So on Friday, I went to a dude’s house for his birthday, with a bunch of other dudes, presumably to eat, drink, and play video games. At some point, tho, a majority of people had their phones out with Brave Exvious open, and they began discussing their teams and stuff. Someone was talked in to installing it, and then I did, too, because I didn’t want to be left out, lol...

Apparently they gave me a bunch of stuff too, because at one point I only had like 200 Gil, and then all of the sudden I had exponentially much more Gil. I also noticed I had a bunch of those cactuar statues to “enhance” units with. I’m still kinda feeling around and learning how to play, tho. A friend has a really beefed up tank character as his guest character you can take on missions with you, so I’ve taken advantage of that a few times, lol. At some point, I also noticed that I should probably equip my characters and level up my esper. Also, I can’t figure out how to use the forge again since the one time the game just put me in that screen. I run up against everything in the forge room, I look in the menu in that room, nothin’.

la la la, I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s kinda fun, tho. I like the pixel art. Squeenix still does that well.