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Thread: Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu

  1. #1
    Paladin Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu

    Just wondering if anyone else went to the concert they held in chicago last August, or if anyone has been to one period. I was blown away by how amazing it was. The best part was seeing Uematsu perform One Winged Children Advent Children live with the Chicago mages....twice. Yeah, there was an encore.

    If you've never been to one...make a note to do it. It's an amazing experience.
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  2. #2
    Registered User Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu
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    Re: Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu

    I haven't been to a concert, but I have the Distant Worlds album on my iPod. I know that's not really a good substitute for the real thing, but I like hearing some of my favorite songs from FF orchestrated. :3 I think my favorites would be the orchestrated version of the Opening~Bombing Mission from FF VII and Memoro de la Stono~Distant Worlds from FF XI.

    If I could see them live, I probably would go just to say I went to a concert like that. Seems like something every fan should do, just for the sake of doing it.
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  3. #3
    Paladin Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Re: Distant Worlds: The music of Nobuo Uematsu

    Yeah, the CD is great. I actually bought it there. They also announced at the show that they are going to be coming out with a second CD as well. (The show was in December, the next one in Chicago is in August. That's why I said August previously.)

    Memoro de la Stono~Distant Worlds was amazing. No wonder it's their title track. What was great about this concet was that Susan Calloway was there to perform it live as well as the other vocal tracks like Eyes on Me, Melodies of Life, Suteki de ne, and Kiss me Goodbye. Sadly, not Aria di Mezzo Carattere.

    I went to a video games live concert before and honestly....that was nothing compared to this experience. Plus I had never been to Chicago before, so that was awesome too.
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