely on Holy Wars.
I also like fighting Necron at the end of FFIX. That was a great fight, too.
Proud to be in the United States Navy.
Originally Posted by Joe Moog
I think Kefka is creepy sooo... I'll say Ultimacia
m favorite are between ff7 or ff9
sephiroth was a fun battle except for the long animation parts
and in ff9 it was just fighting necron
Kefka in VI all the way.
Much more badass and ultimately more psychotic and demented and Sephiroth ever was. The entire final boss sequence was ridiculous, fighting up the tower and then fighting him in his final form, with both angel and demon wings. So sick.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
The optional fights in most of the FF games are always more interesting and in most cases they prove to be more challenging that the last fight. Thus I enjoy fighting more against Ozma or Omega Weapon than Necron or Ultimecia.
But my favorite final boss would be Kefka, for some strange reason I had more trouble with him than any other final boss, he even managed to kill two of my strongest characters.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Well if you all get ahold of FF1 then you should beat it as fast as possible to see the boss. He is so easy so it makes it into the top of your favorites.
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
She really was an awesome final boss. x.x I needed HOURS to beat her. (I was pretty underlevelled, as I only levelled three characters. XD")
But that was by far the best fight in FF. It wasn't easy, she had some quite good moves... and her forms... awesome. XD"
If I had to decide which final boss I liked best as a character.. Kefka for sure! No one will ever be a better final boss than Kefka. >3 His "speech" was just awesome, I still remember what he's said. XD (About the self-help booklet and stuff XD)
The others were also quite nice~ I didn't really dislike anyone. (Except for Sephiroth. XD)
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
ive played ff6 but never got to the final fight
i dont know why i just stoped playing it but im gonna start a new game
Ultimecia in FFVIII - an epic fight over four stages, and some great music to go with it (The Extreme)
"Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"
"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying"
I aLso Love the finaL fight between ULtimecia (FFVII), it's quite chaLLenging and not to mention the hours of LeveLing and making my characters strong are not wasted.. :-)
ALso fighting Sin (FFX) is chaLLenging too, I quite made a good strategy defeating it..
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
OMgosh ULtimecia (FFVII) was such a OHKO bi***. I can't stand that fight it doesn't deserve to be loved. One that does is sin from FFX![]()
"I would give you my name, but you'd just end up getting it dirty"
Isn't it obvious, it goes to sephiroth.
My favorite final boss is Ultimecia. She's quite strong and the battle is divided into 4 parts. The party must be really strong to beat her since it's very difficult to summon in the third and fourth part. In the fourth part, Hell's Judgement can a problem unless you're fast enough to heal before she casts any other magic.
Also, I like the music especially The Extreme and Maybe I'm a Lion.
X updater, it's not obvious. Hows about you provide some more info as to why you think it is?
and I thought Ultimecia was an alright boss fight. I just didn't like how Selphie could just end everything with "The End." I won't lie, it was INCREDIBLY clutch for me, since Selphie was my last character in, but it seemed a little cheapened. I was happy that I landed it, but at the same time, I was like, "c'mon, really?" It'd be like using a phoenix down on an undead final boss. Yes it works, but it's not the same sense of accomplishment.
Kefka gives an awesome speech, doesn't have a strange German accent, and even getting to fight him almost feels like a privilege, since you have to battle your way up his tower, full of mini-bosses.
Sephiroth was also a good fight, but I feel like with the arsenal you're given, you'd damn well better beat him. Omnislash, KOTR, etc. You can theoretically dish out 149985 damage with Omnislash alone, and with KOTR, you can theoretically deal 129987. I know you can have bosses with millions of HP to counter this, but cmon.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Why should I when gamespot rating and fan votes chose Sephy as the no.1 bad guy on the FF universe. Not just gamespot but IGN as well
In this thread you chose the best final boss based on your own gaming experience, just because IGN and Gamespot have chosen Sephiroth doesn't necessarily mean that he's the best final boss, you may notice that many people don't share the same opinion as IGN and Gamespot.
Sephiroth was pretty lame for a final boss, at least in my opinion. He was quite easy to beat even without KOTR, I enjoyed more fighting against Ruby and Emerald Weapon.
On the other hand, Ultimecia was an interesting boss and the fight was far more challenging that the one against Sephiroth, primarily because she decides which characters you're gonna use in fight, so there are big chance that you're gonna battle without the best combination (team).
Last edited by Xanatos; 11-09-2009 at 01:21 AM.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
In a Weird Sorta way, I like Vayne Carudus Solidor(FFXII) as a Final Boss...Cause he was hard to kill the first couple times I tried to kill him...And Because of this, It made me want to get Stronger in order to win against him and all his Forms. So, I went from like lvl 30+(Penelo), 40+(Fran & Balthier), 50+(Basch & Ashelia), and 60+(Vaan) to having 50+(Balthier, Fran, and Penelo), 70+(Basch), 80+(Ashelia), 90+(Vaan)
It took me a while to do, but I did it anyway, cause I am that Commited to beating the Final Boss...LOL![]()
Bingo. It's about why he's YOUR favorite final boss, not who you think is the best bad guy. BOSS doesn't equal bad guy. If you've read other people's posts, you can see that some people like different bosses not for the actual enemy, but rather for the style or the parameters set for battle.
So lets try this again.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I liked the final Boss fight against both Sin and Yu Yevon. I liked the boss fight against Yu Yevon because you really couldn't die (which is good for me, hehe...). If one of your characters fell in battle then they would be revived. I did think it was sort of annoying that he/it kept healing itself after one of my characters damaged him.
OMG. The boss battle against Sin/Jecht was great! I really just loved the song that was playing. I know some people think it's cheesy, but I really enjoyed it. I liked how in the beginning you could have Tidus talk to Sin and it would affect his stats. I think that put a lot of emotion into this particular battle.
I also have sort of a story about my first time facing off against Sin. Okay, when I first went up against Sin, my party's stats were not that great. Auron was my best fighter. Anyway, it didn't take long for Sin to wipe out my two other characters in play (I think it was Tidus and Wakka), so that left Auron to face Sin by himself! He fared pretty well considering he was alone, but it still wasn't great. After a while of fighting Sin, Auron learned the Loner Overdrive Mode, but he was defeated by Sin a little bit after that. I didn't know about that mode. I thought it was kind of cool that there was one like that.
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