View Poll Results: which is the best final fantasy game?

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  • 1

    12 1.69%
  • 2

    3 0.42%
  • 3

    11 1.55%
  • 4

    34 4.80%
  • 5

    11 1.55%
  • 6

    69 9.73%
  • 7

    205 28.91%
  • 8

    101 14.25%
  • 9

    91 12.83%
  • 10/10-2

    119 16.78%
  • 11

    6 0.85%
  • 12

    33 4.65%
  • Tactics/Tactics Advanced

    14 1.97%
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Thread: Best final fantasy game

  1. #151
    It was so expected that Final Fantasy VII were to gain the most votes...-sigh-

    I voted Final Fantasy IX, it was the game that brought back the medieval theme of Final Fantasy, and it was original.
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  2. #152
    ffVII has a really cool stroy line and great characters. runner up in my opinion has to be ffx cause good graphics and good story line

  3. #153
    Yes I also noted that Final Fantasy Tactics was not included in this poll, but even if it had been my selection would not have changed. FFVII is the greatest FF of all times. It has one of the greatest story lines, the most likeable characters, and the most replay value of any in the series. My next choice would have to be FFT followed by FFX in that order. But VII is still the one and only best!
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  4. #154
    ff7 kicks butt

  5. #155
    FF8 all the way cue it was cool
    it was the coolest game i played

  6. #156
    Best final fantasy game Testbug's Avatar
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    To be honest I haven't play all the FF's but those that I have play I choose FF VI. It was my first FF and it also introduced how the FF serie worked. To me it was perfect. Much characters, classes even they aren't told and long story with turnings.

    I'm also 'old skooler' even I haven't play first FF's. Well, thinking more I haven't born when first FF came. I don't also like new 3D FF's because they are boring and their story story suck. They are also pretty easy and not so challenging like FF VI. Of course it was my first one...
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  7. #157
    Best final fantasy game Kratos's Avatar
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    I would have to say X is the best one.

  8. #158
    you know FFVII is the best....

    yay cloud! >.< ........ ^.^
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  9. #159

    what is the best final fantasy game ever?

    hello evry body , i would like to no your opinion on what is the best final fantasy game ever

  10. #160
    Lord Have Mercy Best final fantasy game Bunny's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VII~!

    No. Not really.

    Final Fantasy VI for me. This is all a matter of opinion, and I cannot for the life of me say anything other than Final Fantasy VI.

    First, it got me into the RPG genre. Second, the storyline is near-flawless, and I say this because the game gives me as much enjoyment now as it did when I first played it, which was release year. The game also has my favorite, or one of my favorite, villians of all time behind it. Kefka is grand, I tell you. That's my third reason. The characters were given enough backstory for me to enjoy but not too much so I would get angry and tell the game to shut up. Also, it provides somewhat of a challenge. Not on a grand scale, but it is still there. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I glared at my television screen in anger as I marched across the Veldt or tried to find the perfect party to defeat Kefka on the snowplains of Narshe. And yeah, sure, why not throw customization in there as a little hello. But not as much as the others. So yeah. I liked Final Fantasy VI. I liked it a lot.

    Final Fantasy VII sucked.

  11. #161
    Best final fantasy game Darkness's Avatar
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    Final fantasy VII and I/II dawn of souls.

  12. #162
    OK I haven't played all the FFs. I've only played FFI, II, VII, X, X-2 and TA. So far I liked VIII and X, too much, but I think FFVIII is the best. The characters are cool, and the battles are great. The Junction System might be a little complicated but it's alright. Also there are many GFs, and You really have to try hard to get some of them. FFVIII rocks!

  13. #163
    I've played 1,2,4,7,10,X-2, and TA and FFX is my favorite. I loved the story, characters, battle system and all the other things. The sphere grid was one of the coolest and innovative parts about the game.
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  14. #164
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Best final fantasy game postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny
    Final Fantasy VII sucked.
    a pleasent reminder of why i stopped posting on these forums.

    please, what exactly 'sucks' about FFVII. the timeless characters? the heartwrentching plot twists? the epic beyond epic end? the incredible music? the groundbreaking graphics (anyone who talks shit about FFVII graphics is probably a 12 year old with an XBOX360 - if you were there in '97, there is no way you were not blown away)

    no, i'm not a FFVII fan boy - in fact FFI is my favorite final fantasy. i completely respect that FFVI is your favorite and i can see why.

    but please, for christ's sake don't stand there and say FFVII sucks. Superman 64 sucks, Shrek 2 the game sucks, State of Emergency sucks - but FFVII??? give me a freakin break.
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  15. #165
    Lord Have Mercy Best final fantasy game Bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny
    Final Fantasy VI for me. This is all a matter of opinion, and I cannot for the life of me say anything other than Final Fantasy VI.
    I believe the above quoted bold statement covers it. I just didn't like Final Fantasy VII. It was overhyped and near-unenjoyable. The characters were not all that memorable. They were not special. I have seen, read, heard about, and discussed plenty of characters that were exactly how Cloud is. He is tortured, I get that. He is confused, that is nice. But he is not special. Deal with it. He, and everyone else, was not timeless. Barrett is Mr. T in video game form. Aeris was an annoying prat. Tifa was nothing more than a big titted fan serivce. Cid was the badass, Yuffie was the typical "I am more than 'just another girl'!", and Cait Sith was fun. Timeless? No, not really. Oh, and Sephiroth was not special either. He wanted to destroy the world because he was mistreated, which villian didn't? Yeah, I know that there was more to his story but as I will point out later in this post(this is an edit, because I know someone will say something about ol' Sephy), I have not played the game in a few years.

    The storyline was not special either. Yes, I understood it. Yes, I thought about it. And yes, I did not like it. I could start pointing out the exact places in the game that I did not like, but I won't. Mostly because I can't, seeing as I have not played the game for a few years and cannot remember most of it. I do not dwell on things I do not like, unless they absolutely stand out.

    The materia system was not that great either. It was nice, yeah maybe, but I just did not like the flow it brought.

    Oh, and those plot twists. I gotta mention those plot twists. It could be because I am overly intuative. Moreso than the average individual gamer. But I was not surprised about anything in the game. Not a single thing made me go "Whoa! I didn't expect that to happen!" Aeris dying? Yeah, saw it coming from a mile away.

    And I was not blown away by the graphics. I admit that they were good at the time, but so what? I do not see graphics as a thing that makes or breaks a game. They do not factor into my dislike of this particular game. They were not atrocious, but they did not stand out like whoa. And yeah, I played the game within a year of it being released. I do not compare it to graphics nowadays.

    If you want to respect my opinion that Final Fantasy VI is my favorite game, and the best Final Fantasy game in my opinion, then you need to respect my opinion that Final Fantasy VII is a horrible game, that it sucked, and that I just plain did not like it. Hype-aside, it was stupid.

    This is completely off-topic, as was the majority of your post. This is a place to discuss your favorite Final Fantasy game and why. If you want to get into a little battle over Final Fantasy VII's position on the video game food chain, PM me.

    I said it once, I said it twice, and I will continue saying it until the day I die. Final Fantasy VII sucked. Respect the opinion. I do not care one way or another how you feel about how I feel about a certain game. My world, your world, and the rest of the world, will continue turning even with my utter disgust for the game. This will not effect the overall merit of the game, and I will not turn anyone against the game. This is a one-man hate campaign and I am content with that. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and only a few people want in. Or.. some strange analogy involving anal sex and other things.(Humor!)

    Thanks, have a nice day.

    P.S. Final Fantasy IV was another great game in my opinion, and would tie for my favorite game, if I did not get so absolutely bored with it after awhile.
    Last edited by Bunny; 07-06-2006 at 12:47 PM.

  16. #166
    Banned Best final fantasy game grendel's Avatar
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    My favorite is ff8 because of the story.

  17. #167
    Vagabond Thief Best final fantasy game Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    FFVIII is the best FF game ever. Great storyline,awesome graphics and great characters!!
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  18. #168
    Best final fantasy game Mr. Sandman's Avatar
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    Why would you care?
    ARGHHH!!!! [Damn that is ******* hard decision] I cant decide between, FF7, 8, or 10. They were the best but I must say, I like the story plot on 10, then 7, and finally 8. 8 was good, but was not as good as 7 but then again, 10 tested your strategy, skills, and most of all how to use your BAD@$$ moves to tear down the enemy [being sarcastic bout the strategy and skills thing]!!! I must say, FF10 was the most enjoyable.

  19. #169
    Umm, yeeeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and...disagree with you there.{felt a little Lumbergh coming on }

    I think FFXI is probably the best. My Favorite is VIII, but the best...the best is surely XI.
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  20. #170
    Best final fantasy game Mr. Sandman's Avatar
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    Why would you care?
    hmmm.... i have to disagee with you there as well, most favorite is FF10 [great action, story, and abilities] FF7, ultimately good [awesome story line, plot, moves, and a wide variety of summons] FF8, bad@$$ moves!!! [very good moves, limit breaks, story, and graphics but FF7 is clearly the best but 10 will always be better.

  21. #171
    Best final fantasy game Asch's Avatar
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    final fantasy tactics of course. So much strategy and if one your characters die, well they gone forever so you needed to put more thought in your actions and think out the best possible moves.

  22. #172
    Well I might be biased but I say Final Fantasy VIII which was also my first Final Fantasy game. When I first played FFVIII the graphics and FMV's blew me away. In 1999 I never knew a game console could produce something of that calibur. Personally I liked the Junction system because of how you could customize the characters. The storyline is well done but it can get dry at times. This might change though because I have my sights on the War in Ivalice. XD aka FFXII

  23. #173

    then vii comes with x

  24. #174
    Best final fantasy game luminaire's Avatar
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    FF VII ~ best game. But FF VII & X is the best final fanatasy game ever best.
    When The Final Fantasy VIII MOVIE is made????

  25. #175
    Also,just to know,FFVII is FFX's future.

  26. #176
    Registered User Best final fantasy game brudahood's Avatar
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    final fantasy x all the way

  27. #177
    Banned Best final fantasy game grendel's Avatar
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    tactics was prettygood because yes you did have to use strategy, but 8 was good because of the characters,7 was good because of the story and X was because of the graphics (and because they finally had voices!!!).

  28. #178
    Registered User Best final fantasy game brudahood's Avatar
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    i agree with bunny 7's kinda overrated but just my opinion.

  29. #179
    Best final fantasy game Takishi's Avatar
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    My favorite was FF7. That game was the best Final fantasy game I have ever played. ^.'.^

  30. #180
    Morbid Angel Best final fantasy game Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    I choose FFVII baby. Just such a good game. It didn't have all that great of graphics, but who cares. The storyline, and gameplay was wonderful.

    But my secound favorite would have to be FFIX. It also had a good storyline, and gameplay. Good graphics aswell. Then my third would have to be FFVIII. It had good gameplay, good graphics, and the storyline was awsome.
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