final fantasy 9 is the most awsomest
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final fantasy 9 is the most awsomest
I picked FF 10/10-2, because honestly I haven't played most of the games. But these were the first two I ever played so for now until I get one I like better then I will pick these. ^_^
I would vote for the dissidia but since it's not an option i voted for 7
FF7 has a big storyline and the best characters (the best is Zack and NOT Cloud [for me :) ])
i now know the average age of the people on this site. 10 before six.....
ARE YOU SERIOUS:eek::eek: i really think you guys just wow
i assume most of you have seven because for most Americans not only was this there first final fantasy but also there first rpg so i can understand that.
but 10 before six geez la weez i can not comprehend it. it just boggles my mind:shake:. i was just about to hit the old dusty trail(go to sleep) but this is just amazing/end of rant
It's hard for me to just choose one. I have 3 favorites, but I like them all for different reasons. They are VII, IX, and X. VII is one of my favorites because it was one of the first games I played, that I actually got interested in for it’s storyline. It’s the first one my brother got when he was in the 7th grade, and I used to watch him play and ask questions about it. That’s how I got interested in Final Fantasy in the first place. Then, for Christmas I got IX. I started with that, then from there I played X , X-2, XII and then moved backwards to VI, V so on. I had the most fun playing IX more than any FF so far, it was just a great game all around. I don’t have anything negative to say about it. There were lot's of fun mini games through out the storyline, and I was never bored, there was always something fun to do. FFX is probably one I liked because it was the first one to come out on PS2, and the only one that actually had talking characters at the time. When it came out for the first time, I hadn’t played it yet, I just watched other people play. Once I bought it for myself I really liked the scenery, and how the monsters looked, but it was a little to structured. I liked Tidus and the whole “Telling his story thing” I had lots of fun playing this game too.
EDIT: oh, and I'm addicted to Blitzball.
EDIT2: IV is officially one of my faves now.
9.forever and always. seven comes close, then 10, but 9 was my first
dude final fantasy 7 rocks the sequeal are amazing i mean sephiroth is jost freakin ausome hes like this if he gets angry:blowtop::blowtop: but who can forget clouds apperance in the game i mean it was the first seen but you have to admit it was cool
igo for three ff: 8 it was the first one iplyed
7 realy loved it and all the fallowing beneath it
(i remember when i got it i found a titel in the back of the cd that reads THE BEST GAME EVER)so since then i got attached to the game
its great since the story line in it is conicted to 7 in the story
I love final fantasy VII and X/X-2 :D
I had to vote for 7 cuz it my all time fave but the series as a whole is excpetionally good and gets better every time
Can't believe I've never voted/responded to this thread.
I voted FFVII because at the time it came out, it was the most ahead of it's time RPG. Nothing compared to it. That's what I like to see when a new RPG comes out. I want it to be nothing like anything I've ever played, and I want it to be ahead of everything at the same time, and it was.
FFX might be a close second, but FFVII is still the best in my heart.
Final Fantasy VII is the best out of the whole series. Probably 'cause it's the one i start with. I also really think
FF9 is good
i love ff6 i think it's the best ^_^
Final Fantasy VIII, although Versus XIII will probably top it once I can get my hands on it.
I voted Final Fantasy IV. It is a simple game, and I mean that in the absolutely best way possible. The story is straightforward and engaging, characters are likable and interactions are very poignant when the story calls for it. More than many of the later games. The battles are fun, and grinding was never a problem. Many times I get in trouble being underleveled for areas since I just rush through the story. But FF4 managed to have a really engaging story but at the same time have an equally entertaining combat system. All of the characters were unique in battle and had their on purposes and abilities. It's a fantastic game and some of the best the series has to offer.
The others I'd put up for consideration are Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy VI. Frankly, the only thing that knocks VI lower than IV is the World of Ruin. It's an unfortunate example of the story being shoved aside to make way for gameplay freedom. Which wouldn't be so bad in and of itself honestly, but the first half of the game WAS story-heavy and really interesting, so it was a disappointment. I still think it's an excellent game, but not as good as it could've been.
Final Fantasy tactics, like IV and VI, I think has one of the best stories and character sets in the franchise, to say nothing of addicting gameplay for all 3 but especially here with the recruits and the way the job system is done. My big gripe, though, is how characters like Agrias and Mustadio stop developing once they stop being guests and start being regular party members. An example that is very clear to me that always bothered me was how if you took Meliadoul with you to fight Vormav, she doesn't have any dialogue with him. It doesn't have any big negative thing other than that to knock it down from "best", but FF4's combat is much more accessible and much easier to just sit down with for awhile and have fun with, which I like to do with RPGs I enjoy (I've done it a fair bit lately with Xenosaga III).
I think FF7 is a GOOD game, but FF4, FF6, and FFT are a league above it IMO.
Just a question, but is the game you're talking about the same as the Final Fantasy IV for the DS? Obviously there's going to be some graphics differences, but if the "remake" is a totally different game than the original, I'd probably have to find another way to play IV.
I heartily recommend playing the SNES or GBA version. Something is just lost with the graphics and sound changes to me. The the DS version is apparently good as a game, but if you really want a better feel for what FF4 was more like originally, play one of those, whichever is more accessible to you. GBA shows the ATB bars and cleans up/color fixes the SNES sprites, and changes spell names to what they're called currently, has a better translation all-around save for a few gem lines in our "FF2", but it's the same as the SNES ver. in most ways. Best ver. of it IMO. You still get the oldschool game, but with some fixes and updates.
I don't think I'd call it a totally different game, no. But I think FF4 is worth playing before it had the stuff the DS added to it.
FFIX all the way baby! Probably because it was the first RPG/FF i ever played.
my favorite is 6 then 7 then 9
looking at this poll tells me something that sguare-enix should pay attention fantasy fans like the classic turn based fight system and a world to explore...why are they making this franchise into something different. give the fans a new final fantasy expierience that mimmics what we all love and as proven by this poll it is more like what 6 and 7 do as opposed to 11 and 12 and what i see of 13 looks cool but the battle sysyem does not resemble those of the most popular titles!!!
Really? Why is Final Fantasy X the second most favourite FF game then? Of course, the player can still explore the world of Spira however the game is more linear - not neccessarily a bad thing - and the player can't explore every nook and cranny. The player can explore Ivalice and Vana'diel in their respective games as well.
The real classic turn based battle system is from FF-FFIII & FFX whom all had a classic turn-based system. FFIV-FFIX had an ATB system which is not classic turn-based but is still a turn based system.
The series is about being something different from each itertion. So, you want it to not be what it is and something else - that something being stagnant?
you mean something that is stale and tried.
Why 6 and 7? Shouldn't it be more like what 7 and 10 since they are have the most votes? Or perhaps 8 or 9 whom have more votes than 6. MMOs are a different creature as a lot of people don't like having to pay-to-play however FFXI has stayed strong or stable for 8 years, I believe so it has a niche; enough so that SE would green-light another MMO - FFXIV. One more point, though FFXI and FFXII may not have garnered a lot of votes does not mean that it is hated,despised, not liked, etc. People may still like or love FFXI or FFXII but there is another FF that is more loved.
The battle system of FFXIII is the first real update to the ATB system since its inception - the ATB system had become overused with very little to no changes to it from FFIV-FFIX.
I chose Final Fantasy IX. Only marginally better than VII.
Also for that argument at the start of the thread. If you have not played VII, you should not be allowed to cast a vote. It's the icon of the series (like Zelda's Ocarina of Time) and no self respecting fan would call himself a fan without playing it.
It says a lot about you as a Final Fantasy fan if you aren't even curious to play the game. You should be dying to see what the fuss is about.
I voted for Final Fantasy 7 because of the whole Cloud/Sephiroth situation. I bought the game for 72 dollars in November of '09 I believe. But i really havent started it yet. i"ve made it past the machine monster in the place where Cloud originally is located when the game starts. However, I bought Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children movie in summer of '08..I think. Anyway the movie was awesome and it is my absolute favorite movie of all time. Another reason i voted FF7 is because of the huge fan base. Also FF7 has a lon of spinoffs (Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Advent Children movie). Some people might not think it's the best game but in my opinion it is the most popular
However, Final Fantasy 8, 10, and 10-2 were also awesome even though i havent finished any of them yet.
I think the best Is FFX
The story is exciting and the various personalities of the heros make the game something hard to leave till you see the end ...coz comparing it to ffx-2 I don't actually feel like I want to play it anymore though I'm stck somewhere in the game...
Most people click on FF VII because it's the one that everybody knows, but in fact there are other FF's which are much better.
I also think that we need to look at more then just the storyline.
Also the gameplay, speed in-game, graphics and colors needs to be judged.
But hey! that's just my opinion ;)
Storyline - Epic. Its not as far-fetched as some of the others, there are actually motives and a decent story behind destroying the world
Gameplay - First in its series to be made 3D, new type of battle background, mini-games, lots of side-quests
Speed-in-game Changeable depending on how you like to play
Graphics Really like the simple design of characters and weird arms and no mouths. Wasn't a big fan of the polygon in FFVIII, preferrd the simple look
(Sorry ph47d3m0n stole your headings :D)
FFX all da way!!!
by far my favorite :D
mainly due to the story and characters , i thought the story was the best in the series, and most orginal/interesting(IMO), i liked all the characters, the ending was really sad though :( hehe
the battel system is my fav also , i liked the sphere grid. (and oh yeah the graphics and it being the first to have voice over ;) )
(FFIX is second i really liked that too but X will always be no.1 :P)
If I look at all the FF games I've played (which is VI and above, with exception of XI Online) I see things I like in every one of them, as well as things I like less.
If I look at the battle system, the turn based system is a part of FF, but imho it's getting old. And I always missed something that the even older Sega Genesis game Phantasy Star IV had: combining skills of multiple characters into even stronger skills.
I do like the newer battle systems more, with the chain attacks X-2 had. Also loved the option to switch party members during fights, that X had.
Exploration. I never was a big fan of random encounters to be fully honest. Yes I know, it's a part of FF as well. Still, I prefer a more tactical moving around, and seeing things coming, having the choice to confront them or not. So for this part, XII wins for me.
Free roaming. That's something I loved in VI-IX. A linear start, moving through the storyline getting to know the game. And later in the game, complete freedom to go where you want, explore every corner, leave no stone unturned.
Story. Well, this part is personal I guess, but the stories of VIII and X were the ones that I liked most.
Graphics. I don't mind simple graphics when the story is good, and I loved playing VI and VII for sure. Still, I liked the graphics of VIII and above more.
Sound. The music of all of them is great. I do love the voice-overs from X and above.
Characters. Can't help it, but I loved the characters of VIII most of all. Probably because I see a lot of myself in Squall's personality.
As you see, all of them scores at least on something. But when having to choose, my favorite remains VIII.