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Thread: Best Endgame

  1. #1

    Best Endgame

    Which Final Fantasy had the best end-game (after you beat the story) gameplay?

  2. #2
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Best Endgame Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    I put XII because of all the hunts and sidequests you can do after the story ends. I've spent at least 50 hours on those alone, I'd wager.

    X had a of really fun endgame too though, if you don't count blitzball. Monster Hunting, Celestial Weapons, Omega Ruins, etc.

    The other final fantasy's endgame just feels lackluster in comparison, and I can't make a call on 13 yet, since I'm still only in the Fifth Ark.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Best Endgame
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    Re: Best Endgame

    I think I recall reading somewhere that some of the missions in XIII don't open up for the player until you actually beat the game. I don't know this, because (like Moogable) I'm stuck in the Fifth Ark, and haven't actually beaten the game. But if that's true, then really FF XIII would have the best "endgame", because in all the other games, you could complete everything before you were finished with the plot.

    I didn't really care for FF X-2 that much, but it did have that nifty New Game+ feature that let you start another save file with all your stuff from your previous file, and X-2 did have a lot of sidequests that you could waste your time on.

    However, my vote went to XII, mainly because of the hunts. There was also a whole slew of other optional things/sidequests that you could do once you were done with the plot, but I think I spent the most of my game hours on hunts. I enjoyed them a lot.
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Endgame Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    Actually, the first nine games in the mains series have nothing to do after you beat the story, not including the remakes that is. Unfortunately those are the only ones I played so I was forced to vote for one of them, I've chosen Final Fantasy IX simple for having an option to play Black Jack at the end of the game.

    Out of the remakes Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls would be probably the best, Final Fantasy I in particular. Even after beating the game you still have optional bosses to deal with and some of them are way challenging than Chaos, Omega and Shinryu respectively. In Final Fantasy IV and VI the DS versions you get an extra dungeon for beating the game, though not nearly massive as in Final Fantasy IV the dungeon in Final Fantasy VI is more challenging.

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  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Best Endgame Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    I would say X just cause of BlitzBall. I put so many f*cking hours into blitzball. The omega ruins were also a plus. I grinded my spheregrid for so damn long in that place.

    FFI was pretty good also. You have the elemental caves to go through. Which have bosses that are extraordinarily hard. They are a challenge in themselves.

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  6. #6

    Re: Best Endgame

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Actually, the first nine games in the mains series have nothing to do after you beat the story, not including the remakes that is.
    Final Fantasy VII had the weapons you could fight.

  7. #7
    Registered User Best Endgame Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    X had the most to do along with XII but VII-IX had the most fun and liked them better.

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    Hmmmm. Never played the GBA versions of IV-VI so I haven't played the new stuff added to them. I-VI was lacking anything once you beat the game and wanted to play the last save. Tactics gave you the 100 level dungeon. VII had the weapons, chocobos, and other materia to look for. VIII was bad because once you left your world, you couldn't go back. IX had Ozma, Hades, Chocobo, Each shore in the game...Mognet and others. X has the longest, since leveling up, farming items, briding....takes some time. XII's was nice, not to long, not to short. I beat the game in 50 I am at around 110 hours with just Yiazmat and the Tournesol left to do.
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  9. #9
    Registered User Best Endgame Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    In VIII you could go back and do some of the stuff that was left, only what you wanted to do in towns and most locations were closed for going in.

  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Endgame Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Final Fantasy VII had the weapons you could fight.
    True, my bad. I think I took "after you beat the story" too literally, imagine I only counted the games where you could still continue to play even after you beat the story.

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  11. #11
    The Lone Dagger Best Endgame Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    My vote goes to XII, all the hunts and side quests were great fun. To this day I'm still working on Yiazmat lol, got him down to about half his HP

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  12. #12
    Nintendo-Daily Content Specialist Best Endgame classicgamer's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    I kind of like the special quests for each of your characters in Final Fantasy IV Advance.

  13. #13

    Re: Best Endgame

    Yeah, they all have side quests but I never focused on anything else at the end of the game other than winning.

    It's the only RPG I play and as mentioned the first bunch really doesn't focus on anything else but the boss at the end.
    Last edited by palette; 05-02-2010 at 10:24 AM.

  14. #14
    The Mad God Best Endgame Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Best Endgame

    NA's X I'd say was about on par with XIII, I stopped playing XII the very instant I finished, so I can't say how much fun the post game events were, but I've been told they're nearly as extensive and entertaining as X and XIII. BUT, when you count X International, that's when X destroys the competition. X also had very high replay value in comparison to some of the others. I've played through the whole thing at least a dozen times.
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