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Thread: FFT/FFTA Helpline

  1. #61
    Registered User FFT/FFTA Helpline HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Dang son, level grinding is a must then. Don't let your team mates get destroyed. (I personally restart almost everytime I loose a soldier.)

    Keep in mind, unless you have a mediator, you'll not be able to get new soldiers for awhile, and I don't quite think you're pro enough for a solo Ramza challenge. xD (But don't feel bad, my solo archer challenge ended right before chapter one ended.)

    I don't recomend just getting recuits from the soldier office, they will all be pathetically weak. :/

  2. #62
    TFF's Resident Messenger FFT/FFTA Helpline Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Okay, I have a question...again.

    I don't consider this actual "help", but I don't think it is worth making a new thread about it either. Okay, here goes...

    I was looking at the manual and in the Jobs section for Bard it says, "Encourages and protects allies with his singing." And for Dancer it says, "Her enchanting dance has various effects on the enemy."

    My question is: Can guys only be bards, and girls only be dancers?

    I know I could just play the game to find out, but that may take forever to get that far.

    Also, a progress report. I restarted my game, and am doing a lot of grinding. It is too bad that Delita and Algus don't fight in the random battles. Everyone is around Level 3-5, with Delita and Algus at I think Level 2.
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  3. #63
    Registered User FFT/FFTA Helpline HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Yes. Only Manly Men are Bards and only womenly women are Dancers.

    I find that Bards are more usefull as a class, but dancers have different skills that raise their PA(Physical Attack) while the Bard equivalent to that skill raises MA(Magickal Attack).

    (Two Bards + Two Dancers + One Mime = AUG-some! )

  4. #64
    TFF's Resident Messenger FFT/FFTA Helpline Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    I did my first Proposition today. This raised a question I had. I know what you are thinking: Another question? Yes, another question.

    Is it possible for the party members you select to send off on Propositions to die while out on their journeys?

    I am getting acquainted with the battle system-slowly. I don't want to have my party members dying on me, especially when I might need them later.
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  5. #65
    Registered User FFT/FFTA Helpline HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    As a FFT veteran, I say, lolyz to you ser.

    Although it is realistically plauseable, your characters will not die on missions. (Don't ask me how you can fail "Slay Town Beast" and still survive. I just don't know. Hahaha!)

    Your characters with reeaaaallly high faith can randomly leave your team, or members with really low bravery. (Try to keep brave as high as possible and faith around 72 ish for mages and 50's for warriors. Lowering your faith is a good way to make your warriors tank against magicks.)

    (And this entertains me alot so keep on askin' dude. )

  6. #66
    TFF's Resident Messenger FFT/FFTA Helpline Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    It's me again. I know, I know. Anyway, I am in need of some help. Actual help. Okay...

    I just saved Agrias from the soldiers sent to kill her, and now I am at the battle where they are executing "Princess Ovelia". Now, I know already that it isn't really the Princess. I have been trying to win this battle for three days, with no luck. Here are my stats:

    Main Characters:
    Ramza: Level 18, currently Lancer (mastered Squire)
    Mustadio: Level 13, currently Engineer
    Agrias: Level 13, currently Holy Knight

    Yellow: Level 13
    Black: Level 13
    Red: Level 14

    Other Party Members:
    Level 17 Thief
    Level 16 Wizard
    Level 14 Summoner
    Level 17 Archer
    Level 13 Chemist
    Level 13 Priest
    Level 14 Oracle
    Level 16 Monk
    Level 13 Knight

    Most of my characters can change into everyone else's Jobs, but they have had very little experience as Jobs other than the one they are currently. Is there any preferred Job combinations that are best in this battle? Also, what abilities should the character's have in order to finish this battle? It will take a while for me to Level grind, as there is only one possible place to have random battles (Bariaus Plains). If there is any other information you need from me, just ask. I will give you all I can.

    PLEASE NOTE: the Levels given apply to their experience levels, not the Job levels.

    EDIT/UPDATE: I was able to finish the battle in question, but Mustadio (the engineer) crystallized. I saved it to a different file. I was wondering if he plays a role in the game after having saved his father other than fighting alongside Ramza.

    UPDATE...AGAIN: Please disregard this post. I have since the last update completed the battle in question with all party members in living status. Furthermore, I found that not having Mustadio in the battle was best. Since he had no lines of dialog, I didn't really need him, and instead put a stronger member of my party in.

    Also, I have successfully completed Chapter 2. I am glad Gafgarion is dead. But it seemed that when you kill one bad guy, another five come out of hiding. And what was with that thing that looked like Oogie Boogie from "The Nightmare Before Christmas"?
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 11-02-2011 at 10:20 AM.
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  7. #67
    Registered User FFT/FFTA Helpline HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Thank the Lord for that. Mustadio is ridiculously important for the extras leading up to getting cloud, beowulf, machine worker 8 and reis...sooo yeah...

    Anyway, I'd have recomended taking a well trained thief with you. Gafgarion should be using a weapon called "the Blood Sword". It's a totally awesome weapon for tanky characters. (But the attack power is low.)

    Agrias is a great choice, due to her holy sword attacks. (100% hit is awesome. :3 Got to respect the noobyness of the original game. xD)

    Congratz on making it though! (And yes, the 1st Zodiac monster is totally Oogie Boogie!)

  8. #68
    TFF's Resident Messenger FFT/FFTA Helpline Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    I managed to last a month without asking for help in this game; but like the rain (that seems to fall in buckets today), it was inevitable that I would need help again.

    I am at the battle where it is just Ramza against Wiegraf, after the battle outside of Riovanes Castle where Malak and Rafa teleported themselves out of the battle.

    First, I have a save file where Malak left first, and one where Rafa left first. Is the story any different depending on who left the battle first?

    Second, I would like some help on defeating Wiegraf. In the file where Malak left first, Ramza is Lv. 28, and is a Level 8 Lancer. In the file where Rafa left first, Ramza is Lv. 29, and is a Level 8 Lancer. How do I defeat Wiegraf? I have tried each file ten times, and I still get killed after 3 turns.

    Third, why did I have to set up a party of five if the battle is one-on-one?

  9. #69
    Registered User FFT/FFTA Helpline HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Don't worry person, I actually come back to this site just to post here and occasionally in my journal.

    I'm here to answer the call again with some good ole' tactics advice.

    First of all: I don't believe the battle is any different if Rafa or Malack leaves first. It changes some in-battle dialouge but not much else. (Example: Malack leaves first "F you Ramza" , Rafa leaves first "F you Malack" Big diff right? )

    Secondly, you had to set up a team because after you put Wiegraf into critical, he goes all Zodiac Brave Monster on yo' ass and you have to fight him and a few archaic demons. (You though Wiegraf was bad? Velius = Worse. )
    Ramza as a Lancer isn't a bad idea. They're pretty tanky but I'd like to know, what other skills are you using? There are a few skills that can completely change the fight around. (Example: I had basic skill as a secondary and had battle boots on so I had extra move, I kept running away from him using Yell constantly to boost my speed, eventually when I was able to start double and even tripple turning him, I started using accumulate to boost PA (Physical Attack) then I was able to run right up to him and two shot him. :3 )
    I'd recomend using someone that can move alot, using move + abilities (Found in thief, squire and bard classes) are also a great deal helpfull. Using basic skill to boost your stats can really turn the fight around if you're not strong enough to beat him the usual way. (That is, TANK LIKE A PRO!!!)

    Hope that helps.

  10. #70
    Consistently Average FFT/FFTA Helpline Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Just a quick question. In Tactics Advance, if a dispatch mission comes back a faliure, will it show up again later? I just had three of them fail in a row and they had pretty decent prizes, so it'd be a bummer if they never showed up again. Thanks for listening.
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  11. #71
    Boxer of the Galaxy FFT/FFTA Helpline Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    Just a quick question. In Tactics Advance, if a dispatch mission comes back a faliure, will it show up again later? I just had three of them fail in a row and they had pretty decent prizes, so it'd be a bummer if they never showed up again. Thanks for listening.
    Yes they come back. I cant tell you how many times I've failed dispatch missions on FFTA. The answer is that they come back eventually.

  12. #72
    Consistently Average FFT/FFTA Helpline Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: FFT/FFTA Helpline

    Sweet, thanks Rowan. It did seem a little unreasonable for them to never come back again, but it was worth asking anyway. Cheers.
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