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Thread: Great Expectations (1998)

  1. #1

    Great Expectations (1998)

    - 3/4 Stars

    Through the surprising interactions of three [main] vivid characters, GREAT EXPECTATIONS takes a unique and contemporary look at life's great coincidences. In a small Florida town on the Gulf Coast, eight-year-old Finn Bell lives with his sister Maggie and his "Uncle" Joe. They barely scrape by, but aspiring artist Finn enjoys his simple life, drawing pictures in the colorful Gulf waters. Finn's journey to adulthood begins suddenly with the shocking appearance of a dangerous convict who forces the boy to aid in his escape from prison. With this experience still freshly etched in his mind, Finn is summoned to the decaying mansion of Ms. Nora Dinsmoor, the richest woman in the gulf, who had lost her mind thirty years earlier when her fiancé left her standing at the altar. There, Finn meets Dinsmoor's niece Estella, who, even at age 11, displays an upper class iciness toward the young, impoverished boy who instantly and hopelessly falls in love with her. Finn's meetings with Estella and her crazed, wealthy aunt fuel new dreams: to paint for the rich, to enjoy their freedom ... and to love Estella. Eventually Finn receives a beneficiary that funds his trip to New York ad to live out his dream as an artist. What happens during this time is an amazing twist of events that can prove how random your life can become be it for the best or worst due to small occurances in your past.

    Cast & Info:
    Cast: Ethan Hawke, Gwyneth Paltrow, Robert De Niro,
    Director: Alfonso Cuarón
    Release Date: 1998
    Running Time: 111 minutes
    MPAA Rating: R

    First 10 Minutes:
    This is definately not one of the movies to watch if you're expecting much of anything within the first 10 minutes, because honestly it the first 30 minutes explains much about Finn's life as a child, his love for art, how he meets Mrs. Dinsmoor and Estella. After they reach their early twenties is when the film becomes interesting. I highly enjoy the movie in whole... beginning, middle, and end... but someone expecting action packed won't enjoy this film.

    The main thing you're enjoy about the beginning of this film is the detail. The ocean scenes, aquatic life, and Finn's life is protrayed wonderfully. You can almost smell the salt from the ocean.

    Weird, Crazy, Sexy, Absurd, Chaotic... Stuff (may contain small spoilers)

    // estella is host... cold-hearted, but hot.
    // estella lets finn *almost* finger her in the beginning
    // there's plenty of softcore nudity
    // there's a small tid bit of murder, crime, and the mob instances.
    // the dramatic acting of all actors/actesses is amazing

    Like I mentioned above.... someone expecting action-packed won't enjoy this film. It is a very slow, drawn, drama which get's scrutiny from the ****en's lovers quite often from being off mark from the book, and the characters being portrated incorrectly.... while anyone who read the book WILL agree with this, the movie itself is still very well made and delivers the message clearly. Overall it is the acting, love scenes, and atmospheres of this movie which will make it a favorite.
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    Last edited by hellbred; 03-02-2006 at 01:01 AM.
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