It has to be Final Fantasy X/X-2, very long game, lots of secrets/stuff and a true Final Fantasy Game. Also emotional. (I'm talking about FFX.)
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It has to be Final Fantasy X/X-2, very long game, lots of secrets/stuff and a true Final Fantasy Game. Also emotional. (I'm talking about FFX.)
I chose FFVII And FFXII...I cannot really pic which one, cause I like 'em both Equally. I also liked FFX & FFX-2 But I prefer the first two I mentioned. Thats just my Opinion.
Personally I think anyone that thinks 10 or 10-2 is the best are people how's played non or few of the other final fantasy..
I think 3 4 5 and 7 are the best of all of them.
Legends 1 and 2 and adventures for the game boy are tottally awesome as well.
But I can only pick one and I think it would be 5 because it has the most epic story line
And amazing characters.. They seem to just click and care about each other and just fit perfectly into everything. Hahaha
I lovee final fantasy it just seems to tie the universe together haha : D
I would have to say FF7 or FF8 due to the deep interesting storyline.
i think 7 or 8 i just voted 8 i think
This poll goes basically with what I would have felt. 6-10 are clearly better than their predecessors, and 12 will be among them soon.
I'm suprised 9 isn't behind 6 though. You really need to go back and play 6. It was significantly better in my opinion. A great game.
And I think both 7 & 8 really deserve to be above 10. I just replayed 10, and you can finish that game in 60 hours. It's short. Blitzball was good, but the side games in 7 & 8 I think are better. 10 does have better characters than 8, but I really think the Junction system was the best battle/upgrade system in the series. It made it very personal. It's close,,, my order goes 7, 8, 10, 6, 9, 4, 5, 2, 1. And I haven't played 11 or 3, and never will unfortunately.
I have played more final fantasy from this time,and now i can tell you there's my prefer one is the final fantasy 9.
I think Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is the best game. I'm not entirely sure why, but I prefer the tactical Final Fantasies over the other ones.
I've only played 10/ 10-2 so i can only say that these ones are my favourite.
Final Fantasy 7 is the greatest one ever made.
Final Fantasy IX
best Final fantasy ever
Well my favorite were FFVII and FFX and FFX-2. But I think my over all favorite would be FFX and X-2.
FF VII is the best and always will be and nothing will ever come close:woot:
So far, and by far, there is no doubt that I have to go with FFVII, and all of its Spinoffs. Those where just truely amazing. I love the Story, and I love the Characters. FFXIII Will probly come close to FFVII in popularity, Desirability, and Sold Copies. But, we cannot tell what will happen till it actually happens. This is just my Opinion, and you do not have to take my Word For it. Well, Happy Posting :)
This poll sucks.
I cannot believe you grouped FFX and FFX-2 together. They are separate games and most people (including me) love FFX while hating FFX-2.
I enjoyed Final Fantasy VIII the most because of the rich story line and the rivalry between Squall and Seifer seeing how their two paths go in similar directions
i loved ff2 on the original game boy
dissidia is the best
I have yet to buy dissidia is it a great FF game and worth buying
I had to vote for Final Fantasy IX here. I loved the story behind FFIX even though some claim it was shallow and drawn out. I also loved the memorable cast of characters in it.
VII, Had an all around great storyline, characters, And how can we forget Materia :D!
Nice picks but I like FF, FF2, FF4, FF6, FF7, FF10, FF10-2, And FF12
FFVIII by far. it was the very fist true RPG I ever played, and I have to say after playing a bunch of other final fantasies, VIII is still the best out them all. I loved the characters connection between everyone and how they all grew closer to one another. Plus the whole Laguna story really added depth to the story.Finally, the music is easily the best soundtrack of final fantasy, bar none.
come on you fools VII is the greatest ever...
Mah, come on, at least tell us WHY VII is the best - in YOUR opinion.
If you like, I've pointed out for myself why VI is the best FF game, I'd like to have a statement as long as mine if you really want to convince me.
Sorry to be that harsh, but I can't stand that anymore. Everyone saying that VII's the best FF but not saying WHY... -.-
Okay i feel VII is the best for multiple reason such as the storyline I fell that this is definately the best story line...Also the characters I dont think there is another game that is as in depth about there character background...Plus the battle system each game brings something new to the battle system like the magic on VIII or the summons on X or the free roam fighting on XII...These are a few of the reasons I fell this game is superior to all the rest...
The very first Final Fantasy Game i played was VII, so i kinda grew up with that game so my favorite is FFVII
Hello everyone
I voted for Final Fantasy 9, coz it was the first Final Fantasy game i played and it made me wanna play the other series of Final Fantasy..
Also the storyline and the in-game music r the best of all other series ^^
I would have to say FF8 is the best. I mean who dosen't like a more technological and more possible FF game. Not to mention the battle system was great, the junction system gave customization, and the bosses were wicked cool.
I would also have to say FFVIII as the storyline and characters just appealed to me more, I also liked the futuristic settings contrasted against the other games. That, or FFX whose graphic's in the movie scenes still outdo some of the newer games.