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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Brave Exvious Apparently

    So on Friday, I went to a dude’s house for his birthday, with a bunch of other dudes, presumably to eat, drink, and play video games. At some point, tho, a majority of people had their phones out with Brave Exvious open, and they began discussing their teams and stuff. Someone was talked in to installing it, and then I did, too, because I didn’t want to be left out, lol...

    Apparently they gave me a bunch of stuff too, because at one point I only had like 200 Gil, and then all of the sudden I had exponentially much more Gil. I also noticed I had a bunch of those cactuar statues to “enhance” units with. I’m still kinda feeling around and learning how to play, tho. A friend has a really beefed up tank character as his guest character you can take on missions with you, so I’ve taken advantage of that a few times, lol. At some point, I also noticed that I should probably equip my characters and level up my esper. Also, I can’t figure out how to use the forge again since the one time the game just put me in that screen. I run up against everything in the forge room, I look in the menu in that room, nothin’.

    la la la, I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s kinda fun, tho. I like the pixel art. Squeenix still does that well.

  2. #2
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I've been playing this for a while now, so I know a bit more than I did before. here are my thoughts at this point in time:

    It feels like a really long game, but in order to progress the story, you have to spend "energy." Most stages cost between 6 and 12 energy, and energy does not replenish very quickly. So you can do maybe like 10 missions a day, without buying more energy. You can use lapis to buy energy, but you only get a finite amount of that, as well, from the missions you complete. There are other things you can do in the game, like fight in the Arena or go on "raids," but those do not progress the story (though they can make you stronger).

    After a few weeks of playing every day, you should end up with a decent team, and most missions you go on, you'll end up just destroying the enemies. Like, no effort involved. The game will give you incentives to do certain things and gain more lapis, so that will make you think about what you're doing. However, most missions are like 3 or 4 battles, so they last like a couple minutes, maybe. So that's like 20 minutes a day of story mode gameplay, eh? Although you'll also end up going to towns (which costs no energy) and watching events, so that adds a bit more time. Most of the time, though, you're sitting in the main menus, enhancing your characters or espers or whatever.

    I like the characters and story alright, I suppose--there is some compelling storytelling, at some points--and the pixel art is great, as is the soundtrack. However, the battles are really starting to get repetitive and boring. Obtaining really good units is based a lot on luck--I have a friend who has a great tank, and not much else to brag about. In fact, he's pulled the same tank like 6 or 7 times, apparently. I think he also has a Sephiroth, but I think Sephiroth is only a 6 star, and the super amazeballs units are 7 stars. I have a 7 star Lightning, she's almost level-capped, but her attack power is super weak, still. I need to be able to put abilities on her that up her attack power by a lot, but I can't figure out where to go to get the supplies necessary to make that stuff. On the raids, there are different levels of challenge. I can clear the "ADV" levels without effort, and sometimes the "PRO" and "ELT," but the next level up from that, I can NOT, and there is no middle ground on that (except that sometimes, you can summon a friend's super strong unit and complete the raid that way).

    I have a bunch of units from old FFs that I like: Locke, Terra, Shadow, Sabin, Edgar, Leo, Kefka, Lena, Farris, Bartz, Galuf, ExDeath, Dark Knight Cecil, Cecil, Kain, Golbez, Freya, Steiner, Vivi, Zidane, Kuja, etc., etc. (Also some DQ "characters," like a slime and a drakini). Only issue is that none of them are good enough to replace one of the five characters I'm using now (Warrior of Light, Tidus, Lightning, Rosalina, and Dark Fina--a FFBE original). So it's kinda just like, "lookit all these cool characters, in pretty pixel-art form, that I'm never gonna use..." I could, but then I would be at a disadvantage. Also, I was kinda incredulous to find out that Shadow is only a 4 star. I'm pretty sure every other character I mentioned is at least a 5 star--including the slime and drakini. 5 stars are totally obsolete, except for use at a the beginning of the game.

    The biggest draw of the game, I've found, is to get enough lapis to summon units, and hope you get a 7 star. Starting now, you are WAY far behind people who have been playing since the beginning, however. Not that you ever fight anyone else head to head. In the Arena, you get a list of other people's arena teams, and you choose one to fight. The computer is controlling their team, so it's not like you're taking on the strategies of a living person. Sometimes you get lucky, and there are people around the same level as you--or lower--to fight. A lot of the time, though, the list will be made up of people like 50 or 100 levels ahead of you, and if you try to fight them, you'll probably get your ass kicked.

    You could also be playing for the story, but like I explained, there are things built in that artificially slow you down in getting through it. I find that very annoying, but as my friends told me, "it's a mobile game." It's also free to play. So yeah.

    I dunno. I'm kinda getting tired of it, now, lol...

  3. #3
    Mobile phone gaming..... you should be ashamed yo self

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    So, spoiler post. Can't sleep, apparently gonna think about this instead, so might as well post about it. It's about the "Sworn Six," or the "Veritas," the main villains of "Season 1" of this game.
    Their deal is that they're going to destroy the entire world, so they can get back to the world that they came from, and get revenge on the people who stranded them in this world. Furthermore, they show no sympathy to the people of the world they're trying to destroy. In fact, a few them voice outright disgust at the world's inhabitants, and joy in causing them pain. In spite of this, eventually, your characters develop an "honorable opponent" attitude towards them, and on a few occasions, instead of finishing one off, they let him/her go.

    Granted, at the points in the story where they let a Veritas go, they either don't know how to kill him/her, or he/she is about to die anyway--but they don't know that he/she is about to die. In fact, one member of your party--Nichol--is filled with a desire to end these Veritas's lives, out of vengeance, but your other party members stop him, because "what good would it do?" Nichol cannot come up with a better answer beyond the fact that he just wants to...

    ...but I can come up with a better answer than that: They want to fucking destroy the world. They're not going to stop trying to destroy the world. You have no other way of stopping them, that you know of, then outright killing them. So fucking kill them.

    The Veritas of Water, the one Nichol particularly wants to kill, apparently cast a spell a long time ago to brainwash herself. She was gentle, and suffered mentally from the damage she did. So she created a ruthless, evil alter ego that would be willing to commit the atrocities she apparently needed to commit. When the player meets her, she is the evil alter ego. Beyond causing mayhem in the town you're currently in, she also kills Nichol's younger brother. After this, she comes out of her hypnosis, and is the gentle, pacifist personality again. Also, she is a distant ancestor to Nichol. The Veritas are 700 years old. Logic follows that, some time after being trapped in this world, she fell out of her hypnosis, became a priestess, helped found the kingdom Nichol is part of--the one she's wreaking havoc on when you meet her--had children... and then put herself back under hypnosis again, for some reason. She offers Nichol penance for her crimes, and once Nichol realizes she is a distant relative, he doesn't want to kill her anymore. Eventually, she and another Veritas help the party against a penultimate boss.

    Except the only reason she is alive to do this is because another Veritas convinces the party that she isn't actually evil. Everyone but Nichol takes him for his word. He's still helping the other Veritas in their goal to destroy the world so they can get home, but he's "honorable," and they "don't sense hate in him when they fight him," or something. So they took the word of a genocidal man that a genocidal woman was not actually genocidal, because "actually, he's nice, though."

    If the Veritas of Water is so gentle and passive, why did she cast the hypnosis on herself again? Why did she agree to work with the other Veritas? There are other characters who came over with the Veritas, who had the same backstory and powers as the Veritas, but decided not to help them, and outright oppose them. This "kind, gentle pacifist" was not one of those opposed to their plans, however. In fact, she helped them. She must have cast the hypnosis on herself again. It would be beyond a stretch to assume that her evil alter ego helped found the kingdom she helped found, and start a lineage of water priestesses, whose job it was to keep the waters peaceful. So she's gentle and pacifist... but also willing to help the other Sworn Six destroy an entire world, so that they can get back to their own world and get their vengeance on the people there who betrayed them. Once she falls out of her hypnosis again, she has the bad feels for making Nichol so angry, and wants to make it up to him... Apparently it didn't occur to her that she might get bad feels from destroying an entire world. Maybe she thought she wouldn't have to think about it again, once they were in their own world. Who knows.

    I've been in the "Second Season" of this game for a few weeks now, I think. The party is now on the Veritas' home planet. Somehow. It's never explained how you got there, without destroying the world from Season One. All of the Veritas--besides the two who had always been on your side--had died by the end of Season One (most likely, though there's a couple you don't see explicitly die). They're now all alive again, on your party's side, and friendly with them. Not even in a begrudging Vegeta or Piccolo kind of way. They're just friends, now, because they were such honorable, worthy opponents, or something. They're also all going by their real names, now, and the plot is doing its best to humanize them. It's working, for the most part.

    Now, The Veritas of Water--Folka--and the Veritas of Light--Citra--are fighting over the attentions of Nichol. They both want to be with him. It's somewhat amusing, except for when one considers that Folka is probably a distant relative of Nichol's.

    Still, I am reminded that, if I had had it my way, these characters would probably still be dead, and would have died a lot sooner. When the main party spared them, there was no reason to believe that they wouldn't take advantage of that, stab them in the back, and continue with their plans of destroying the world.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Brave Exvious Apparently Xanatos's Avatar
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    Used to play it when it came out, a gorgeous looking game for sure, fun and addictive at first with a lot of potential but it shows it money grabbing nature rather fast. At one point it was just a chore to play, dropped it, they managed to bring me back few times with free "presents" but only momentarily, did not play it in over a year or two.

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  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    At one point it was just a chore to play
    I'm at that point, heh. My interest in it comes back in spurts. I still log in every day to get the daily log in stuff, for now, though I think I might've missed a day, heh. I actually hit the end of the available story a few times, too (helps when you have friends with the best character as their party leader, heh). I lost interest in it, though, because it goes on and on... It's like, "if I keep on doing this stuff, I can make my main party slightly stronger in increments far apart from each other!" And yeah, that shit is expensive, if you want to actually get what you want. Probably have to sink hundreds of dollars into it.

    (I didn't see your post until now, sorries.)

  8. #8
    The 37th Red Spade Brave Exvious Apparently Coff9's Avatar
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    But... but... what about Record Keeper? You know, the Final Fantasy mobile game that's actually a Final Fantasy game; Ariana Grande and Katy Perry were never in any Final Fantasy that I ever played, and yet, there they are in FFBE. Record Keeper, on the other hand, sticks to the script (like Nicole Kidman) and only has actual FF characters in it.

    Plus, it's not a Brave Frontier ripoff.

    I could go on and on about it, but just trust me, it's decent. It's still a phone game with microtransactions and stamina and all that, but it sticks to the original games quite well.
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  9. #9
    The game is good but not perfect. Simply because the gameplay is ultra repetitive, the scenario is not great, the characters are not particularly endearing, remains the exploration side which is very nice. But turn-based fights, several hours a day and for several months, it's just boring. It changed me from Puzzle and Dragons a while, but I dropped out "pretty fast"

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    Last edited by avensis; 02-26-2020 at 07:49 AM.

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