View Poll Results: which is the best final fantasy game?

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    12 1.69%
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    3 0.42%
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    11 1.55%
  • 4

    34 4.80%
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    11 1.55%
  • 6

    69 9.73%
  • 7

    205 28.91%
  • 8

    101 14.25%
  • 9

    91 12.83%
  • 10/10-2

    119 16.78%
  • 11

    6 0.85%
  • 12

    33 4.65%
  • Tactics/Tactics Advanced

    14 1.97%
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Thread: Best final fantasy game

  1. #541
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Best final fantasy game Leon's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    I've played or seen most, if not all, of the Final Fantasy games. Other titles look like they have modern technology, but I think the point of a fantasy world should be to be in a world far away from our own.

    I'm going with IX, since I'm a big fan of medieval stuff. Plus, it's got a great storyline, great characters, good background stories, and a good battle system. My biggest -- and only -- complaint from that game has always been Trance. But it does play a major part at some point in the storyline, so it's not that bad.

    All of the games were good, so I put a tie between VIII and X in second place and VII in third.
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  2. #542

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    I'd have to say IX followed closley behind by VI.

    Why?: Well, i liked all the characters. The music was great and I could actualy play through it without wanting to destroy my PS1. X is third in my list, because music was great, story was good, chracters were overall good. I disliked the voiceovers strongly though.

  3. #543

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    That was hard. I mean all of them have something to offer. FF V gave us the basic class sistem for the Final Fantasy univers. FF VII put Final Fantasy on the map. FF IV gave us the first summonings and most (Like Ifrit and Buhemut.) came back time and time agen.

    With that said in the end I had to pick the Game that started it all. Final Fantasy. For with out that there would be no Final Fantasy 1-14 at all.

  4. #544
    Best final fantasy game rJ floW's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game


    I dont know what everyone is thinking, but FF1....c'mon now......

    Let us see, FF1 innovated Multiple Equipment Enabling, Variable Magic, and a Class System (which is still the most debated, Thief vs Bl Belt vs Fighter....

    Not to mention it was the first game to start the greatest RPG series of all time....if not the greatest series (only madden could compare)

    The fact this is even discussed is disgusting!! How dare you all, if Psiko or Dawzey were still around it would be overrrrrrrrrrr
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  5. #545

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Final Fantasy 6 (3 US)
    I wish they would redo it. exactly how the original is but done for xbox/ps3 just better graphics.

    FF1 not much on story. and no good expanding on your chars. But when i was young and it was new it was the best
    It was my first rpg
    Last edited by Mercy; 02-05-2011 at 11:37 AM.

  6. #546
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best final fantasy game Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    If I could vote again I would, as my opinion as far as the best Final Fantasy game goes has greatly changed. Judging by my older, silly at best post my vote has gone to Final Fantasy IX, it's still my favorite, though it's far from the best game in franchise.

    That title goes to Final Fantasy XII who in my opinion evolved the series in almost every aspect. Non random battles, and huge open spaces are two steps forward, complete freedom over both exploring and characters is what franchise was longing for the most. Without intro, and ending scenes, in addition of complete control over your characters, battles were faster and more dynamic. Challenging, and great looking opponents made battles even more epic.

    As a group the main cast of Final Fantasy XII was great, individually they weren't fleshed out enough, not necessarily a bad thing as Final Fantasy XII treats every character equally. On the other hand Final Fantasy XII features a huge library of interesting NPC-s, who also improve the story in several ways, and make Ivalice more believable and live place. A more realistic, and believable villain was an excellent choice, who's motives were quite different from previous villains in franchise. Square went on less cliched story on this one, with emphasis on problems of entire nation rather than a group of people. Political theme, believable characters, and history of Ivalice which was featured in several games made the story even more interesting.

    Music of Final Fantasy XII is superb as in any other title, proof that Hitoshi Sakimoto is more than a perfect replacement for Nobuo Uematsu. Final Fantasy XII features huge amount of extra content, enough to keep players occupied more than in majority of previous games.

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  7. #547
    Boxer of the Galaxy Best final fantasy game Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    I must say that FFXII was a near perfect game. As mentioned, the fast paced battle system, world map, uniquely sized/detailed enemies, numerous optional quests with valuable rewards and varying weather and environments made the game highly enjoyable, as previous titles did not have these kinds of things.

    The only thing that let the game down in my opinion was the lack of character depth and story. while these sound like major things, they really only affect the replayablility.

    the title to best FF game has to go either final fantasy VII or VIII.

    i cannot decide between them.

  8. #548
    Registered User Best final fantasy game
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Out of the main series i've only played (7,8,9,10 and 13, although playing through 4 at the moment) so I won't vote in the poll. Out of the ones i've played i'd have to go with 7, I know its over 10 years since released but I still consider it one of the best games i've ever played and must have dedicated well over 100 hours to it, the scope of things to do is massive and there is always something you discover you never knew about.

  9. #549

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    7, no brainer for me.

  10. #550

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    i cant really decide i think X is a pretty good one but i hate the battling system so i and i also like XII alot as well so i cant really choose

  11. #551
    Oh Boy! Best final fantasy game Lavos's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    IX is below VIII? Blasphemy!

    No, but Final Fantasy IX is extremely good. VII and VIII in my opinion are so popular because it yelled "Hey! Look what Japan has! Want it too?" and we all fell in love with it. IX was more of a "Like that? Look at what all the other games are like!" This voice was overshadowed by the PS2's launch, however, and the announcement of X and XI introducing new stuff.

    Great characters, stories, sidequests, locations, and even a unique personality and name for almost any NPC. Logged over 300 hours on it, trying anything I can and beating it at least 8 times.


  12. #552

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    FF VIII is my number 1
    FF IX is my second
    FF XII is the third

    i only recently started playing the earlyer games and have yet to gather an oppion

  13. #553
    Dalmascan princess Best final fantasy game lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    for me its gotta be XII, i love it, and it has me in it

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  14. #554

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Hmm. It's a tough call. I've seen so many good ones. I think that FFIV was pretty good. Why? Because the story is the sort of good story you'll expect from the FF series, there where good characters, traditional elements iconic of FF, good music, the classical battle system, and especially now with the remakes for the psp and ds, a player can appreciate the great work Square does with it animation and that is so also a typical aspect of the FF series.

    It's not my favorite FF, but from the ones I've played, I think it's the best due to all the elements in it that are typical of what I think a good FF title is about.

  15. #555

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    FF7!! because i only play FF4 and FF7
    FF4 would be the best for me after i play crisis core

  16. #556

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Personally I vote for 10 but 7 is not far behind!!!

  17. #557
    Registered User Best final fantasy game Oneesan's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    ffX is number 1 for me, I logged an ungodly amount of hours on this one (between 900 & 1200 hours, I have way too much free time). I also loved crisis core and 8. 7 was great but I`m still waiting for a remake since i'm a sucker for great graphics!

  18. #558

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Final Fantasy IV is my favourite.

  19. #559
    Registered User Best final fantasy game
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    My favorite is ff8, but for the best, i would have to say ff6.


    ff6 has the only dang boss that actually accomplishes taking over the world and changes it dramatically.

  20. #560
    Passing fair judgement Best final fantasy game Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    I voted VII because it was the first FF I ever played, and I think Cloud was cool. How come FFXIII isn't up there, I liked that one?
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  21. #561

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    I voted with VI because it got some many gaming essentials right. Great gameplay, excellent soundtrack, excellent storyline with so many twists and turns, there are 14 playable characters, and most of them are developed pretty well, and it had one of the most epic boss fights in a video game. I'm playing VII at the moment and that is another great game, so I'd say it's an extremely close second.

  22. #562
    Registered User Best final fantasy game Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Final Fantasy XII, it had the graphics, the battle system, the characters ...

  23. #563

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Going along with the popular choice for once, i would have to say FFVII - for starters, it was my first Final Fantasy game and is one of my inspirations for writing.

    I absolutely loved the story, and all the optional extras as well (Chocobo Breeding was the best thing in the world at my tender young age) xD
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  24. #564

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    My favorite Final Fantasy game is Final Fantasy VII. This was the first Final Fantasy game that I played. I fell in love with both the music and the story of the game.

  25. #565

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    i think its missing a game up there though... wat about xiii?

  26. #566
    TFF's Resident Messenger Best final fantasy game Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    When this thread was started, I don't think that Final Fantasy XIII was around yet. You can still say that XIII is your favorite game though. It helps keep the thread fresh, even though it's sticky.
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  27. #567
    Registered User Best final fantasy game Horhay's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    VIII in my opinion. Lot of history with it, and love the game in general. Love the world Square created, and the music Uematsu composed for it.

  28. #568

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Final fantasy 77777777777777 .

  29. #569
    Queen Best final fantasy game Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Best final fantasy game

    VII is the best. I only found out afterwards that it was so popular. I watched my brother play it as a 7 year old and Id run like crazy to the lounge whenever Id hear him turn on the ps1. I was glued to it and I wasn't even sure why. I've played FFVII 38 times ever since. It is the best game ever made still to this day. Yeah there are hardcore FFVII fans out there but how can you not be with such a masterpiece. What was supposed to be just a game delivered so much more. I've said it a gazillion times before and I'll never get tired of it. FFVII= BEST.GAME.EVER.

  30. #570
    Arron'the Egg'

    Re: Best final fantasy game

    Final Fantasy X & X-2 are my favs but i love ff7 for the memories and having a tear in my eyes for the first and only time due to a game

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