Which of these games had the best package cover art?
FFI - Battle Hammer and mages staff crossed
FFIV - A stylistically drawn image of several main characters looking over the world atop an airship
FFV - sprite Bartz overlooking a vally from a cliff, while standing beside his chocobo
FFVI - Stylistically drawn Terra riding Magitek armor with sword drawn
FFVII - With Squall drawing a sword to attack the Shinra headquarters that stands ominously over him
FFVIII - With Squall, Rinoa, & Seifer staring out on the cover with Edea in the background
FFIX - The primary cast of 4 standing amongst eachother with a castle in the background
FFX - With Tidus standing on the beach of Besaid, sword drawn, and Dream Zanarkand in the background
FFXI - With various images of creatable characters in battle mode
FFXII - Collage of all the main characters with a battle of spaceships & castles behind them
Which of these games had the best package cover art?