View Poll Results: Which of these games had the best package cover art?

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  • FFI - Battle Hammer and mages staff crossed

    1 4.76%
  • FFIV - A stylistically drawn image of several main characters looking over the world atop an airship

    0 0%
  • FFV - sprite Bartz overlooking a vally from a cliff, while standing beside his chocobo

    1 4.76%
  • FFVI - Stylistically drawn Terra riding Magitek armor with sword drawn

    2 9.52%
  • FFVII - With Squall drawing a sword to attack the Shinra headquarters that stands ominously over him

    5 23.81%
  • FFVIII - With Squall, Rinoa, & Seifer staring out on the cover with Edea in the background

    3 14.29%
  • FFIX - The primary cast of 4 standing amongst eachother with a castle in the background

    1 4.76%
  • FFX - With Tidus standing on the beach of Besaid, sword drawn, and Dream Zanarkand in the background

    8 38.10%
  • FFXI - With various images of creatable characters in battle mode

    0 0%
  • FFXII - Collage of all the main characters with a battle of spaceships & castles behind them

    4 19.05%
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Thread: Best Package Cover Art

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  1. #1
    Registered User Best Package Cover Art Locke4God's Avatar
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    Best Package Cover Art

    Which of these games had the best package cover art?

  2. #2
    uh...b4 any flammers get wind of this u may want to correct yourself because FF VII didnt ave squall....tee hee......

  3. #3
    True Master of Darkness Best Package Cover Art Noctis Lucis Caelum's Avatar
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    i think FFXII box art is better than the rest to me it looks awesome.

  4. #4
    Final Fantasy VII, or Final Fantasy X(US) has the best presentation IMO. VIII and IX were kind of bland. They had the logo, and characters. Both Final Fantasy VII and X gave you a character(main), and then a background of a place. It makes me want to jump in and explore it. FFVI(JP) was amazing too, with the Amano art being the cover.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Final Fantasy VII, or Final Fantasy X(US) has the best presentation IMO. VIII and IX were kind of bland. They had the logo, and characters. Both Final Fantasy VII and X gave you a character(main), and then a background of a place. It makes me want to jump in and explore it. FFVI(JP) was amazing too, with the Amano art being the cover.
    Yeah, that's pretty much all the ones I like. My favorite one is FFX with Tidus on Besaid Beach, but I also saw the International version's cover and I really liked that one too. Yuna and Tidus at the Macalania Spring.

    Last edited by GypsyElder; 12-31-2009 at 01:29 PM.

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  6. #6
    Registered User Best Package Cover Art Yesha's Avatar
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    For me, it wouLd be.. FFX! Tidus' Looks so very cute! LoL! But other than that.. he Looks so very interesting! And the background behind him Looks awesome too.. :-) ProbabLy the best for me! :-)

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  7. #7
    Crash Boom Bang Best Package Cover Art Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    I like the plain white ones we get over here with just some image or other behind the Final Fantasy logo. I think my favourite would be between VII and VIII. Oh I quite like X aswel actually. XII is good too...hmmm, bugger.

    Id probably go with VII. I wondered for ages what the point of that image of the meteor was all about. It's nice and simple and just a little bit snazzy

    I dont liek the US ones at all, but I guess thats just coz I'm used to what I have in my collection. I was most displease when FFIII & Revenant wings arrived on my door step with pictures. oh and FFIV having a black background ]:<

  8. #8
    Registered User Best Package Cover Art Locke4God's Avatar
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    Sorry about putting Squall's name on 7. That sucks. Obviously it's Cloud.

    And I have to say VII is my favorite box cover. It's just more powerful. Very simple. The Hero challenging the enemy portrayed as Shinra headquarters. It's a statement that fits the game but doesn't give anything away, and of course you have Meteor slicing through the title. Really it's an outstanding teaser image. I mean sure the collage of the entire cast that you see in games like XII and IX are cool, but VII's says more about the game itself and in general is better conceptually.

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor Best Package Cover Art Josh_R's Avatar
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    Probably VII or X. As Che already pointed out it shows you the main character right away, and also shows you a area as seen in the game. For me VIII, and IX was kinda boring, and didn't really seem all that appealing to me. The games were good, but if something is on a self at a store you want something that will pop out at you, and for me VIII, and IX didn't do it.

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  10. #10
    Registered User Best Package Cover Art Locke4God's Avatar
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    Agreed Kisuke - You know it's kind of odd how similiar the covers are for VII & X. Esspecially considered the hype about the spiritual link between the two.

  11. #11
    Registered User Best Package Cover Art
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    I think there's something nice about all of them, but for my personal favorite, I'm going with Final Fantasy XII's cover art. From a design aspect, it has the most visual appeal to me. My eyes move around the entire image, and isn't just stuck on one particular part. I liked how all the main playable characters where represented, and not just a few of them. It was a nice touch to have the airships more subdued in the background, because if they had been in focus then the cover would have looked too busy, and therefore not very appealing to me.

    A close second would be Final Fantasy X. It has a calming look about it. It must be all the blue involved.
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  12. #12
    Bananarama Best Package Cover Art Pete's Avatar
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    I'm a huge fan of the XII collectors edition box art. Easily some of the best FF presentation I've seen. Fallout 3 trumps it though.

    The next favorite would be the XII European cover.

    Both are pretty freakin sweet, and much better than the character collage forming a crystal.

    The Japanese box art for FFVI (SNES, not Anthology) is also beautiful. When it was ported as FFIII for SNES, it was kind of bland and actually really, really unappealing.

    VII's is alright. It's simple enough, and equally ominous, but really gives a false impression of the game. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume it's about a dude with a massive sword fighting a building or a MASSIVE version of Tom Servo from MST3K. On one hand it is that, but it's really so much more. Plus, the art could have been a little classier than a CGI cutaway of Cloud.
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