Does Dr Cid count? That guys ace And also mental, which is always a good thing
I like FFVII Cid as well. He's got a gob on him :]
ok the character of cid is located in every final fantasy game except the original (FF1), what cid is your favourite and why?
this is it the final boss now there is no turning back....
Does Dr Cid count? That guys ace And also mental, which is always a good thing
I like FFVII Cid as well. He's got a gob on him :]
My favorite Cid is TG Cid, from FFT, gotta love the Thunder God
yep dr cid counts even though his full name is cidolfus, but everyone calls him cid, also the movie 'sid' counts as well although i don't know why you would want to like him the movie was awful
this is it the final boss now there is no turning back....
My favorites would be Al-Cid Margrace (FF XII) and Cid Highwind (FF VII), though I'm not entirely sure Al-Cid counts. But I'm counting him.I loved Cid Highwind for his attitude, and his story was an interesting one.
I wish Al-Cid had a bigger role, or at least more appearances, but when he does show up, he just exudes awesomeness.His accent was pretty smexy too. Teehee!
Click at your own risk.:
Mines were II's, IV's, VII's, and X's
Haven't seen any decent cids besides those... well VI's cid is alright but he looks silly in his yellow looking jumpsuit.
Currently Playing:
I like the cid from VII the most, but i also think the cid from VI is kinda funny.
FFVII Cid is best defiantly
favorite is highwind hands down. with honorable mention to t.g. cid (tactics) and dr. cid (XII)
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
Cid from XII. He was such a cool villain and madman. I liked the way he talked too. I always find very interesting when a villain is related to a main character. It really puts emotional stress on the characters and makes them more believable.
Fantasies completed:
I've noticed that many consider Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, Dr Cid for those that don't know his full name, to be insane, he's not, though he does appear that way due to Venat and his obsession with nethicite, he along with Al-Cid, also from Final Fantasy XII, though I'm not sure if he counts as Cid as well, are my favorite Cid characters through Final Fantasy franchise.
I'm also fond of the first Cid, the one from Final Fantasy II, as well the Cid from Final Fantasy X.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Cid from X was my favourite, i found him unusually attractive... i think it's because he's an Al Bhed...
I like Cid Highwind, probably because the first Final Fantasy i played was FF7
more inportaintly: why the hell is there a charictar named cid in every ff game? hmmm? are they all related or something!? think about that!
haha, nah they're not related at all, its just a recurring theme that is commonly found in the FF series.
FF1: Cid was the Dwarf that made the Excalibur
FF2: umm forgot what Cid was in this one lol, think he was a NPC that helped out Firion and crew?
FF3: NPC, gave the onion kids his airship!
FF4: The badass character joins the group with his monkey wrench and all.
FF5: Another airship builder, this time with his nephew, Mid.
FF6: Celes's uncle, saves her life about halfway through the game.
FF7: Joins the party, has awesome limit breaks, smokes, potty mouth.
FF8: Cid the headmaster played by Robin Williams.
FF9: I think he was a king or a mayor or something crazy, been awhile.
FF10: Leader of the Al Bheds!
FF12: Balthier's Faja.
FF13: Cid Raines, important NPC to the story.
theres also a bunch of common names/themes within the series as well, like the main summon names (Ramuh/Ifrit/Shiva), the chocobos, etc.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Definitely Cid Highwind from FF7.
UWAAAOOOAAAOOO!! I'm Gau. I'm your friend. Let's travel together!
Cid Highwind all the way because he had the sickest final limit, and he was the biggest smack talking, encouraging, temporary leader with the deepest background story (in my opinion) in the FFVII!.